Roll up...Roll up the show is set to start One playing for your head One playing for your heart
It's time for an election To see who rules the roost Time for your selection Who gives the bigger boost
Matchmaker, Matchmaker make me a match Pick me a President Which one to catch Matchmaker, Matchmaker Show me a name It's doesn't much matter They are all the same
Roll up, Roll up They're all set to speak A ten minute talk That may take all week
Choose either party and their rainmaker head make promises of fairy dust You'll get once your dead
Matchmaker, Matchmaker Show me the one Who will unload the bullets But, still own the gun
Matchmaker, Matchmaker The time is now here To pick a new President Please ally my fears
Roll up, Roll up The choices are few I'm voting for one But, I do not know who
Roll Up, Roll Up The show's set to start with enameled fake smiles I can't tell them apart