This is the hanging thread A long string of Unspoken words The rope that at one end Holds down hearts And at another Coils around your Wrist
Perhaps you weren't awake During the moonlight hours Looming reflections of today Glass to my feet
This is the part Where I write all the emotions down And outwardly spew blame Towards the victim of my insecurities Whom I see as their Beginning
I Me My We?
I came home today with A basket of metaphorical flowers Chrysanthemums and Roses All the pretty colors of fake Yet you saw only the thorns Of our punctured reality
In bleeding hands is the trust Heart, soul and mind As well as Blood-borne illness
All items are Brittle, apt to break Yet I bloodied these fingertips You did not Toil
You only whisper to me anymore Still cannot conceal the scent Of displeasure Taste Of bile
Here are the musings I have failed to intone even softly Under my breath For you fail to listen While you are *Awake