Ignorance is such a beautiful thing, But oh how toxic it can be. You poisoned my mind with words of beauty, Songs of joy my heart did sing, But now that I know the truth, Your reputation has been tainted. How perfect a picture of deceit you painted. Your behavior is (for a lack of a better word) uncouth. Some warned that trusting you would be unwise, But an underlying dissonant chord grew. Maybe deep down I always knew, But you spout such symphonious lies. You devoured my helplessness in a bite so vicious, But I wanted to live in my reverie, I didn’t believe the tales of your devilry. To my morality I’ve become oblivious. My rationality has become a hindrance. How can I be wrong if I did not know? The only thing now (even as it seems impossible) is to let go, But never will I forget the beauty of my ignorance.