thank You for loving me thank You for never turning away when i did thank You for never giving up when i walked away from You and convinced myself that it’s alright, that i’m alright, even when i woke up with a heavy feeling in my chest and everyday was a struggle just trying to breathe without You
thank You for Your faithfulness thank You for Your grace thank You for Your presence surrounding me even when i did nothing but spit on Your face and curse Your Name behind closed doors where i thought nobody could see, but come Sunday and i put on my best dress and pretended to worship.
thank You for Your patience; You patiently searched for me in ***** alleyways where You didn’t belong where the enemy stripped me of my clothes and dressed me in shame chained my feet and told me lies after lies after lies and how i believed him.
i sold my soul to sin and i thought i was shackled for life but You came to me and bought me with the blood of Christ the price for my life was the death of Your Son, and You said, “so be it, I will send Him.”
i can never thank You enough.
i will never fathom the depth of Your love, how You sent Your Beloved to die for someone so undeserving, for a people like us.
thank You for Your love, thank You, thank You, thank You.
my life is a gift for You alone, Savior King.
oh i can see it now, i can see the love in Your eyes i can see it. i can see it.