I am not afraid to die. Maybe it is because The effort of existing is Expanding my lungs exponentially And when they explode, I will deflate But I have come to terms With the fact that What goes up, must come down.
You wrote to me, "Do you like being human?" And I said, "What else is there?"
I do not believe in God. God does not believe in me.
I want to carry my mortality Close to me To hear it collide with the loose change in my pocket To check to see if it is still there When the sun trades places with the moon And my father smells like coffee.
I like the feeling of Smoke igniting my throat Because then I can convince myself It is only the tobacco That is eating me from the inside out.
I do not want to be immortal, The thrill of being alive is that It is a privilege.
Why do you want to be God? You will know evil, My god, you will know evil. There is no cure, Not even you Not even you But that is okay because Nothing is good, if everything is good Nothing is good Nothing is good.
Let me feel your humanity, I want to feel You. Tell me, do you like being human? Tell me, what else is there?