Put down that blade. Put down that bottle or pills. Don't you dare tie that rope. Please stop. I know you think you don't matter. I know these days are getting hard. I know you feel like God gets pleasure out of messing up your life. I know you think no one will care, but you're wrong. You're smart. You're attractive. You're funny. You're weird but the best people are. You're body is perfect the way it is. You are not defined by your grades, your acne, your clothes, the scale, your imperfections. You are beautiful and valuable and amazing whether you think you are or not. If you are looking for a sign to stay, let this be it. Please stop. Stay here and breathe and love life because your body loves you, feel your heart, your body loves you enough to keep it pumping. So drink your favorite tea and go to sleep to your favorite movie in your favorite PJ's and wake up tomorrow and smile because you are still alive and you have so much to live for. You will make it. Stay here.