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Dec 2015 · 694
What Trees Might Wonder
PeatrJay Dec 2015
Those Humans are so crafty and loving and imaginative.
We saw them grow up, become inspired and celebrate it.

They started bringing more of themselves in, WHO WOULDN'T!?
...eager just to show all of this to others.

They spent days teaching one another how to better each others' lives.
They spent nights coming up with wonderfully inspiring ways of explaining their wonderment to new-comers.

Life got easier for them as they worked together
And the more people were around, the more people there were to work with.

LETS MAKE BABIES!! they said.
For centuries, for religion, for family, for humankind, for evolution, for survival,
for love.

WHO WOULDN'T?! Especially when it feels so good?

Civilizations built and crashed like the tides. They mimic nature in more ways than they know sometimes.

They seem busy and happy for it.

Many of us stand in their cities ready to befriend any of them looking around at the "busy" and wondering where it all started.

Happy to provide encouragement for those of them who grapple with the question if they're doing it right.

A silly question if you ask us... there is no right or wrong. Life builds and crashes like the tides.

HAHA! Many of them even feel the need to apologize on behalf of their species for the processes they set in motion with their wonder-full minds and their crafty hands.

It may be hard for them to grasp, given their perspective in time.

....But life always finds a way. No doubt about that. It is their choice if they want to stay.
Nov 2015 · 1.3k
Crazy Third Eye
PeatrJay Nov 2015
I have an imagination plugging into my vision
I see wind and amalgamate with it's intentions

Moves meant to carry seeds and make you feel the rain
Providing space for calm and storm both to be my name
Aug 2015 · 2.3k
The Beauty in Naivety
PeatrJay Aug 2015
It's incredibly trusting.
In a way, fearless.

Sometimes to the point of being impulsive.

The test to humanity as a whole is not to take advantage of such an attribute.

Folks may be naive but stepping on them for it is arrogant, ignorant and selfish.

Perhaps the lesson to be learned when naivety is a factor is acknowledging that more is to be gained for a society as a whole when its members spread the wealth and teach one another with compassion and patience when some know more than others.
being an *** to someone because "it'll toughen them up for when the next guy tries to ***** with them" is a self perpetuating farce. Developed by the egos of self important goons.
Jun 2015 · 308
Love - 8 words
PeatrJay Jun 2015
my posture is better since we last spoke.
Jun 2015 · 488
Here's a Thought
PeatrJay Jun 2015
What if Gandalf had no idea what he was about to do about the balrog... he's just so attuned to his intuition that he knew the universe was fixing to use his staff as an instrument to prevent it from passing.

Maybe being a wizard means knowing what you have to offer the world and keeping it with you at all times;


Ready at a moments notice should it ever be called upon.

To achieve wizard level, stay focused. Be brave.
Jul 2014 · 855
New World Order
PeatrJay Jul 2014
I can feel it in the air.

We are all getting much more powerful. Prayers are being answered with earnest and manifesting immediately.

It's now no longer enough for we poets to simply say things like we mean them.

We must say things that mean something.
Jul 2014 · 510
A Good Habit (14w)
PeatrJay Jul 2014
Next time you're learning something new,
learn it like you're learning to teach it.
because that's really our greatest responsibility; Passing skills and information on to next generations and allowing them to become an IMPROVEMENT to the species. If we do it right, our kids WILL be smarter than us. A teacher knows he has succeeded when his student surpasses him.
PeatrJay Jun 2014
In ancient cultures, it was perceived that having a small ***** was an endearing quality. You weren't as 'testosterony' and could think with your 'smart' head.

You didn't rely on raw physical 'manliness' to show your worth.

Michelango's David was definitely not hung.
just sayin.
Jun 2014 · 647
The Prevalence of Arrogance
PeatrJay Jun 2014
It's hard to resist the urge to exercise arrogance when your self esteem hangs in the balance.

By the end of this month, I will have made 733 dollars, meaning I will have to borrow another 400 to pay for this month's student loan payment and keep my credit card from going over the max again.

My room mates covered my share of the rent this month until I could pay them back yesterday because I only work 20 hours a week.

On paper I am a tax on the community I am a part of. Not a contributor.

As far as I can see, the only thing I have of value these days are my words; so please forgive me if I over sell my ability to use them. In comparison to the rest of the world, the significance of my piece is very little.

Relative to me, however, my piece is my world.

And I am not alone in this mentality.


I am a poet.

And I really need you to know it.
it should be noted that I do not wallow in the negative. I love myself and I see this life as a challenge... not a series of events designed to mess with me. These are all problems that can be solved and I have the very good fortune of having friends and family who love and support me. Work is about to pick up and it is a VERY gratifying job. This is just an observation of my own reactions to stimuli in my life that shape my reactions. (or urges to react) That is all.
Jun 2014 · 268
PeatrJay Jun 2014
He doesn't hate the world, he just likes to talk to it like he does

it makes him feel big.
Jun 2014 · 746
The Wasp
PeatrJay Jun 2014
I've always struggled with an uncomfortable feeling around wasps and other biting/ stinging insects.

I got stung on a beach once as a small child for no ******* reason.

But this afternoon, I was standing on my porch wondering about fears and how they make us less than who we are when we're fearless and do our thang like a boss.

I've always been a boss.

Just not when I'm afraid.

And I looked down at my hand, and saw a wasp sitting on it. I reacted slowly to it as I had just finished puffing a spliff.

The extra second to register what it was afforded me an extra second to notice I wasn't afraid.

I have no idea how long it had been there.

I wasn't afraid when I wasn't aware of it, and it did me no harm. I continued to watch it **** around and breathe on my hand, and it continued to do me no harm

That's when I realized that a fear based on past experience should be seen as a thing of the past.
The past created who I am today... that doesn't always have to affect me in the present moment.
PeatrJay Jun 2014
They say broken hearts write the best poetry but I beg to differ.

Hearts that know what they want write the best poetry.

It just so happens that a heart remembers what it truly wants when it's broken.

It wants to be swell again.
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
PeatrJay Jun 2014
Hanging from this tree branch with one arm.
At a height high enough that would hurt a fair bit if I let go.

I'm struck by the weight of my own body.

I'm so tangible... so breakable...

small and weak,
yet tall and strong. I can be anything.

If I weren't here, this tree still would be. Magnificent as nature itself. Yet it's glad I came by this afternoon, this I know.

I stare at the bark, and it seems to pry past my eyes and into my soul, saying "yes, this is real."

I am real.

And I'm so pleased to be so.
climbing trees high on mushrooms.
Jun 2014 · 485
nothing is owned
PeatrJay Jun 2014
I found myself sleeping on your side of the bed last night.

It made me wonder because the bed isn't yours. As far as worldly possessions go, I'm not even within my right to call it "mine".

it just is.

But you're still associated with an integral part of my life and it ***** cuddling with a sleeping bag.
May 2014 · 861
PeatrJay May 2014
these cupboards never wanted to be cupboards.

they were trees before we came around...

happy ones at that.

why am I okay with that?
they are nice cupboards tho.
May 2014 · 320
PeatrJay May 2014
The morning is gone
the afternoon is hurtling toward the present.

And all I feel the need to do is stare at the ceiling.

It's not sadness or boredom
Nor is it apathy or a lack of appreciation for the time allotted to me.

I'm just so pleased with the way the sun moves slowly across my dresser in the corner.

Is this enlightenment?
May 2014 · 312
He Talks to Himself
PeatrJay May 2014
'I need focus.' He said standing one footed on the chair with his third four finger scotch swishing lightly in his outstretched hand.

'Why is it I feel inspired when I'm inebriated?'

I paused. I knew there was more.
There's always  more.

'I mean, it's like when I'm without inhibitions,
it's easier to think I'm doing this right.'

'What you need is a lack of inhibitions.'

He put his other foot down and turned to face me watching him curiously from across the dining room.
He seemed shocked to see me. Like he thought he was alone in the room.
But relieved to see I was speaking to him again.

And content to listen for a time.

'It's not like it's a bad thing..
Getting silly faced is just an easy way to get your focus reined in by forcing those inhibitions to leave through chemical intervention.'

His shoulders slumped a little. 'But we both know what taking the easy way gets us.'

I nodded with encouragement. He figured it out.

He seemed relaxed to see I had affection for him again. He lifted his face to look into the mirror beside him and locked eyes with me.

He saw him. He saw he was I.

Better still, I saw myself. And I smiled at my own drunken reflection.
May 2014 · 301
My Number
PeatrJay May 2014
I met you and the feeling was immediate.

It won't be easy to forget you.

I've got a funny habit of falling in love with people like you within minutes of knowing them.

And you're looking at me like you wish I knew what was on your mind. But there's no way I could know for sure and I'm not like other guys who will go out on a limb and call you out like "so what's your number?"

If you've got something on your mind, that is up to you to say.

Otherwise I would appreciate it if you just treated me like you did the last guy to come around and interrupt our conversation JUST because you're beautiful.

I'm not going to ask you for your number.

Just treat me like one and stop making me want to ask you.

So I won't have to spend all night trying to forget about you.
Her name was Radavan and I'm moving out of town next week... all I wanted was a beer last night.
May 2014 · 511
FRobert Rost
PeatrJay May 2014
This galaxy I think I know
My body's in the village though
I will not see me stopping here
To watch my hair and flesh grow old

My little brain must think it queer
That I am there but also here
Between the stars and dust and rays
The darkest places are not to be feared

My body cries and starts to shake
It needs to know I won't forsake
The vessel in dimensions, three
With bones and blood and hands and face

This place is lovely, dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep
Freshly squeezed from Robert Frosts' juicy fruit he labored for: 'Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening'

— The End —