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servicemen ingested the wrath, leaching through unsuspecting bodies
in a time capsule it sat in idleness, waiting to affect their aged bodies

no safeguards were in place, the testing went on without accountability
the red dust of the outback irradiated, protective cladding not on bodies

years later cancers were reported, nuclear particles ratcheting up
damaging the organs and bones, in frail manner were their bodies

a mushroom cloud hung low, the aftermath of British testing
the servicemen but lab rats, no one had regard for these bodies

friendly fire came to Australia, back in the nineteen fifties
Maralinga a tragedy in the making, its dire fallout stayed in bodies
  Sep 2014 Paul Butters
Amitav Radiance
All the while I am awake
At night contemplating
As my soul lays supine
Confounded by darkness
Waiting for spark to ignite
Doused by the long winter
Taking shelter in a cave
To keep myself warm
Unable to find my way out
My guide has left me here
Trying to find my way
In the prolonged darkness
Waiting for dawn within
To find my way home
  Sep 2014 Paul Butters
Amitav Radiance
Forever the flame of love burns
Pure love transcends time
Embracing every seeker
Holding their hand to guide
To the abode filled with peace
An indestructible bond
That embraces every heart
Being grateful for what you have
Never a moment of darkness
Every day being grateful
For, love resides in the soul and heart
Dispels all the darkness around
Guiding even the vagrant travelers
To follow the path of love
  Sep 2014 Paul Butters
Jamie King
The heart grows warm as the fog is lifted. While the warm light rises above the sun, enlightening the blinded but gifted.

Amated by The smell of roses, swaying with the wind while it caresses the skin, enchanting the soul as you gently breath.
The mind calm as the breeze, teeming with serene thoughts and bliss. Elation being the kiss from nature at peace.

As the day retired the moon provided a sit and we gazed at the sunset while the roses went to sleep.
There are those special days when every moment is auspicious and life is adulated
Paul Butters Sep 2014
Nothing is not black
It has no colour.
The blackness of space is black
But nothing is nothing.
No light or dark,
No taste or smell
Or touch.

Nothing cannot know it is nothing
No more than we can know
When we are gone.

Our transient existence is a blessing
Here on Earth, beneath the Sun.
Sunshine shining, blindingly bright
Upon the foliage
Of Paradise bathed in light.

Paul Butters
  Sep 2014 Paul Butters
SG Holter
I suppose you had me at "heeeey!",
But I'm still bouncing down the
Staircase of my own heart,  
One step at the time.

Your language is that of images.
Graphics. Oil on canvas. Interior
Design. Always knowing where
Something sits or hangs the most

Pleasing to the eye. I lean back with
Ink and infatuation, under only
Just enough light to write without
Being seen too clearly by keen eyes.

Two superheroes fighting the good
Fight. Saving days. Superpowered.
Telling the world how beautiful it is;
Mothering lovers loving like this.

If I run out of words, draw me another.
When your colours dry out, I will write
You of sunsets and stories,
Images and words go as hand in

Hand as our souls have since all eyes
Turned to the door through which
You floated, back straight, head
High, dotting the i

Of your beauty with a smile like a
Slap in the face of my well rehearsed
Image of 'calm and collected.'
Breaking the ice into crystals  

With one
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