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  Jul 2014 Paul Butters
Time passes...
While sitting on the steps
Waiting for the water company
To come and turn off the water.
My old home.
The one I grew up in...
Mom and Dads place,
Then my sons place.
Now sold..
Everything removed
But the memories...
Hard to turn off the tears.
I look at the iron railing
My dad made,
With marks pounded in it .
A curled end, with little rings
Between every other rail.
At Christmas I would tip toe down
And peek through the rails
To see if Santa arrived yet.
Dad made a bar in the basement.
On the front of it still
Are My initials JK
He cut them out for me.
I can't remove them now,
Because he used wood glue
To fasten them to the bar.
There is a shelf to devide
The dining room and front room.
Growing up we had a large fish bowl
On two of the shelves.
Angel fish,
And guppies...
Now shelves are bare.
A lot of stories to be told,
Created in this old house.
Giving me a lot of great memories.
Leaving this house
Is like leaving my mom and dad
But I know they are
With me in my heart.
Thanks mom and dad
For giving me a great childhood.
Life changes,
As does the place to live...
Good bye
To my childhood home..
We are dancing on the Rings of Saturn
Riding high on a glistening Comet
Then I reach up to gather Stardust
And sprinkle it on your Astral golden hair

Hold your hand as we are crossing Moonbeams
On our way to bask in the heat of a White Sun
Dining at the restaurant in the Milky Way
Then we enjoy a kiss under the Asteroid Belt

Your finger points up at the Shooting Stars
Your eyes shine brighter than any Nova Light
And with the magic in all of Cosmic Space
I want to stay here with you, my love, in our little World
Copyright Chris Smith 2009
  Jul 2014 Paul Butters
C. S. Lewis
Against too many writers of science fiction

Why did you lure us on like this,
Light-year on light-year, through the abyss,
Building (as though we cared for size!)
Empires that cover galaxies
If at the journey's end we find
The same old stuff we left behind,
Well-worn Tellurian stories of
Crooks, spies, conspirators, or love,
Whose setting might as well have been
The Bronx, Montmartre, or Bedinal Green?

Why should I leave this green-floored cell,
Roofed with blue air, in which we dwell,
Unless, outside its guarded gates,
Long, long desired, the Unearthly waits
Strangeness that moves us more than fear,
Beauty that stabs with tingling spear,
Or Wonder, laying on one's heart
That finger-tip at which we start
As if some thought too swift and shy
For reason's grasp had just gone by?
in the ambiance
of nocturnal dreaming
the goddess of love did speak
her monologue
of divine tidings
rippled across the celestial realms

beautifully she delivered
her pronouncement so fair
which told of an endearment rare

in the heavens
an alignment
she foresaw
her vision
telling of a sublime reverie
joy lasting

the Venus goddess
knew instinctively
of the happiness
which floated
on the bright
golden sails
of love's

as she concluded
her eloquent address
the lovers
engaged in a kiss
of winsomeness
  Jul 2014 Paul Butters
Minx In Verse
Don't let this self-effacing exterior fool you
I am meglo-maniac in the making
Social media the perfect introvert's mask
Reinventing myself daily
Vanessa Ives, girl-about-town, quirky geek
An attention *****
******* in the digital wind
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