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  Jul 2014 Paul Butters
What's wrong with me?

I pour my heart
take my time
On the ignored
poems of mine

I take 5 minutes
just write some lines
They trend so quickly
these nonsense poems

I am not ungrateful at all by the way! I love that people read what I write, and I love the feedback I get.

I think I need some serious criticism as my favourite poems to write just don't read as well.
  Jul 2014 Paul Butters
Babu kandula
Hell seems
Heavenly place
Desert feels
Like snowy place
Ocean water
Tastes sweet
Poison becomes
When you
Believe in God
May be this looks
Like I am in exaggeration
But I strongly believe
That can be possible
But needs more faith
  Jul 2014 Paul Butters
Babu kandula
Counting all the
Stars in the sky
I missed you Moon
In my life
Now I know
What I did
Waiting for
Which has
Less importance
And losing
More valuable
In my life
Now I know
The real value
Please come to
I am waiting like
A baby bird
Which is seeking
For the nest
Come to me
And become my
Inspired from a quote
May be this is messy
If good I will
Be happy
  Jul 2014 Paul Butters
Babu kandula
"Anuugacchatu Pravaha"
It's a Sanskrit word
Looks like this "अनुगच्छतु प्रवाह"
Which means
"Go with the flow"
Sometimes we have to
Go with the flow
Nice lines I had ever read
Thought of sharing this
Hope you like it
I know this word from
Katy Perry
Which she Tattooed
It on her right hand
Because of her I could
Know this
I am thankful to her
She also visited Jaipur
In our country
"Anuugacchatu Pravaha"
It's a Sanskrit word
Really looks like this
"अनुगच्छतु प्रवाह"
Base language of all
Indian Languages
up in the high country the wild horses run free
they've done so for nigh on a century
not a saddle upon their backs
enabling them to canter unchecked around its tract

in the National park there is a harass of them
trotting through it's blue hued wends
their days are numbered in the park
park authorities want end to their spirited lark

up in the high country the wild horses run free
they've done so for nigh on a century
not a saddle upon their backs
enabling them to canter unchecked around its tract

to sight the wild horses in full galloping step
is exhilarating and it fills one's heart with miles of pep
their hooves thundering and pelting along
to the wind's strong liberating song

up in the high country the wild horses run free
they've done so for nigh on a century
not a saddle upon their backs
enabling them to canter unchecked around its tract

down the steep ravines and o'er the hills they stride
without the reins of a man holding their ranging pride
the wild horses have need of open lands to caper and race
they are a breed which must be allowed to freely pace

up in the high country the wild horses run free
they've done so for nigh on a century
not a saddle upon their backs
enabling them to canter unchecked around its tract
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