I'm actually wondering
Why poems are mostly sad
Contains our loneliness,
Reveals our pained and broken hearts
Unfolds our depression and anxieties
Tells the story of how you are left behind
Says the words and feelings unspoken
Shows are darkest thoughts and emotions
Maybe poems are mostly sad
Because happiness is easy to show
But our sadness is for our heart's ink and papers alone
Maybe poems are mostly sad
Because this is the only way how to make
A messy mind and soul into a beautiful work of art
While poems are mostly sad
At least it doesn't make us feel lonely
There's that comforting side that makes us go on with life
When you're reading other people's work and you're thinking
That you exactly feel the same
That, finally, someone put your thoughts into words
That someone also goes through what you're going through
That, at least, you are not alone
So maybe sad poems aren't always totally sad poems
Maybe sad poems got that tiny bit of happiness in it
*Maybe sad poems aren't just sad
Maybe sad poems are actually a silent type of a happy poem
For most of my poems are sad poems or love poems...
(January 9-June 21)