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Part Time Poet Dec 2015
I've fallen in love with a girl
That cannot love me back
She's everything I want
Yet a love for me she lacks

She's perfect in every way
There isn't a flaw about her
I just wish that things were different
That way I could have her

I don't want to seem selfish
Her life and feelings matter too
But I pray and I wish day after day
That she'll come to love me soon

I've fallen for a girl
Fallen oh so very deep
She tells me it will never work out
And for this reason I weep

I feel the tears come to my eyes
As I face this truth in my mind
My tears begin to dampen the page
Where I am writing these rhymes

I will never have her to myself
At some point I'll have to give her up
This isn't a truth I want to confess
That she won't be mine when we're grown up

I talk to her day after day
And each day I get pulled in more
I want to take her far away with me
For she is the only one I adore

I've fallen in love with a girl
That never leaves my mind
I think about her throughout the day
And dream about her at night

I want to give her the world
That is what she deserves
For she is a queen, a girl of royalty
For her only the best should be reserved

I could talk about her for hours
And not for a second get bored
When I think about her I can't help but be happy
Her effect on me is something I adore

I enjoy every moment
I get to spend in her presence
For she's an angel, a girl of beauty
She came down to Earth from the heavens

No matter what happens to the both of us
In our future lives
I will never forget her or stop thinking about her
My love for her will never die

I've fallen for this girl
And I want her to be mine
But I know that I can't have her
So I'll love her to the end of time
L.R.  I wish we could be together forever
Part Time Poet Dec 2015
I've always held myself to super high standards
And when I say high, I mean high
Higher than the skyline
Higher than the birds
Higher than the clouds

Where has that gotten me?
Well look at me now
I'm an athlete
I'm a singer
I'm a dancer
I'm a student
I'm a fighter


But really I'm just a guy
A guy who does what he's supposed to do
A guy who lifts other people's spirits
A guy who strives for what he desires
A guy who gets what he wants no matter the cost

But is this really a good thing?
Every day I'm stressed
I'm tired
I'm pushed to the limit
I'm dying on the inside
And it's all to make myself look good and others proud
What's happening to me?

I hear that when you don't get enough sleep each night your life expectancy drops significantly am I going to die soon?
50 years?
30 years?
10 years?
What if I die in my sleep tonight?
Will I be happy with all that I've done?
Will I be satisfied with how I've lived my life?

Why yes I will be!

I've taken every opportunity that has come my way and excelled.
I've met hundreds and hundreds of people and made a positive impact on their lives.
I've been handed so many obstacles and barriers and overcome each and every one of them.

Why do I live my life like this?
Because I hold myself to high expectations.
I push myself to the limit in order to live a better life...Live your life to the fullest every day.
Part Time Poet Dec 2015
Kiss me right now before I ******* lose my mind
Part Time Poet Dec 2015
Why do we do

All the things that we do?
Part Time Poet Dec 2015
Man against man
Until the battle is done
Bullets whizzing by
From the barrels of guns

We fight and we fight
All day and night
Soldiers wounded and dying
It's a tragic sight

Why do we take part
In this thing we call war?
The conflict is unnecessary
There's another way I'm sure

Presidents and dictators
Craving a greater reign
Conquering for sport
Their reasons for war are insane

Religious diversity causes people to battle with much aggressivity
How can two groups that believe killing is wrong join in such an unjust activity?

Racism is another cause of war
Yet we're all humans, just of different color
Is a difference in pigment really a good reason to fight and **** one another?

Why is there so much hatred on the Earth?
We fight and we ****, peace seems to be at a dearth

Killing is such a wrong thing to do
Taking another's life, I can't imagine it
Ending a person's story before it was meant to be through

What causes someone to act in such a way?
Is it something we've done,
Or the things that we say?

One thing is for sure,
These wars need to end.
Our world is troubled and dying,
And it is our job to create peace and make amends.
Part Time Poet Dec 2015
5 o'clock, I should start my homework
Haha that's a funny one
I'll just go on Facebook instead

6 o'clock, Time to eat dinner
This shouldn't take too long
I can start my work after

7 o'clock, Okay I'm done eating
I should really get my homework started
Goes on Twitter for an hour

8 o'clock, Oh **** it's 8:00 already?
I'm serious I'll start my homework now
Oh look someone texted me

9 o'clock, How the **** did an hour go by already?
That was like ten minutes max
Oh well, I wonder what's new on YouTube?

11 o'clock, Did I really just spend two hours watching videos on YouTube?
Wow I have a problem
I wonder what's happened on Facebook since I left?

12 o'clock, Oh **** it's a new day
I have school in eight hours and my homework isn't started
Well I'm not going to get any sleep so I might as well just stay up later

1 o'clock, Wow I'm so tired
Homework is stupid
Why do teachers give homework?
Whoever invented homework is dead to me

2 o'clock, Haha I'm still going
Tomorrow is about to be rough
But now that "tomorrow" is today
I have to last a full day on no sleep
Wait I still have to start my ******* homework

3 o'clock, Finally started my homework
Too tired to process anything
This homework is gonna take forever cause I'm exhausted out of my ******* mind

4 o'clock, School starts in four hours
What the **** am I doing?
Why did I have to procrastinate?
Why do I do this to myself?
I have a major problem

5 o'clock, Finished my homework
Have to wake up in an hour
Oh well, an hour is better than none
I'm never procrastinating again!
*Cycle repeats tomorrow
I go through this struggle night after night after night
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