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  Jun 2014 pluto
your hair, is the grass that interconnects the world-- I am he as you are he, and he is we, and we are all together. I wish I could plant myself in your head and grow like your blonde roots (as you have planted yourself in my heart, and claimed your property), like golden rod. like golden rod, like dandelion, like daffodil, like sunflower.
your mind, is the collective thought and poetic compilation of every beautiful phrase ever remembered, written, felt, or forgotten. you are the deep thinkers of our generation, of our past, of our tomorrow. your mind induces a dreamlike coma-- I'm begging to be free of-- tose.
I forgot how to breath around you.
and on the seventh day, god created the terrain that is your face; sloping, folding, curving, freckled plains. carved out of the most precious and delicate porcelain, curving in all the perfect places-- high peaked cheeks, roaming down your nose, my feet leave sun peppered kisses.
I travel down to your full, shapely lips. warm and lively, they taunt me; I want to taste your strawberry kiss.
your chin curves taut over your featherweight bones.
I can't control myself when I reach your neck-- salivating over your creamy skin-- it's ungodly and irresistible (oh god, I want her).
your shoulders, something that I've traced over and over again. I've memorized your every visible curve.
she dips in all the right places.
my breath catches in my throat when I come to your unexplored crevices. every single particle-- I want to feel her soaked in sweat, I want to touch your softest skin.
"lupdub lupdub lupdub." your heart is pounding through your chest. we become one.
grasping frantically at your tiny waist, pulling them, pulling you, into me. I'm begging you to close the space between us-- the distance is killing me, my heart is slowing, my mind is deteriorating without you; I think this is what death feels like.
molding me into you, I bruise your body and you batter my heart. teeth grazing over your love. let me trace your body with something other than my hands. I'm tired of pretending this doesn't hurt.
believe me when I tell you that the desire to hear the panting of your shallow breaths in my ear is unbearable.
I may not be flawless, but I promise to try harder than all the rest.
dragging my lower lip over your sweet skin I draw in a deep breath--
lacing my hands through your hair I whisper in your ear,
"I lo-"
--crashshatterbreak everything is being ripped away oh god where did the time go what did I do wrong how could you leave why don't you need me who is that what isshedoingwhyissheholdingyourhandwhyisshekissingyourneckohgodohgo­dohgodohgod--
-st you."
I didn't think things would end up where they are.
  Jun 2014 pluto
I could grow to love
The distance from you
I think I’m most comfortable
In the warmth of your hues

You took the hurt from my fingertips
You lit my heart ablaze

I sometimes care too much to speak
So awkward in defeat
But I’m learning to live again
You are the blossom of better days
10:04am, June 9th 2014

Time doesn't heal wounds. Love does.
You saved my life.
pluto May 2014
Your love is bittersweet

Choking flesh and binding souls

Wrenching spirits and drinking tea

Luring the innocent into the eerie shadows

Whilst feasting away on their pitiful screams

Decrepit little man, how vulnerable you must be

Laying gentle fingers on the long forgotten

And reminiscing about the damage you once sought out to destroy

Realization hitting you like concrete - all along, you were the culprit
I wrote this a long while ago. I was drunk when I did, if you couldn't already tell.
pluto May 2014
She’s indescribable – this girl  
I have troubles
Explaining her in words
That are coherent
Or eloquent

I fear that I won’t ever
Have the capability
Of writing about her
In such a way
That these words
Will even come close
To being as beautiful as her.
pluto Apr 2014
You're everything
I don't

But everything
I need to
Did you know that?
pluto Apr 2014
She is my
Brightest light
In the
Darkest of nights
Now and forever.
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