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Nidhi Panandikar Mar 2018
She saved me from my biggest fear, losing her.
She made me into the man i truly thought i would never be, a beggar of pardon.

I feared she would never see how broken i was, I’d still like to hide that.
But perhaps i put her on a pedestal too high, For she climbed way up, only to tie me a noose.
The noose of freedom
Nidhi Panandikar Mar 2018
I was wrong, as hard as i try to make amends.
I was wrong, as hard as i pour my soul out to her.
I was wrong, as silent as i stay at her whips on my back.

For she loving me was a miracle. Me loving her was a comeuppance.

She was right, as much as she drenched me in guilt.
She was right, as shallow as she makes me out to be.
She was right, as unhappy as she thought i was with her.

For she loved me despite my flaws. My flaws were only what she pointed out.
to liberation of spaces
Nidhi Panandikar Jan 2018
Ticktock sings the clock and
a rhythm follows through,
Slippery slop my sad tear drop,
awaits the morning blues.

Ticktock the seconds pass,
but time for once stays still,
a moments worth wrapped in a lifetime,
a chase to chase without thrill.

Ticktock I wait for you and,
subtly ***** my self,
for a life without you sounds sad but true,
cant extend a hand for help.

Ticktock a final goodbye,
good wishes and good wills we share,
tears of sorrow, no hope for tomorrow,
one last time i bow down for a prayer.
Nidhi Panandikar Jan 2018
Silent as the sky above,
never did she know that she was loved.
Brooding all day and night,
night times mostly spent in fright.

Humming a song of her people though,
a weeping widow would calm her down,
'Mom, I'm fine!' she would always scold,
100 Acre woods had only 2 sounds.

A charming price with a silver sword,
a debonair man with a lions mane.
Any moment now would knock down her door,
and sweep her off her feet away.

10 hours turned weeks and weeks turned months,
the imbecile never showed,
poor little girl keep humming her tune,
and cleansed all of her abode.

The mother grew worried now for the facts she truly knew,
Prince charming was, but a myth she weaved, for her princess to sleep,
No life is lived with a broken heart, she convinced herself to confess,
told a final tale and said, she knew she'd made a mess.

Unable to believe a betrayal from
a women she called her Ma,
packed her bags, picked up her things,
and took off really far.

Two days later the doorbell rang,
a handsome lad pushed through,
'tell me where my love hides, maam'
Was he really true?

She recited the tale of lies she wrote and
failed to mention one thing,
for she ever had a daughter who ran,
Ma silently slipped on his ring.
Nidhi Panandikar Jan 2018
Spent all day thinking of ways to curate myself out to the world.
Pretending to whisper when I wanted to scream.
Pretending to love when i wanted to run.
The fire diminished, but so did the fine line between madness and insanity.
That line was her. Not broken, just bent.
She was all of it, my redemption, my muse, my freedom. But what do you do when freedom starts feeling like a noose around your neck, tightening by the minute. You smile as you choke. You cry, but only tears of joy.
She was a fresh page, on a clean notebook. And all i wanted was to blot my scrappy ink on her fine lines.
Guilt drowned in fear. Fear of losing her. Guilt of the freedom i craved.
She killed me with everything she had. Constantly and consistently. She killed me but brought me back to life, just a little bit each time with a kiss.
Each time, just enough for me to watch her do it all over again.
Nidhi Panandikar Jan 2018
Sometimes i pull my blanket a little closer to my chin, it soaks up the chilly air that seeps through those open pockets.
Sometimes i read just a little longer, i know it annoys her but she understands or somehow lets it go.
Sometimes i wake her up when I can't sleep, her sleepy voice calms me down, reassures my demons to stand down.
Sometimes i wish she were home, for i have come up with a silly joke, but there is no one on the other end of this voice.
The times she's here i wish she were away, for i need my space but i need to miss her more. I know you left just yesterday, but for some reason today, your blanket is still the mess you left it, my towel you stole still smells of your shampoo and my wardrobe is still a mess from you surfing through it.
I'm always surrounded by a mess.
But sometimes i wish, it would be yours on the bed instead of mine in my head.
Nidhi Panandikar Jan 2018
In the end all I want is to know you the way you know you.
Its the truth. Its the real you.
In the end all I want is for you to see yourself the way I see you.
Its incomparable. Its full of compassion.
In the end all I want is for you to be there, where I see you.
Its everywhere. Its all the time.
In the end all I want is to be loved the way I do. Its irrevocable.
Its unconditional.
In the end I want what i want, for all I want is nothing more than a speckle of wish in a forest of dreams.
For until I have these, my beginnings never cease to exist.
For until I am you, and you are me, its not the end.
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