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1.3k · Jul 2018
The feeling of finally seeing the stars  
After travelling so far.
The idea that the dream
That you thought up when you were five
Could become reality.

But truth is a danger,
Reality’s weapon.
A deadly encounter
That will tear your aspiration limb from limb.

Leave it intoxicated on a pavement,
In a state worse than the end of life itself.
Expectation will hide
At the sight of torture.

When reality strikes
The battle is already lost.
570 · Jul 2018
I Am Fine
Lucy looks at her alarm eight times before it’s bed.
Mark can’t meet new people without a pounding in his head.
Fred gets sad on weekends,
And Molly cries a tonne
But Becky’s head keeps her awake until she sees the sun.

Robert doesn’t wake until early afternoon.
Mary let’s herself jump to conclusions far too soon.
Barney’s always manic,
And Ginger talks too quick
But Johnny only sees a crowd to make himself feel sick.

Today I may be Robert.
Tomorrow I am Fred.
But right now I am all of these and they are in my head.
269 · Jul 2018
The Fall
Both feet on the ledge.
Looking down onto the ground below,
Knowing that one more step could end a life.

I know I will be free from danger,
You will catch me.
I will be saved.

But I took that step and I fell.
I fell, knowing you would be there,  
Knowing I would be unscathed.

I thought I would be free from danger,
You would be there to catch me.
But I wasn’t saved.

— The End —