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 Aug 2017 Nicole Eden
 Aug 2017 Nicole Eden
Before thought. After thought.
Tides roll on. Nails dug deep. Toes curl.  It's the end of the end.
Cities fall.  Footsteps retraced. Tides roll in.
Before thought. After thought.
On the dock
It only seems like yesterday,
When I look at the camera and took this selfie
The waves rush up against our feet,
everything seem to be complete and carefree,
Tonight I ponder, I hold onto the memories

This is not a goodbye poem, this is a memorable piece
Accepting loneliness without judging;
Accepting failure without, feeling humiliated
I can smell the sea air;
I can taste the salt in my tears tonight

Everyone smiles in the same language
Not everyone hurts the same way
As you lay your
Head on my chest
I hold you tightly
Feeling your love
As I touch you
I'm truly in love
Forever entwined
Together our beating
Heart's cherished
By love I kiss you
Softly our hearts smile
Together forever with
You my heart shall
Smile always in love
With you forever
My heart shall
Forever smile
I love you forever
I truly do your
The one I could
Truly ever love
Inside my beating heart.
love is more than just a language between two people.
it's several phrases, actions, and words
foreign endeavors and behaviors,
all together as one.

as those speaking acts of love,
we expect those we speak to
to understand.

but we all speak different forms of love;
compatibility of such revelations are misunderstood.

love is an adventure
a search for whose language of love,
though different from one's own,
can be interpreted and understood;
and wished to be learned.

though to learn a love is easy,
to comprehend anothers love cannot be forced.

love is tragic
an algebraic expression with several substitutions
and a million different answers;
but only one is correct in the mind of the beholder.

love can be the worst or the greatest thing;
unrequited can ****,
but when it works out;
it can live forever.

N.R 2017
 Aug 2017 Nicole Eden
Perfectly normal house
Perfectly normal girl
Perfectly healthy body
Chaotic mind.
Her thoughts
As loud as waves
Clashing on rocks.
Yet a voice
So quiet
Like a breeze
Through palm trees.
 Aug 2017 Nicole Eden
Even when it leaves you
And you've missed the bus
And your battery has gone
And the hot water has run out
And you just dropped your salami
Be grateful for the colour in your eyes
And for the movement in your face
And how you can swallow your own tea
And the way your mind goes its own way
Despite all conflict today I am grateful
For the people that reached out to me
I am not a passionate person,
Or so I would tell you.
My cheeks blush at the thought of being kissed,
And physical affections are often turned away,
Feeling desire for someone is like a new language,
And I had little want to understand it.
I am not a passionate person in the way most would believe.
But I am a passionate person.
Give my heart an emotion,
and my mouth will make it known.
Flood me in kisses,
and my hands will go to work on paper.
Writing my love for you is a fire,
It's flames devour your every action,
For I may not make myself known when it comes to body language.
But in the written word,
you will never live a day to question how my soul aches to show its affection.
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