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Natalie Neo Nov 2014
Feeling so sick and tired of
Feeling sick and tired of
Being so sick and tired.
  Nov 2014 Natalie Neo
Thinking of the mountains in your heart that you try and hide so consciously,
Making it a point to return to them in the midnight,
A walk through the cragged surface again and a dream of the starry sights,
2 A.M in the night, dark outside, darker inside.
The slightest hint of light that catches the eye be an excuse for the sleep-deprived.
You dream,
You toss and turn.

The thoughts that meander through the lives you live, the alternate realities.
The right and wrong of every decision you’ve ever made tortures, you’re never safe.
You can see the slightest mistakes, the lumps forming in your throat.
You let your demons win, your mind an evil lair.  
The devils take up the spaces, the light escapes.
The eyes are sunken, but the mind still reckless,
Unapologetic  to the poor heart.
You toss and turn.

And when the heart pleads mercy,
Your body complies.
Curling up further under the blanket,
You give it another try.
Night after night, the same routine,
This life a long, lonely suicide.
The flashback, the memories, the love lost finds a space.
You toss and turn.
at the edge of oblivion
not knowing if I should
surrender  or continue living
the way I have for a while
which is only half living

it's easier to keep doing what doesn't work
than ask for so I can change and try something new
but my own mind convinces me I got this
even though I am slowly falling apart physically
and dying on the inside

I am on the edge of oblivion
stranded with my worst enemy

I am desperate enough that for the first time
in my life I ask for help and actually take the help
without dictating what form that help takes

this all happened over 3 years a go
and today I have a life I never imagined
all it takes is for me to be willing to continue
to ask a power greater than me for help each day
and then be willing to take the help that comes my way
sometimes it means I have to put my willingness into action
or just simply sitting in silence and waiting

I am no longer suspended
but connected into the fabric of life
Natalie Neo Nov 2014
I drink, I cry, I scream.

I dwell in the past,
I beg for second chances,
I refuse to move on.

I desire to feel

Because it feels that only when
I am hurting,
You would take a look at me.

But I know this won't work.
It's a pity that it's just pity,
I don't want pity.
Natalie Neo Nov 2014
I play songs from
Christina Perri
and lie in bed.

Tears fall as
I look through your photos
again and again.

One by one
they evoke those memories
that cringe in my heart followed.

I could hear your voice
"Don't give up on me,"
you said.

"I won't,"
I whispered
only to hear my own echo.

Because you're not here anymore.
It's too late.
Natalie Neo Nov 2014
Asking for second chances
is not fair
to those who did it right
when you didn't
the first time round.

Asking for second chances
is cheating
lying to yourself that
you will do it right
this time round.

Dwell in the past or
forget about it
they say.

I do neither.
Won't dwell
nor forget.

But I will remember, dearly
in the most beautiful way possible,
my first chance.
Natalie Neo Nov 2014
I twirl my hair,
batter my eyelids,
flash my smile.

You won't even know I am

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