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  Sep 2015 Nicole Corea
RH 78
Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
Washed up.
All for a new life too far to reach?

Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
What happened to the human rights we all preach?

Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
Displacing people no home and no speech.

Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
A son.
No future.
We hang our heads and weep!
Broken hearted and deeply affected by pictures I saw in the news depicting the lifeless body of a little boy no older than three who was photographed washed up on the shore line of Turkey. The result of further illegal human smuggling, people trafficking promising to get families to Europe on a false promise. All too often, people are put into small boats unable to sustain the weight of all the people put upon it and not fit for purpose. This is yet another shocking event in the wake of atrocities taking place in North Africa where the displacement of millions of innocent people continues. Governments are too busy counting the pennies and quarrelling amongst themselves in addition to wasting precious time as gangs and smugglers take advantage of the situation by sending people to their death profiting from the desperation of families searching for a place to call home. When will this end? RIP to the little boy, his brother and mother who all perished.
Nicole Corea Aug 2015
Sunday evening.
Black book widely open,
Alluring to indulge
every scripture of
My desires ,
My wishes
Euphoric touches.
Euphoric colorful different fingers
Strayed on my thighs.
Chameleon lips ,
Tasted my mouth
Euphoric colorful sheets rearranged.
Every night ,
Different shades of eyes.
It's the only heat ,
my heart has ever grown to love.
****** attraction is quite dangerous,
Confusing at times ,
But it's only the heat,
My heart has ever grown to love.
Every scripture out of
my black book leaves you
panting with more.
My conquest, my achievements.
Moaning graciously.
Fiery heat...
Every beating pulse of veins,
The sweat from my back and hips.
The rise of euphoric chemicals .
Sensations of bad habits
and unthinkable crimes.
These symptoms rise deeper into my brain,
A delectable affliction.

I choose to control the object of my ****** desire.
This euphoric heat is the only thing ,
my heart has ever loved.
Nicole Corea Jul 2015
For years ...
My heart sat in a box of icy glass.
Shivering every night, through the wake of daylight.
Cracking slowly over the years.
Hoping ...
for the righteous touch.
Many sought to conquer but failed...
I would crack thinking
it was time for me
to beat lively again...
But they failed...
They all failed
Not one has come close to my heart.
My heart was detached from me.
I was in cage chained,
watching my heart,
deteriorate through the years.
The cracks of my heart began to
rebuild its icy veins.
And my heart sat in box of icy glass.
Longing through ever shutter.
Wondering what am I beating for.
Slowly the temperatures dropped
And my heart became colder.
My heart alarmed signals of  
heavy frostbites hovering over my soul.
I slowly try to crack ,
by enduring this
emptiness of my icy heart.

It Was Dangerous Severed Heart

My heart was coped up in ice and loneliness.
My heart began to fall into abyss of winter
Everlasting for eternity,
My heart in a icy box.
For eternity....
No longer beats due to
The exhaustion from shivering .
From receiving little cracks of hope...
Open and closing to the wrong warriors..
They failed .
To save my heart .
And most importantly to save me...
My heart didn't want to be loved
My heart wanted to be misused
To be mislead through every sin.
That was my love for my heart.
Loneliness sunk into my icy box.
My heart shed tears through every shiver.
The shivers through every wrongful touch.
My heart grew weaker into the abyss..
A Silhouette emerged from icy dark waters.
My heart watched this beautiful masterpiece swimming,
across every strenuous wave,
Vigorously. Powerfully.
Eyes with flame of devotion.
So much devotion...
Beautiful Dark Eyes
My Heart and I will always cherish
His eyes ....
My heart deteriorated by the time
As this ghost reached my heart...
My heart began to look for its shiver
My little trickle hair began to alert.
Waking my heart from is devastation
My heart manage to hook
it's eyes on this ghost...
He wasn't a warrior ...
He was a hero.
Angel guardian ...
With eyes that flamed devotion.
Igniting my icy cracks to reopen.
Quickly shunned ..
As when he reached with an anchor
To the iciest veins part of me
Which was my heart in the box...
My heart let go of the anchor.
It didn't want to be save.
It wanted to live in naked loneliness.
You would drop your anchor waiting
For my heart to reach.
Yourself shiver through the nights into daylight.
Waiting for me to defrost into your saving arms.
My heart was incapable .
My heart whisper apologies every shiver you shake waiting for me.
But my heart sank deeper into the haunted memories.
Terrifying questions
"Why weren't you becoming one of my sins"
"Why aren't you a regretful touch"
I couldn't sink deeper because your anchor followed through every pressure..
Through every flaw of my icy veins.
Thawing hard through my icy veins .
You became my hero in that very instance.
My angelic savior .
My heart began to crack to weigh on your anchor.
By the time my heart began to reincarnate itself
I found myself in shaking in shivers
My cracks began to burst with ice
I began to sank....
It wasn't my time to be saved.
Was it?
Then you became alluring serpent of my heart.
The possessed thought of my mind.
Your poison began to shift my veins .
My heart began to pump warmly ,
Slowly regaining its redness through every
Memory of you...
Through every caressing moment from you.
My heart felt this unknown feeling.
It was a masterpiece forming as it began to feel.
It began to feel what my angel has been fighting for.
What you have been fighting for.
Since the moment
he let go of the anchor,
To save my heart...
Most importantly me..
I became yours a little too late .
He loves me...
And I loved him.
Then I love him
And then he loved me.
My heart had to crack
For my angel.
For myself
The time has come.
For my eyes to spark again...
With the same love and devotion
As yours...
My heart is missing heaven.
Missing home.
Missing my virtue.
There are many things,
I know my heart,
Can devote to many,
Beautiful things.
It's not easy for
My heart to start to believe again...
But my heart confides in you .
Only you...
When my heart opens ,
You will be there
with your anchor
Receiving me...
Loving me...
As I waited for awhile
to learn what home feels like .
Not in the icy box ,
But to be  in another heart full with warmth.

That is the moment I been waiting for.
To love you and only you.

Because I righteously deserve all of  you
And you righteously deserve all of me...

I thank you ...
For staying in this prolong battle...

I love you
with all the cracks
and bruises of my heart.
Soon I know I will be healed .

I love you my angel .
This is one of my heartfelt poems please enjoy
Nicole Corea Jul 2015
Breathe it all in love some mind
Set it off your fiber fall
Leaves an hole in rough your mind

solo sunrise by Chet faker
Nicole Corea Jun 2015
Writers block is not something I need right now
Nicole Corea Jun 2015
Do you dream of world full of possibilities with no restrictions?"
He choked on asking me ... Was it such a hard question ? Every one dreams of a life with no rules and is on the adventure looking for the pursuit of happiness. His face heavily looked down into his notebook . I can tell he was drenched into every question he was going to ask me . He was curious about me ? My power and the kingdom I reigned. How can I reign a kingdom with no king . We can have it all ? Is it true? This theory may be tested , but my hypothesis is that you can only choose one thing to live with . It depends on deal you make with the devil. But I was walking devil in a dress with power awfully hard to conquer. And this man who is a multimillionaire , once a penniless reporter ,has captured my heart within minutes .
Nicole Corea Jun 2015
You started a war without armor ,
Without a brain.
You sought to break me .
You fought till you got to the top
Abused others to reach my stepping stone.
Torturous moments
I can't breathe through every anchor you embarked on me

I drown into an abyss
But you didn't consume me

Stripped me into shreds.
Malicious laughter roar through your throat.
But you didn't consume me.

You became the memoirs of battle
Where I could have surrender.
You didn't consume me .

I was the chosen one .
Tear me into pieces
Vile touch scraped my innocent.
You didn't consume me.
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