I can't imagine, I don't know
If your heart is bleeding hurt;
Or are you carefree laughing?
Thought you'd abort
And leave me grabbing,
For a ledge
Just on the edge
Of oblivion,
Most precise
Division, fission, scission,
In so little concise;
But if you are happy
I sincerely hope you are merry,
This is not meant to be sappy
Of this happening I was weary,
Speeding on a highway all along
We sang a song,
So out of tune
That the end came soon,
Yet earlier than expected
Like a spy you defected,
So I hope you've forgotten me
Because if time with you ended in Z I'm at C,
Almost back to my beginning
Soon we'll both be winning,
But I'll never forget you
If I could I'd hold my breath,
Till in the face I am blue
Take your memories to my death,
If you didn't, now you know...
© okpoet