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378 · Feb 2013
Girl with the big shiny hoops,
You got my head
All in loops,
Oh sorry did I admit that? Whoops!
I know I was just with you,
But far away I feel so blue,
Moments with you,
Seem so few,
I want to watch
Your eyes & gestures,
As you speak
Stories not lectures,
Seeing you
Is to my senses, pleasures,
Sure you see me with others,
I'm not belonging
And it bothers; me,
That every other thought
That totters;
In my mind is of you,
I ask myself why,
No answer to my question,
Yet I try,
To figure out my emotions,
But I’d lie,
To myself if I said
I didn't miss you so,
So many feelings
I’d like to show,
I need you,
Just thought I’d let you know...
© okpoet
377 · Dec 2012
Smiling Back...
I was walking
Sometimes running
Sometimes flying
When one day
I was tripped up the stairs
Spilt all over the floor
My thoughts and feelings
Words and meanings
All jumbled
And out of order
I could not collect them
There they lay
I sat unable to pick them up
Fast enough to say
Don't leave me here
I'm going up
Want to come along?
Yet I didn't say a word
But I think she knew
What I meant to utter
As I laid there still in a clutter
For she stayed and helped me up
Yet not a whisper from her
Could I hear either
I guess she was speechless
Just as I but I could see
Something in her eyes
Speaking with fervor
That could not come out
So I collected my things
And smiled gave a chuckle
She laughed quietly
And gave me a nod
Seems it was fate
Or destiny but I wouldn't
Think too much of it
I was just glad
Someone was smiling back...
© okpoet
377 · Feb 2013
No Words...
If I was blind
How could I describe?
If I was mute
How could I say?
What my heart feels,
Every time you're around,
This is how I love;
Not seeing with my eyes,
Braille are your actions,
My walking stick your voice,
I know I've got the words,
Plenty and to spare,
But I know
You've heard every one,
You've read every praise,
So when the words do not come,
When I sit in silence by you,
It's because
I only have actions;
Loud as the ocean is deep,
Every step I take for you,
Is meaningful with purpose,
No words will ever be enough...
© okpoet
377 · Jan 2013
Who will mourn me
When I'm dead? None that I can see  
Though even in throes of death  
I will mourn the loss of you until my last breath,  
Thoughts on the ocean currents  
Wash back to shore, memories like dents  
Of when I was next to you  
So blue; so blue
I am thinking of no one else but you, the one the only  
Woman in my life to break the soul in me,  
Did you lie? Did you deceive me? Even if a farce  
I am man enough to admit defeat, drive my own hearse  
I will, writing my obituary as I speak  
I saw the world next to you from the highest peak,  
But now I won't come down
Is this what I have reaped? I am the most obvious clown  
Laughing through the tears  
Years upon years,  
No sadder would I be than the moment  
You were no longer beside me, now endless torment,  
What is life, what is purpose  
Without you to share it all with, because  
I woke when I met you though I fell asleep  
Caught in the dream coming true, but now I am deep  
In regret, reluctantly headed forward still  
No other direction like a sleeping pill,  
Would I undo?  
Yes, a thousand times yes,
Just to be once more next to you...
© okpoet
375 · Feb 2013
My words
Are knives
Cutting into you,
My words
Are swords
Splitting you in two,
My words
Are guns
Heavy in my hands,
My words
Are bullets
Shooting you down,
My words
Are butterflies
Light on the wind,
My words
Are hawks
Zeroing in on my prey,
My words
Are owls
Steadily watching,
My words
Are squirrels
Collecting all that is you,
My words
Are bricks
Enclosing you,
My words
Are walls
Surrounding you,
My words
Are doors
You may come and go,
My words
Are whispers
For your ears only,
My words
Are war
Waging peace,
My words
Are love
Adoring you,
My words
Are me; myself and the conflict in I...
APAD13 - 057 © okpoet
373 · Feb 2013
So hard not to open
My eyes to the sky
I step quickly
From the shadows
Into the waning light,
My body feels heavy
But my heart feels light
Like out my chest it will break
Leave my carcass behind,
I'm writing again
Polished off the desk
Re inked my pen
The paper is crisp fresh,
There is a breeze
And the air feels new again,
Spring is bounding forth
Towards me and my mind
Is a reloaded gun
I'm going to take it easy
I'm going to take it slow
The setting sun
Behind me;
The coming night
Before me;
Wonder how many
Bullets I have left...
APAD13 - 053 © okpoet
371 · Apr 2013
One tear
For you my dear
Floodgates open
For your love
Or at least
The idea of it
Like light
From a candle lit
I put up a fight
But like a sun
Setting in the east
An empty gun
Won't **** a fleeting dove
Now and again
The sadness in my heart
Eclipses my yearning
To be a part
Of the light burning
In your soul
One and only coal
Spark in a fire's forest
I angst to give to you my best...
© okpoet
371 · Mar 2013
I'd call you a fool
And you'd call me a tool,
If after years we cannot
Believe each other
That we'll never walk away
Too many opportunities
Come and gone
To make like
Trees and leave
And trail behind
Only the dead
And withered dreams,
But I'm a dog for you
Loyal until my end
Whether you
Want to lead me there
By my side
I'm always going to be here
Wherever that may be
Because without you
I'm nowhere
Just somewhere
On the same planet
And I can't get away
Far enough
Like to another constellation
To make running away
Seem worth it,
So here I lie
Wagging my heart
Upon the cold ground
I hope you'll walk upon
One day back to me...
APAD13 - 081 © okpoet
370 · Jan 2013
Steal Me Altogether...
You broke into
My heart last night,
Pilfering throughout
My thoughts and memories,
Unsettling the dust and cobwebs,
You leave nothing untouched
Yet there's never a sign
You were there,
My heart feels
As though it will explode,
At the thought of you so close,
Thief stealing nothing
Yet there is always a void,
I always hope you'll stay
That you won't rush,
But you always run away
Though I won't run after you,
Because you're always welcome,
And I hope you'll leave me a note,
Saying you were here,
Because my door
Is never locked,
Open heart,
Steal me altogether,
Next time you come around;
Once and for all...
© okpoet
370 · Jul 2016
But can't
Fight the current,
Let myself sink
To the bottom,
Hold my breath
Until I either surrender
Or come up,
But I won't give up
And I can't figure out why,
What's the prize?
High price
To pay,
For the light of day
To shine,
Breath in
Can't stop
To choke,
Laugh hard
Even if I don't know
What is the joke,
There is no reward
For this pain...

APAD16 - 005 © okpoet
370 · Jan 2013
I'm sitting here
On top of a hill,
Listening to the ocean,
Thinking of you,
Who knew,
You'd stick in my mind
Like this,
Grenade in the dark earth,
Just waiting for me,
Stepped on you,
And I exploded,
High up in the air I flew,
Came back down,
I'm lying in the grass,
Looking up at the stars,
I know you see them too,
The peace is cradling my fears,
In my eyes there are tears
But joy is all I feel,
Thinking of you,
Who knew,
We'd come together
Like glue,
I'm you
You're me,
Let's reflect,
Thinking of us,
Who knew,
Of you and I
There would be two...
© okpoet
368 · Aug 2016
She paces
Lioness in a cage,
But there are no locks
No doors
No prods or anything to hold her
It's all dreams
Whips of desires
Chains of need
For a change of scenery
The feral tempest calls
From within her
The soul seeks
And her mind yearns,
Wide plains
As far
As her heart can see,
To run amongst
To leap free,
What no hunter
Can understand,
Love her but leave her wild...

APAD16 - 022 © okpoet
368 · Jan 2013
Won't You?
Won't you come
Through my door again?
Your face through the grating
Shining like a moon in the dark,
Among the stars no longer twinkling,
You've treaded on this heart
Leaving tracks; no rainfall
Will swamp the mud cracked dry,
Sunshine won't you come
Through my window again?
Your eyes the only fires
In my frozen Tundra,
Dark lands so vast
But only you
Can make them seem small,
This world devoid
Of your laughter,
Is no world at all,
Make me dead
Before I wake
If you are not here
For me to rise,
Won't you come again?
I can mourn no longer...
© okpoet
367 · Feb 2015
Happy I hang
Onto smiles
Plastered hastily
Stucco of laughter
Cemented persona
To the cracked world,
On the sidewalk I tread
Everyone zips by
And I dread
When the night
And the quiet
Comes around,
A cold blanket
Of solitude,
Wet with my thoughts
Through tears I drown,
Am I real
As this pain
Coursing through
All my being?

APAD15 - 006 © okpoet
366 · Jan 2013
A World Together...
You saved his life
That little boy
Within the man
I have become,
You said hello
And gave him
A hand up,
From a well
Of sorrow
You helped
Him laugh again,
Love again,
Be Alive again,
You want
To save the children,
Just know some
Are trapped inside
The hearts of men
Just wishing for a smile
Just hoping for a word
From a kind soul
In a distantly separated earth,
When you let them free
From their prisons;
This world will know
The laughter of innocence;
The love of babes;
A world together...
© okpoet
365 · Jul 2016
She can't
Makeup her mind
Like she does
Her face,
Blush and rouge
She knows
But the real choices
Elude her,
No foundation
Can hide
What's behind
Her eyes,
The incoherence
Jumbled up
An attic
She trips
But none can see
As she walks
Defiantly graceful,
Where she'll go
Not a syllable
From her lips
Will divulge,
But her hips
Will surely sway you there...

APAD16 - 011 © okpoet
365 · Mar 2013
You and I
May try
And dance together,
But she,
She tangos
With my heart,
Dangerous steps between
My love and her eyes
Entwined souls
Pushing and pulling,
Who will give
And what will break,
The subtlety of her
Nuclear bombs
Going off in my mind,
All the minutes play
In rapid succession
How I would have approached her
And gracefully swept
Her away to a world
Dreamt between
Our exchange;
Lurid lucid waltz
That you and I;
Could only sway to...
APAD13 - 073 © okpoet
364 · Apr 2013
I pushed
And pushed
All the while
Really wanting to pull,
I pushed
Too far
And away
It went,
Away from me
And there I stood
The wishes
I had been wishing
Not having listened
To my heart,
With my logic
That I couldn't
Lose what I never had,
And there I sat
In the pit
Of my despair
Done in
By my own hand,
Alone to be...
APAD13 - 094 © okpoet
362 · Apr 2013
I hear your pain
And feel it even louder,
I wish to shield you
But I know,
What you really need
Is a sword,
And the courage
To vanquish
What you fear,
That which steals
The sleep
From your nights,
And stands over
And between
You and the world,
Mitigating your
Hampering your
Day to day,
Making your
Sunrise and sunsets
Unable to connect
To the world around you,
I will help you wield
The spear you need
To sink into and gut
The darkness,
Make light of all
Your troubles,
Line all your clouds
With silver,
And bring about
Your golden smile...
© okpoet
361 · Dec 2012
For a Moment...
She smiles at me
And I smile back;
For a moment
I'm happy to do so,
Who wouldn't smile
On a cloudy day
At a ray of sunlight?
For a moment
I hesitate;
I'd really like to stay
And exchange
A few words,
For a moment
I'd like to hear
Her laugh,
Listen to
Her thoughts;
Feel her cadence,
For a moment
I ignore the world;
Admiring this beauty
Like a rose by the side
Of my life's road,
For a moment...
© okpoet
361 · Feb 2013
Accept Me...
I want to hold you close
Feel the beating of your heart against mine,
I need the warmth of your soul
To fill the void in mine,
Without you; the skies are gray
The earth around me is dead,
Without you I'm not alive
My blood ceases to flow,
Without you I don't exist
My being is without a spirit,
Without you; I cant live
I want to hold your hands in mine;
And tell you how much I love you,
I want to embrace you
And tell you how much I care,
I want to love you
Show you forever what you mean to me,
Hold me; love me,
I want to know you feel me too
These are the moments I seek,
The instants that give me life
Know who I am; know what I am,
I am the love you search for
Embrace me; accept me...
© okpoet
361 · Jan 2013
I Want To...
I want to play
With the shiny things,
I want to fix
The broken stuff,
I want to grow
The seeds of thoughts,
I want to learn
All that no one knows,
I want to love
All that needs affection,
I want to cook
All the recipes of the imagination,
I want to play
With the toys forgotten,
I want to fix
What others gave up on,
I want to grow
That which needs nurturing,
I want to learn
All that is new and mysterious,
I want to love  
All that is hated,
I want to cook
For those who hunger,
I want to,
Because I can...  
© okpoet
361 · Aug 2016
I didn't say
The best way
I knew how,
I said it
With my heart
Stuck in my throat
And tears
In my eyes
Reigned back
Like many angry horses
Held at bay,
I drove home
In silence,
Feeling waves
Of emotion
In the sobs
That I could not muffle,
On my couch
I curled up
Into a ball
And slept,
How would I
Wake to a cloudy day
When I expect her
To shine through,
Like she has every day before?
But she's gone,
And my storm begins...

APAD16 - 023 © okpoet
360 · Mar 2013
The words will run out
I can only find so many ways
To describe the feelings
You cause in me,
Like every candle
Like every ember
Dies out,
There will be
No more,
I can only find so many ways
To describe your beauty
I,  your beholder
Like every
Flower wilts
Like every
Cloud rains,
There will be
No more,
I can only find so many ways
To say I love you
With and without
Words or actions,
So even in the silence
There is a sound
I've always hoped
Only you and I can hear together...
APAD13 - 064 © okpoet
360 · Dec 2012
Once More...
I'm folding paper airplanes
I know will never fly,
Crumple them after
And I'm missing
The basket every time,
I'd say I'm off center;
The earth isn't rotating
The way it should;
Something is off kilter,
She is gone,
Killed her heart
Driven to suicide,
Soul released
Like a flame put out,
But she took part of me
With her dying breath,
I'm a desert barren;
No rainy clouds
No breezy sun,
Just cold as death
Within me,
Where did she go?
Though I know the answer,
I'm neglecting it,
She'll never be back
And all I can do is reminisce,
Memories refresh,
Gloss over her pictures;
Cry at her laughter
I won't hear again;
Might as well give up
All my senses,
What use is it all
If I can't see her once more...
360 · Jan 2013
Thought Of...
I walked through a park and found a swing;
Thought of the joy it could bring,
I swung and swung;
Until the cold air in my lungs stung,
I wanted to swing all my worries away;
I was a little kid again gone out to play,
But my worries were not the simplest thing;
I swung until I felt the tears in my eyes sting,
All my dreams seemed to sit there;
What would it be like not to care,
Yet swing after swing I was still not free;
Trapped and stuck is this all I am to be?
I kept swinging back and forth;
Thought of what all this was worth,
And then I thought of the darnedest thing;
As I sat on that swing,
I could always come back tomorrow;
And swing away my sorrow,
A few minutes on this swing;
What joy it will bring...
© okpoet
358 · Jan 2013
This Summer my June...
I feel like howling at the moon
Is this my summer? My June?
Will I see the sun tomorrow
Rise like a fiery snowball
Aimed at the sky above
Lights my eyes
Sets my thoughts on fire?
To think what this may bring
This summer;
Will I simmer?
Or will I boil overflowing
Without bounds
As I hear the sounds of the ocean
Abound with promise
This summer,
Where will I go; what shall I see?
Shall I shout out with glee?
As the alcohol flows
From my veins
Shall I hold the reins
To my summer?
This summer my June...
© okpoet
357 · Mar 2021
Lost my identity
But there is no DMV
To line up at,
Re-issue nor renew
What's expired
The past is past
And now I'm a stranger
In an endless desert
The whole world
Cannot parch my angst
Tears that dry
And I cannot lie,
Not to myself
Now off the shelf
I'm on the curb
An unwanted refurb,
Home used to be
Wherever she
Would lay her head,
But now
I don't know how
I'll ever rest
In peace...

APAD 03212021
356 · Dec 2012
My heart is like a tiny hotel;
People check in and check out
Some leave without a trace
Other leave a mess,
But there is a penthouse suite
Reserved just for you;
And when you check in
I’ll personally come by,
And when you check out
I’ll never ask why;
I’ll call you a taxi
And wave goodbye;
With a smile on my face
And a tear in my eye;
I’ll send you off
Until the next hi…
© okpoet
356 · Feb 2013
My happiness
Was but an act
And never a thought,
Until you came along
Tangible; three dimensional,
Something and someone
I could point to
And smile,
This is why
She is why,
This is the reason
She is the reason,
For the smile on my face
For the laughter in my voice,
So much more sane do I seem
My declaration to whomever
Reasons no longer failing,
You are the materialization
Of the idea of happiness,
My happiness
Your happiness
Ours is a dream of hope,
Ours is a memory of patience...
APAD13 - 039 © okpoet
356 · Jan 2013
No One Can...
There is; is there something you're denying?
True love are you defying?
Can't keep walking away,
Hear what his soul has to say,
Why wouldn't you want to give in?
These feelings are not a sin,
I'm not regretting these words,
I stand the most to lose,
To you I'll cut all the cords
So you won't have to choose,
I want you to be glad,
Have all the things I've never had
I cant be imagining the sadness in his eyes
His actions around you cannot be lies,
Notice the angst in his heart
At your every depart,
Just know he nor no one can love you
As much or even close to how I do,
Third set of wheels on the tandem bike
I'll just take a nice scenic hike
I'll step aside
Get off this crazy ride
I'm good for the cab fare;
Take care...
© okpoet
356 · Feb 2013
I Wished...
I wished
To have never met you;
So that I would
Never have to say goodbye,
I wished
To never have held you;
So that I would
Never have to let go,
I wished
To have never laughed with you;
So that I would never cry,
I wished
For so little;
So that I would
Never have too much,
But I met you on that
Blessed; cursed day;
And now
I've said goodbye,
I held you in my arms
And now I've let you go,
I laughed many a time with you;
And now I cry at every memory,
I wished for so much;
But I had so little
And now you're gone...
© okpoet
355 · Feb 2013
A Whole New Day...
When the morning air wakes me
Crisp and chill;
It's a whole new day
As my first thoughts begin to form,
I'm aware
Not of the day that is to be
Or what I am to do or accomplish;
But that there is someone close
Whom I hope never parts;
Thought I do not wake by her side
She is there nearby
Getting ready for her day,
I wish to greet her
To see a smile; hear her voice,
Just to glance upon her eyes
Because she is;
The start of my day
The feeling that wakes me,
My every other thought
Every other breath,
She keeps me awake until
The night falls and I sleep again,
And I hope she'll always wake me
Once more; forever more...
© okpoet
355 · Jan 2013
The Last...
Who are you?
Who are you really?
I'm stuck
Between you
And a hard place,
Not caring for the world
But caring
Because you are in it,
But my soul
Wants to be selfish,
Just for you,
And no one else,
I open up
But like rats
Others scurry in,
Won't turn away,
As if fighting currents
Weren't enough,
I keep sinking,
I want to reach for you,
But you're far,
So I keep getting pulled down,
But I've done this before,
Hundreds of times,
Just never knew
Why to keep my head up
Above the serene waters,
Turbulence down below,
For you,
I'll keep fighting,
Until there is no strength
Left in me,
Let the tide take me
When you're through,
I'll surrender,
You will be the last...
© okpoet
354 · Jan 2013
Like This...
She never meant to linger;
Just passing through she thought,
I never meant to notice her;
She's just like any other I thought;
She said a few things;
I said a few more,
A bridge started growing
Between us
Shaky and unstable
Overlooking rapids
Of the people and dangers  
All around,
We started across
Sometimes only inches
We'd make progress
Our fears of falling
Were prevalent,
Sometimes we'd sit
And just wave at each other,
Until one day
Finally we met in the middle;
She was beautiful close up
Just as she did far away,
The dangerous pitfall below
We were afraid of no more,
The bridge grew stronger
As the days passed,
And we'd run across,
I thought it would always
Be like this,
But then came days
I'd be on that bridge
Wondering where she was
If she was to come,
But she was running across
Other bridges meeting others,
But I never failed to miss a day
I still ran across and waited
I considered burning the bridge
But every once in a while
She'd look over and smile,
Made me put away the matches,
And then I decided there and then
I'd come everyday and wait
Just laugh at all the memories  
Until she'd cross that bridge again once more...
© okpoet
354 · Feb 2013
May I...
Finding differences
Making us the same,
So much in common,
Between us;
But not the planet,
Unique in our world
We've come together,
To make the earth ours,
People will notice,
Never can we hide nor mix
Even if we are set on the crush level,
Mixing in our own little blend,
Culled from our lives,
The past is setting
A fiery sunset
Giving way
To the new sunrise
That is our future,
Pour this all in a cup
And top off
With the spice
That is life,
Thank you God
May I have another...
APAD13 - 038 © okpoet
353 · Jan 2013
A Picture...
She's always there
Staring back
I'm always here
Looking at her,
She's faintly smiling
I'm vaguely crying,
Every time I look up
Her eyes meet mine,
I want to push her away,
Out of my world
But she just sits there
Stubborn and relentless,
She won't leave me be,
Won't let me wipe my slate clean,
Start again with the thoughts;
I laugh at the memories
She just keeps on reminding me,
Never looking away,
Without a word between us;
I caress her frame;
It's but a picture letting me not forget;
Keeping her alive in my heart...
© okpoet
353 · Jan 2013
The Way Out...
I'm burning through rainbows,
Dreaming on the wind; wishing on stars;
Can't get away from behind these bars
In my heart in my head no one knows,
The avenues I come across;
The boulevards I run through
Do I go left; do I go right?
The choices in the air I toss
The fog is clouding my view
And soon the light is fading into night;
You were once my global positioning system,
Guiding me at all hours;
But I failed to renew my subscription,
And now I'm left out in the dark
A helpless lost victim
Crawling on all fours
I hope this is just fiction
But in the distance I hear a bark
Lonesome and scared
I can't believe I dared
To doubt you
But now I'm due
For an awakening
To think is frightening
But I'm here lost
And it's winters frost
That will chill me cold
This will break me I will fold
But I don't know if I will find
The way out of my psychotic mind...
© okpoet
352 · Jul 2016
She begs
And he delivers
Mutual destruction
Tearing them together
They know not
What ails them,
They utter love
But this carnage
That leaves them
Breathless panting
Made dogs
Is beyond
Their understanding,
Lying to themselves
That either one
Is the Master
Of their domain,
Ashes and cinders
They shed
Their feet trailing
Their hearts molten,
There will be nothing left
But bones on a bed
No one standing...

APAD16 015 © okpoet
352 · Jan 2013
Yes I agree
That is the best
Most responsible
Thing to do,
If I was there
Next to you
On that sofa
So high,
I'd wonder if
I'd have to take
An elevator down,
And how on earth
Is my keyboard floating,
Oh I see now;
My knees, tall as trees,
Reaching far down
To the ground,
I guess I'd climb,
Or rappel to the floor,
Yes I agree,
Why are you so high above me?  
© okpoet
351 · Feb 2013
Laugh your blues away
Don't be sad today,
That color doesn't suit you
Unless it's of your eyes hue,
Turn to the sun
And go have fun,
Frolic in the colors
Or walk in a sea of collars,
A smile here and there
Soon the weather will be fair,
But whether it rains or pours
Don't let the blue stains sit indoors,
Open wide the blinds
Inquire of other minds,
The tide will come and go
But only you will know
There is always a break
In between; the waves take,
To rise high before
They come down
Into the shore,
So laugh; always easier than to frown,
Because above the clouds white and grey
The sky is still blue, and everything will be ok...
APAD13 - 044 © okpoet
351 · Jan 2013
Don't Play Me...
Sometime somehow;
I hope these words
Reach you,
In retrospect I write,
You came into my life
Shook my resolve
Made me believe
In something unknown,
You gave me hope
And then you walked away,
Left me wondering;
What you meant,
The purpose for your existence
In mine,
I thought I figured you out
Or so I seemed to see,
A reflection of me;
So I wanted to reach out
Not for the conventional
That which love stories are made of,
No not for this,
I wanted to connect as a human
To have the joy of someone's presence
No commitment,
Neither to intrude in your life's plans,
Just to walk side by side
Sharing tribulations joys and goals,
Innocently I approached
Sincere in my intent,
I don't play so don't play me
I wish to listen clearly,
Your honest purpose;
If I can know your heart,
But to be simply your pal
Here for you now and whenever,
Without keeping tabs
Not a tissue for your issues;
But a shoulder
Give you strength,
You're not alone;
But I've always been...
© okpoet
350 · Jan 2013
Don't Forget...
When you no longer need me;
Don't forget I still need you,
When you no longer think of me;
I won't stop remembering you,
When you no longer remember my name;
I'll still have yours engraved in my heart,
And although we may have met for a reason;
And you may have just needed me for a season,
Called for me wherever whenever,
You'll stay in my mind forever;
So even if I can no longer shine a light,
Or make your gloomy days bright;
Your memory will remain,
And though to cry I refrain;
Such has been my impression of you,
Within my nights and skies blue;
There you will be ever so still,
When I close my eyes and see them fill;
With the image of your smile,
That'll be with me mile after mile;
From you I'll never be free,
So just don't forget me...
© okpoet
349 · Jan 2013
Show me
The future
As an abstract
By Picasso
Though I can't
See it clearly
I'll believe you
If you do
Tell me it's
Bright and true,
And let the past
Be a painting
Brushed by
Van Gogh,
In it's texture
The realness
That though it was
Just a feeling
Past, it has
In it's shadow cast
A shade to lie under
If the sun to come
Shines too bright...

APAD13 - 024 © okpoet
349 · Feb 2013
Between the Lines...
I still think of you,
Pretty eyes beautiful hue,
I shed a tear,
Whenever your voice I hear,
Think of those times,
Riding between the lines,
Racing fast;
Running away at last;
Our dreams we had to fulfill,
That was such a thrill,
But our time faded,
We strayed from our course jaded,
And so; far and close,
The paths we chose,
Separated our lives,
But sharp they were not knives,
For you still are in my mind,
Your essence you left behind,
For me to cherish, never forget,
Unsettling in my days; you beget...
© okpoet
348 · Feb 2013
Love was not Enough...
You said you wanted flowers,
Thrown at you from the highest towers,
You wanted this, you wanted that,
You wanted a rabbit pulled out of a hat,
Of the sun the moon & the stars,
You wanted it all while joyriding in cars,
You hoped for everything,
Yet you never asked for anything,
All I heard was the wet of your tears,
As they drizzled down through the years,
Because you were never happy,
Never satisfied, always ******,
Had I failed so miserably,
At giving you my all? Very probably,
For you love was not enough,
Because of this you made the going tough,
My affections could not quench;
Your wanton desires powerful stench,
So I've left you to your own devices;
Having enough of my sacrifices,
There is no cure for your want of material things,
I waited long enough, now the fat lady sings...
© okpoet
348 · Feb 2017
Veni vidi
And she
Conquered me,
What plans I wrought
Like Vesuvius
Dissolved the land,
Entombed the people,
And ashes will still rain
A reminder,
Can I
No longer forge ahead
Without her?
A master planner,
What others seek
Have I found?
Though unlike dreams
That fade
As the sun rises
She is brighter than,
And maybe
Even if
There is no empire
She is my world
And I am
A constant satellite...

APAD17 - 001
347 · Feb 2013
Now, Not Then...
Someone to have and to hold;
We search for in the dark and cold,
Feeling around lost
Broken hearts and hopes the cost,
Bitter tears the drink to toast
Praying and hoping not the worst,
But still they come and go
Those that we loved while they didn't know,
Emptying our very souls
Like dying embers of ashes coals,
Because we don't know any better
Believing their words their every letter,
Anxious and desperate of their charm
For a little warmth; a little love; no harm,
Until it's a little too late; a little too far
We hope to seal ourselves in a little jar,
Place ourselves behind a concrete wall
Away from attachments; away from it all,
But the world is a lot bigger than us and them
So we mend and sew and hew and hem,
Our tattered hearts to wear again
For we want our love now; not then…
© okpoet
347 · Feb 2013
Only You...
I hear the whispers on the breeze;
Let no one flinch or even sneeze,
"Turn around and look over there,"
Gorgeous; unique with the glow of your hair,
I see the glory of your beauty;
If you were my queen what would be my duty?
Where have you been all along?
To you I'd dedicate every beautiful song,
All a sunder step away from your path;
Not a soul strays their attention if breath they hath,
I can't look away from your striking eyes,
In them I see the reflection of the skies;
You hold me prisoner; but I'm willful;
I'm loyal and determined; adoration plentiful,
I would be pleased to do your bidding,
As you command me my heart races flitting;
You hold the power in the realm of your finger,
When you walk away; your image stays to linger;
There is none other but you and only you,
My beating breath is yours; my life I surrender true;
Walking inspiration; growing desperation that you are,
To have you by my side I'd wish on every heavenly star...
© okpoet
346 · Feb 2013
Let Me Be...
Of paths and roads
Nothing's good with toads,
Through mists and fog
I've walked far with my dog,
Choices at the forks in my way
Have made my mind play,
Which way should I go?
Does anyone ever know?
Through the gravel path
Through the paved street hath,
But I a single choice
I'm ready; see my poise?
Swift against the current
I'd say it if I weren't;
On the correct path I'd taken
But I'm always right not forsaken,
And it's been that it never meant much
Without your company; your touch,
To guide me along the way
The right direction that in my trail lay,
Simply mad I'd be
If I were to say; let me be...
© okpoet
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