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 Jul 2014 Natalie Hughes
Your screensaver on your phone was my name spelled out in large, block letters. I avoided you by slipping in early to math and hiding behind lockers and lunch tables. This is the first time I learned to run away.

2. We held hands in the dark, and whispered into each other's ears. Your new girlfriend is sweet. I understand why she is not your secret.

3. I saw fireflies light up in your eyes.

4. I knew you never liked me, but I still kissed you anyways.

5. You told me 6 months ago that you loved boys. I've never been more proud of you.

6. I smiled at you the other day and you ignored my existence. I swear I heard every bone in my body break.

7. You slipped into my back porch door and I smelled a party, midnight, and her on your breath. My hands have never felt clean again. I hope she doesn't love you and her hands feel like knives in your back.

8. You are the recipient of all of my flaws. I'm so sorry you never knew me. Please continue to pray.

9. I think I loved you since the day we exchanged a pencil in sixth grade. I know we will never end up together, but it sure is nice to have a best friend.

10. It was all a mistake. My name burns the roof of your mouth but you continue to drink. You'r drowning in your own bitterness and desperately trying to fill your lungs with her laughter.

12. You were the first boy to ever tell me I was beautiful and truly mean it. I felt the word warm my skin and give me goosebumps. Your "beautiful" held no fine print, no bad intentions... no conditions.

13. You are sunshine and flowers petals tucked into shirt pockets, behind wisps of hair. I wish time had allowed us to...

14. Maybe next time I can muster enough courage to write a poem about the lightning bolts in my own limbs. I am trying to be done waiting on you. I am learning how to love myself.
 Jul 2014 Natalie Hughes
how much do you love her?
do you love her
like the Arizona mountains
that whisper to the sunsets that they are
magnificent paintings
rather than just a blushing sky

do you love her
like the Aztec ruins
with graceful ghosts of
****** sacrifices
that roam the rock and fallen shrines-
I bet there was a love like yours here too
I bet lustful eyes shared gazes here
once, too

do you love her
like a deep cave
with water falling for the
oil pastel walls
and with the echo songs of my past confessions,
my desperate pleas for your affections

do you love her,
please look me in the eyes
and tell me
she never compared
to the possibilities that my body holds
tell me boy
that you could give her up
and run to me
in summer
with fireworks bursting around us
and our limbs entangled..
be with me
give her up
be with me
I'm sick of writing unrequited love poems for you
I love you
not because
you're good looking

I love you
not because
you're caring

I love you
not because
you dote on me

I love you
not because
your smiles are sweet

I love you
not in lust
of your crevice
or orifice
or skin

I love you
without you
I feel

incomplete within.
I will be where I should
When the time comes
If you're  lookin' for me
I'll be behind my gun
No time to care
And no time to fear
If you're looking for me
I'll be there

— The End —