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Oct 2018 · 456
true peace
Namal Oct 2018
we walk through the years
along the tiring shores
of the ocean of life
not knowing when our paths
will fade away and be forgotten
among those of many others

at times, when the tide is low
and sun warm the sands
we find abundant treasures
scattered for us to pick
and claim as ours
we laugh, in happiness

at times, when the tide is high
and fierce storms rage
we barely cling on
to our frail dear life
waves reclaim our treasures
we scowl, in sadness

as the tides high and low
so do our feelings flitter
at whim and mercy
of the uncertain ocean of life
bound by the ropes of desire
to inevitable pain

if only we see the truth,

to see the scattered treasures
but to claim them not ours
to see the moods of the ocean
but to see them not permanent
then, and only then
the bliss of true peace is ours
Apr 2018 · 8.5k
a place for you
Namal Apr 2018
a place of love
away from the unforgiving fire of lust
a place of belonging
away from the binding ropes of family
a place of acceptance
away from the cold stare of judgement
a place of freedom
away from the pen of righteousness

a place of comfort, for yourself
as you are, as a whole
without conditions

do you know of such a place?
is it too much to ask?

i know of such a place
i’ve made it for you
inside my heart

the door is open
please walk in
dear sister
Apr 2018 · 9.1k
words without warmth
Namal Apr 2018
words without warmth
are like the dry wind
that has lost its water
over the high cliffs of life

they cannot water a wilting soul
but  will only take away
the little life left
and leave it collapsed

"thank you"s are tired
over worked, over used
only an ASCII  string, no more
"i’m sorry"s stare in the face
of the expectant mind

bring words back from the wastelands
give them the life they’ve lost
make them carry between their bits
the warm care of a human for another

— The End —