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 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
you come alive
you've hardly strive
to survive
don't let 'em **** you twice

you are victorious!
you've won thousands of battles and you can do it again today.
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
belle 02
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
i see a glow in your eyes
despite the sad songs you write
i see dreams and fires
and all your brilliance
you glow, you shine
you bring light and warmth
yet you do not know it
i’m writing this letter to you
you the belle of my life
in case you forget
you are loved, very much loved
letters to belle,
read, in case you forgot
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
belle 01
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
she sings of broken dreams and loneliness
she smells of *** and cigarettes
she takes me high, she takes me low
she is the belle i can’t let go
she dances for me when she is high
she tells me she loves me but it’s a lie
she gets me high yet she let’s me down
but still she is the belle i can’t let go
a song called belle
she, the belle i can’t let go
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
On the day that we leave this place,
May the sands of the Sahara shift,
As they turn
Into an ocean of glass,
May the stars up above
Cry streams of light,
Holy be this night
For it is in this darkness
That our life changes,
As the world is growing  
Love knows,
that in all our aching
The earth keeps on turning
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
By your side
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
Fall in love
With the wind
That holds you steady
Through the night
And flies away
At the first sight of light.
Always is she
Blowing your name
Like dandelions floating by
Caressing the sky
As you hear her whisper
“I’ll be right here,
By your side.”
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
you loved me even at my darkest
but some people are only meant to stay
until dawn

 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
I love you
Like the day loves the sun.
Darling I know,
I shouldn’t live
Needing you
When you shine
Unaware of my light,
But I do.
So I flew closer
And as you left me
In this night
I burned for you.
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
I promise
One day
The sun will wash away the rain
And the tide will pull away the darkness

Maybe that isn’t today
And maybe,
That’s okay
Because I promise
One day
You will be.
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
nadine shane
i have learned to love in silence —
eyes no more than just a glance,
arms engulfing my frail stature,
fingers grazing your flesh,
lips knitted tightly
so not to speak of
how irrevocable i could love.

this quaint affection which i give to you
was returned by no more than
just hushed confabulations and regret.

and so i learn to love in silence —

for you are much more of an art from afar
that i do not dare wish to taint you
with my mere nothingness.

for i cannot speak of
how i would toss and turn
in the dead of the night,
wishing of what could have been;
how i am besotted with your existence painted in bright and vibrant tints.

loving in silence
had become a matter
that my heart is wont to do

and not an ounce of surprise
rushes to me when i hear nothing
but the soft zephyr.
the cicadas cried, so did i.
 Apr 2019 Gamaliel
meet me where the moon kisses the earth

where sorry's and goodbye's are as light as hi and hello

where tears is no longer tears but rain that will vanish all your pain

a place where forever exist and soon to exit

meet me there,

show me what love is.

i'll wait you there.
#faith #love
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