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398 · Apr 2014
Auss Apr 2014
Eyes down
Chin up
Don't frown

Chest out
Shoulders back
Prepped for serene attack

Repeat these words
I love laws
Rebels false cause

Think like us
Get on the bus
Don't make a fuss

You are free
Be What you want to be
Pursue liberty

But don't question
any aggression
From the higher nation

Band Wagon
Mindless rabble
Talking babble

Free The mind
You will find
Fewer binds
398 · May 2015
Auss May 2015
You say you don't want to hurt me
I said you never could
in reality,  I meant you never would

I opened up to you
And to you I am 100% true
Please remember that

We have history you and me
You think you and he have any?
I want to be yours for once

Can't we just forget about you and him?
It makes my future start to seem really grim
Why not us like it used to be
392 · Sep 2014
Too late
Auss Sep 2014
They say nothing lasts forever
So I called you my nothing.
That didn't mean I stopped loving,
I just wanted us to be together.

But I was too late.
You didn't want to wait
You didn't want to stay
So I let you walk away

I didn't realize it would end like this
My emotions a complete mess
While watching you lie there
Not a sign of life left anywhere...
Young love cut short.
389 · May 2014
Auss May 2014
A mark of blasphemy,
The founder of economy
A part of our society
A black part from inside of me
388 · May 2014
Lost Hope
Auss May 2014
I have no more reason
To commit self treason

No more need for suicide
No need to split my skin so Very wide

I am broken
My insides breaking
My heart is tearing

You said you needed me
But I guess I wasn't who I ought to be.

You turned your back
Severed our friendship in one single hack

I loved you
You were my sister

You were my friend
But I forgot that I don't mean jack in the very end

I hope you are happy
And I'll wish you along
Because we both know I am too far gone

I'll stay here and wait
I'll wait till I fall
And all that is left is a memory
A memory on which you may never call

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
I don't even want to know why.

Just leave so I can burn myself
So I can destroy myself
So I can recreate myself

Then I'll wear a fake smile
Around you awhile
Your new friends I'll beguile
Thinking through the ****** trial
That feeling when you had a strand of hope only to watch it literally get stomped out in your face while you know that there was absolutely nothing you could do to prevent it. That feeling of being powerless about the one thing you care for.
383 · Apr 2014
Auss Apr 2014
man did pray
for God to stay
and devil to go away

Sent Son down
to wear the crown
put the devil in the groun'

40 day
did not sway
what do you say?

thank you lord for sacrifice
purged from our unholy vice
his hand to stall the sharpened knife
that aims to end all good life
373 · Apr 2014
my apologies
Auss Apr 2014
Im sorry mother,
Ive done you wrong
  I didnt listen to your song.

But why bother?
Wise old father,
  He knew this all along

Youngest sister,
I will miss her
  Many years I will be gone

Loyal dog,
Beware the frog
  And you shall not be wrong

Girl I care for
Run for the door
  I can not sing a love song

My dear brother
From another mother
  Stay away from the toxic ****

Good bye earth
Good bye sky
  Please forgive me and spin on
359 · Apr 2014
Auss Apr 2014
The three best cures for any issue
1. A good beer
2. A good nights sleep
3. A good laugh

Is only weird If it don't work
340 · Apr 2014
Auss Apr 2014
In the darkness I do tread
Is where I lay my tired head
Where I puke the lies I'm fed

They tried to fix me with a med
That sick pill taste like lead
Strapped me to a metal bed

Perhaps shock therapy instead
Hidden in a rotten shed
They did zap me til I's dead

Beat me
Bruise me
Bleed me
Save me

In the darkness
Painful cāress
My wounds I dress

Stand strong
All along
You aren't wrong

That's the bell
This must be hell
As they look down at meeee
339 · Apr 2014
Auss Apr 2014
Burn ***** burn
Take a **** turn
Hell cares not
You've been caught

Scalpel, dirk, or sword?
None are Sharper then the word
Standing alone
Among my blacked bones

No gas
Just ash
To fall from the sky
To choke the air from your lie

Welcome to my playground
We live here underground
Daring not to make a sound
Bones that are unbound
Skeletons from all around
Dead thoughts dead dreams
All the things that never seem

we've been expecting you
304 · Apr 2014
Auss Apr 2014
Ill take a hundred years of hell I deserve then a year in paradise I didn't earn.
Honor and perseverance are everything
250 · Apr 2014
Auss Apr 2014
Insanity is the best policy.  They won't ever see it coming
Off of ryanosorous but my own
239 · Apr 2014
Auss Apr 2014
It's in darkness that we find out true selves. But we have to make sure that it doesn't get tainted
Just another fun one

— The End —