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 Sep 2015 Refiloe Tshabalala
"Sometimes you just need one person. Maybe forever..? Maybe for just a little while. Not long. Being alone is hard, but being with a lot of people can be hard to. Find someone is okay with talking for hour about stupid ****, but at the same time, would enjoy silence with you. Someone who would hike 10 miles then sleep all day. You just need someone to help you balance. Sometimes you need someone to help you keep your center of gravity."
you're never br(ok)en without purpose.
You'll be ok .
Is what mine soul speaketh to thee
When it want's one to listen...
We ate these midnight hearts, hoping that we could stop the sun from rising

So that we may stay in the night forever, we wanted this evening to be a century, a universe that expands infinitely

But our denial was ever present, just like the moonlight on the rain soaked asphalt

Our night was not infinite, it was just a moment, a moment that would be like any other moment

In a blink we had smiles, the next one we were watching the rain, the next one we saw the sun peering over the pines

I know melancholy isn’t always nice, but it was better than sadness for us
I want to wake you up with kisses between your legs

and taste the dreams you've had of us,

and turn them from a lustful fantasy

to a heart-pounding reality.
Strawberry lips, capable, voluptuous
Shapely hips, body sumptuous
Vanilla cream skin, soft, inviting
Fingers squeezing, feeling, igniting
Tongue flicking, teeth biting
Blood pumping, flesh writhing
Tangled bodies, spirits, lives
Pleading, teasing, seducing eyes
Limbs reaching, groping, pleasing
Panting faster, shallow breathing
Oh God, don't stop!
Screams, gasps, ecstasy, pop
Conceiving an affection for this majestic connection while floating in a quantum energy field where all is revealed
Processing vital information while the inclination toward unification within this incarnation opens you up to the deep vibrations tenderly activating polyphonic sensations.
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