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Oct 2014 · 598
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
This guy I know,
Brings me more smiles then I would like to show.

This guy I know,
Never fails to shock me.

This guy I know,
Let me sit with him,
Even when I thought I was hated by him.

He seems to accept me,
For being the completely weird me.

This guy I know,
His name being Joe,
Is a really good friend,
Even to a girl like me.
Oct 2014 · 194
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Pull down your sleeves boy,
It may be all for attention but why would you want them to see.

Don't wear shorts little girl,
You hide you scars so they don't judge us, you see.

Stop crying small boy,
Those black and blue marks brought someone else joy.

Don't scream young girl,
They take pride knowing your in pain.

Don't be sad,
Be happy.

But don't you see it's not for attention,
Why would they hide it if it was?

Why would you judge someone,
Who has suffered more pain then you?

Why beat someone black and blue,
Because their actions didn't please you?

Why **** them,
Would you want that to happen to you?

Why tell them to be happy,
When your the one bringing them sadness?
Oct 2014 · 173
Writers Block
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Writers block..
It's killing me.

Like a slow,

It's taking control,
Of me.

Writers block,
It's attacking my sanity.

It's taking control,
Over my mentality.

Writers Block,
Oh Writers Block,
What are you doing to me.
Oct 2014 · 228
Who Are You
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Who are you.
Good question,
I barley know myself anymore.
Oct 2014 · 216
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
That's it I'm finished,
I want to die more,
And more every time I cry.

Let's just say I have cried a lot.
Oct 2014 · 182
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
It just goes to show,
No matter how nice I have been to you,
You don't even know how to be the same.
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Do you know how to keep a secret?

Well here is mine,
I am breaking,
Falling apart.

You are hurting me,
Despite the times I told you I was fine.

My heart is tearing in its own time,
Quickly and painfully.

I'm hurt so bad.

But I'm not sure how to tell you.
Oct 2014 · 152
In Pain
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
It's almost like you can't see I'm in pain.

I may have hurt you but you have broken my heart too,
Now it's like a broken window pain.
Oct 2014 · 217
Bringing out me.
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
It brings out a different side of me.

The happier,
Brighter side of me.

Your love,
It does something different to me.

It darkens,
My personality.

It's like a dark curse,
Has been put over me.
Oct 2014 · 180
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
The black I wear really brings out the bubbly side of me
Oct 2014 · 141
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Your name seems to be tattooed across my heart.
Oct 2014 · 306
Dear ___,
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
I stare at my screen,
Where it once read your name,
It pains and it aches,
Knowing it won't read it again.

It hurts so bad,
This pain inside,
It's about these dumb feelings,
The ones I can't hide.

I feel so hurt,
That you told her,
About how we were,
"Meant to be"
And yet you can't seem,
To find the time to speak to me.

I thought we were friends,
The best at first,
But you told me you liked me,
Then our friendship was more you,
Being a flirt.

In time I began to flirt,
But that didn't mean,
I liked you at first.

It's kinda insane,
That I grew to like you,
But you don't understand,
Is I liked him too.

I liked him first,
I wanted him first.

But when we get together,
Your presence seemed to disperse.

I started to like you...
Yes it's true,

Dear dot dot dot,
I really did like you..
Oct 2014 · 872
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
There are people who cut themselves,
Some of these people are the most sane people I know.

There are people who burn themselves,
They have some of the brightest personality's I have seen.

Some of these people you may tell,
Go **** yourself.
It's all for attention.
Or maybe even,
Cut a little deeper, it's not like anyone cares.

But what you don't see is,
They are all ready battling a pain inside,
It's not something they can just up and hide.

It's almost as if there are demons inside,
Telling them the lies,
That there eyes are to far apart or,
Their thighs are twice their size.

These people were once happy,
They were once beautiful in there own eyes.

But now they have broken,
It's almost like their souls are shattered window panes.

But you don't understand is all they seem to feel is pain.

Pain is becoming like their middle name.

It's all they feel,
All they breath.

It's almost like every breathe they take,
It's almost like breathing acid.

But just remember some of them are,
The most sane.
Oct 2014 · 177
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Yes, I have cuts on my hips,
Yes, I have cuts on my wrist.

But the ones you cannot miss are the ones within my kiss.

Because my kiss shows my heart and soul..
Oct 2014 · 191
Impossibly True
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Is it bad that I know it is impossibly true,
That I am once again falling for you.

Yet I am choosing to do nothing because,
Without a doubt,
No matter how much I deny it,
Or how much I hide it,
I miss you.

I want to feel your warmth,
I want you to hold me, tightly,
With so much love that the happiness,
Invites me,
Deeper into this thing we call love.

I am becoming trapped in my own happiness,
When you smile and tell me that you love me too.
Oct 2014 · 658
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
This crazy boy I know.

His tight hugs in the morning make me smile,
I kinda wish they could last a little while..

His bright eyes,
Shine when he smiles.

He may just be a crazy boy I know,
But he is also so trustworthy,
Even if it doesn't show.

I don't really think Joey,
Is just a crazy boy that knows me,
He might also be,
A crazy boy that knows the true me..
Oct 2014 · 292
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
The tiny, little blonde.

Her pixie cute hair,
And her blue/green eyes.

She's pretty short,
But what she doesn't have in height,
She makes up for in personality.

He personality is so bright,
Like a star on a dark night.

The tiny, little blonde.
Oct 2014 · 456
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Clowns smile.
Clowns frown.

Maybe behind that clowns smile is a face that is nothing but down.
And maybe behind that clowns from is a smile that goes on for miles.

Maybe there happiness,
Is all an act.

And maybe their sadness
Is all an act.

Maybe their entire life is an,
Balancing act.
Oct 2014 · 267
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Happiness is intoxicating.
Oct 2014 · 242
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
I should come with a warning label.

Warning this girl,
Falls in love to easily,
Is insecure,
Is a mess,
Is high maintenance,
Is hard to deal with.

Maybe I should just let them find out on there own
Oct 2014 · 178
Fears and Age
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
There are three thing that scare me.
And that no one will ever love me.

The first one is probably the most logical,
For you don't think that a person of my age,
Can be afraid of the last two things.

But you see I may be 13 physically,
But I have been through so much I could pass as,

I have been through pain,
So I have pretty much been through hell and back.

But my experiences make me the lady I am today.
And I wouldn't want it any other way.

Because if it was different,
I wouldn't be able to write the way I can today.
Oct 2014 · 193
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
I don't kiss with my lips.
I kiss with my heart.
My soul.
I show you what you mean to me.
You would be lucky to get a kiss from me.
Oct 2014 · 157
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
If you love someone what do you do?
How do you know if they love you too?
Oct 2014 · 397
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
The breathtakingly beautiful girl.

Her sarcasm,
Is defiantly a large part of her personality.

Her personality,
Is very amusing to me,
She seems to be so happy and bubbly.

I love her eyes,
They are a vibrant green,
Probably one of the prettiest I have seen.

Her beauty is,
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
The beautiful brown haired girl.

Her personality is beautiful,
Like a little girls first smile.

She only seems to see the best in people,
Never looking for the worst.

She is so nice it is scary,
Her happiness seems to be intoxicating.

The beautiful brown haired girl.
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
As I reflect on my past,
I realize many things have passed.

Flowers have bloomed,
Yet I can't ever "find the room",
To watch them as they bloom.

People have graced me,
With their beautiful personalities,
And yet I never find the time,
To allow their personalities to overwhelm me.

I wish I could reflect on my past
And say many good times have passed,
But sadly there is more good then there is bad,
I wish there was more happy then there is sad.

But alas I cannot change where my pieces have landed,
But I can't fix my past either,
So I shall allow the past to remain in the past.

So if you ask me to reflect,
I will not reflect but honestly say,
The past is just another fallen day.
Oct 2014 · 151
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
The beautiful girl.
And the broken boy.

Maybe one of them can find some joy.
Oct 2014 · 234
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
I breath in the same air as many before me.
Maybe someone famous or someone glorious breathed this before me.
Maybe someone sad or someone depressed stood in the same place as me.
All I know is they probably would never understand me.
Or maybe they will..
Who knows,
But in all honesty they were here before me.
Oct 2014 · 580
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Can you hear her screaming?
It is because she is finally breaking.

She has held her ground,
Whereas others around her broke under the pressure.

She is not screaming,
She is tearing.

She is ripping at the seams.
Like a old dish towel,
Easily torn.

She is falling apart,
Her confidence failing.

Her heart breaking,
Her spirt falling.

She can feel the pain.
She can feel the hurt.

And yet she smiles,
That breathtaking smile of hers,
Never fails to work.

Her smile,
No matter how fake,
Always seems to fool the others around her.
Oct 2014 · 289
Her smile.
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Her smile, proves nothing but she can act.
Oct 2014 · 635
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Red pill,
Blue pill,
Green pill.

So many pills,
Making her life go downhill.
Oct 2014 · 342
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
She feels your eyes cascading down her body,
She cry as you try to kiss her once again.

Your drunken state cannot do this justice,
But your drunken kiss is not something she will miss.

She feels broken,
From the countless times she has been hurt.

He tries to hurt her again,
She screams from all of the pain.

If there would be fire,
It would light his desire,
Or his drunken breath on fire.

He laughs when she screams,
She cannot believe she has to feel these things.

He has hurt her,
She is wondering how long until,
She gives in to the pain,
And gives her life away.
I know this is kind of a touchy subject but, I felt like writing this.
Oct 2014 · 149
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Bury your fears like you bury your dead.
Oct 2014 · 190
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
When asked if I believe in love,
I say not anymore.

Not after I have witnessed things,
That hold so much hatred that,
I can't fathom how anyone could.

Seems so unrealistic,
Seems so fake.

The way people talk about love,
Makes me wish that it did exist.

But with all the hatred in this world,
How is love possible?

How is love possible in a world full of,

Maybe if hatred wasn't such a potent part of this world,
It could have a chance to exist.

But at this moment love is a dying cause,
It is long gone.
Oct 2014 · 151
These Days Are Yours
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
These are the days,
You will not forget.

These are the days,
The fun doesn't seem to quit.

From Middle School,
To High School.

You realize it doesn't matter,
If your cool.

It matters,
Who your friends are.

These days are yours,
Live them wisely.
Oct 2014 · 116
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
I'm not sure how people seem to talk without words..
Oct 2014 · 182
Missing Him...
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
I miss feeling you close to me,
I miss having your warmth radiating from you to me.
I miss smelling your scent all over my clothes.
I miss having you hold me when I'm upset.

I just miss you.
Oct 2014 · 860
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
I love you with all my heart.

Your love giving my thoughts a "jump start"

Your choices make me want to glare,
And yet I continuously stare.

Yet I choose to love you minus you being unfair.
Oct 2014 · 210
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
I'm quiet,
Only because If I were to speak,
You wouldn't like how mean I would like to be.
Oct 2014 · 237
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
I'm breaking at the seams.

I'm as torn as it seems.

I'm crying nonexistent tears.

Each one holding each of my fears.
Oct 2014 · 126
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
You know me better then I know myself.
You know her better then I choose to tell.
Oct 2014 · 158
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Silence is the dying girls greatest wish.
Oct 2014 · 256
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
He makes me blush uncontrollably.

He laughs at my weirdness.
Oct 2014 · 416
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
His smile is intoxicating.
I can't help but smile with him..

His lips seem so kissable.
May I kiss them?

His blush is adorable.
I hope he doesn't mind if I make it worse.
Oct 2014 · 827
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
His Dad,
Refuses to like me.

Saying my friends,
Seem to be more important to me then his son.

What he doesn't get,
Is it was killing me.

Being called those names,
Every single day.

They were breaking me,
Inside I was torn.

I was crying,
Almost everyday.

Unable to breathe,
The pain inside was crushing me.

But what he doesn't understand,
Is his son was, is, more important to me then myself.

He means the world to me.

I physically,
Couldn't live without him.

But I guess,
I'm too ******,
For you to know that.
Oct 2014 · 171
Poisonous Kiss
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
It's almost as if,
My kiss is poisonous.

Because when I touch your lips,
I just can't seem to resist.

I continue,
Despite the times you told me to quit.

I tried to ignore it,
I tried to stop.

But your lips,
Make me just not want to stop.

Make me want more.

Because your kiss is more poisonous then mine.
Oct 2014 · 534
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
I'm here when needed.

But I don't seem to be needed much anymore..
Oct 2014 · 2.1k
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Fall from the tree's,
Knocking passerby's unconscious.

They can give us sweet milk,
Or what the locals would call "meat",
But I'm pretty sure this isn't the kind of meat I usually eat.
Oct 2014 · 308
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
From there giggles,
To there smiles,
Babies can make life worth while.

They can give you,
Many sleepless nights,
Or many cuddle fights.

From their kisses and hugs,
Babies are probably one of the best things to love.
Oct 2014 · 909
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Brandy, the beautiful punk-rock girl,
Her personality,
Could light the whole world.

Her black and blue nerd glasses,
Help her see right past us.

Her wicked nose piercing,
Is piercing our souls,
Showing us what her words cannot hold.

She makes me smile,
With her never ending smile,
Shows us, that you don't need to be sad,
With Brandy you can be very glad.

The Beautiful Punk-Rock Girl
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