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Oct 2014 · 547
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Stomping the ground with a mighty force.
They have more power then a horse.
Can pull with a ton of more force.
Their trunks is there only source of air.
getting random topics today....
Oct 2014 · 285
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Dalton, Is the tall boys name.
Without him this place would change.

He's rather weird,
But laughs with us all.

The tall skinny boy,
With dogs and birds on his wall.

He can't seem to sit still,
Like a bird,
His heart beats to his own will.
Oct 2014 · 4.8k
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Small little creatures,
Laying on the beach,
Why don't you come over,
And sit with me.

Itty bitty turtles,
May look weak,
But their shells are nothing,
Near weak.

They are stronger then you think.
Turtles... OK?
Oct 2014 · 308
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
The wide eyed beauty,
She sits across from me.

Filling my eyes with wonder,
With her small little comments.

Seems to be her weak suit,
But thats what I'm here for.

From her little baby pictures,
Or the Mayday Parade thing,
On her wall,
Becca never seems to fail at shocking us all.

Little Nurse Becca,
Filled With Curiosity,
My little inspiration,
Write one about me!
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
It has come over me,
Like a wave washes over a beach.

Is beauty,
No destruction.
No havoc.

Is rare to see lately,
With all these wars raging around me.

So tranquillity,
Will you ever come back to me?
Oct 2014 · 190
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
There are reason's I always put the title last,
It is almost as if I don't know if I give one before,
If it will last.

Because, you see I never no what to expect of me,
I expect nothing,
Yet end up with something.
Oct 2014 · 226
I Tried
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
I have tried to be perfect.

I have tried to be nice.

But it seems neither will,

So I will try to be different.

With a little attitude.
Oct 2014 · 132
I was once.
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
I was once so alone,
It felt as if I locked myself in a room,
And lost the key.

I was once so depressed,
It was as if my heart had taken,
The Broken Express.

I was once so bipolar,
That only saying Hi,
Would trigger my disorder.

I was once so hurt,
It felt like a million bandages,
Would never work.

But what you don't see,
Is that those things are all,
A part of me.

I still have those things,
I just hide them,
Deep down inside of me.

For I am afraid,
If I show myself,
That thats not the girl,

That everyone wants me to be.
Oct 2014 · 307
Once Upon A Time
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
As all good things begin,
Once upon a time.

But what if this isn't,
A good thing.

What is it is per say,
A very bad thing.

But it begins with once upon a time,
There was a girl in red.

But it wasn't her clothes that were,

It was her wrists,
That are scared and in pieces.

And to anyone that see's this,
She's becoming lonely,
Feeling so alone it should be illegal.

But this is normal for her,
She feels so alone,
It as if the world doesn't exist.

But you see this is normal,
For a girl like her, you see,
Because I have felt this way before.

And I bet you will never believe,
That girl was once me.
Oct 2014 · 166
My heart
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
He broke my heart, and tried to fix it with some tape.
Doesn't he know that tape only stays for so long,
Until it falls apart again.
Oct 2014 · 213
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
There is this part of me,
That know's it is true.

I honestly have not stopped,
Loving you.

It's like your sweet embrace,
Won't go away.

These thoughts in my head,
Begin to lead me astray.

I'm not sure,
But I hope it is true.

Maybe you haven't stopped,
Loving me too..
Lexi Dvorak Sep 2014
The girl sits with a razor kissing her wrists.
The boy sits in a corner enduring never ending kicks.

She says she'll be fine.
He says he just stepped out of line.

She doesn't understand that this is far from fine.
And He doesn't understand that this is not because he was out of line,

She believes she deserves this.
He believes they love him.

Neither of which are true.

Why would she deserve pain,
and why would he deserve the cold bottom of their shoes?
Sep 2014 · 312
Middle School Tragedy
Lexi Dvorak Sep 2014
Baby, please drop your razors. That lighter it's meant for fire, not to burn your skin. Do you not realize how amazing you are to me? Do you not realize your pain causes me so much misery.
Please shread that suicide note. This is not the way you are destined to go. Step off that chair, you were never ment to hang there. Get away from the ledge, I can't catch you there.
The simplest things may hurt you. Is this really how you want to go? As the middle school tragedy?
Why would you want to go this way? It will just cause everyone else so much pain.
Your smile could light the darkest of times. Let it continue to shine, if you go away you could no longer be my light when my mind becomes dark.
The pain of you being a middle school tragedy will overcome me, take away my smile, bring back my frown. Don't do that to me. Leave me and you take my happiness with you.
Your laugh makes everyone else around you laugh. Not because it's funny, but because your happiness is intoxicating. Let it continue to intoxicate the world.
Please do not become the next middle school tragedy.
Sep 2014 · 187
They Never Tell Us
Lexi Dvorak Sep 2014
They will always tell you your heart will say intact.

They will always tell you everything will get better.

They will always tell you no one person can hurt you so much.

They never told the truth.

They never told you that your heart can break.

They never told you things don't always get better.

They never told you that you can get hurt so much by the same person.

But I guess what they never told you never hurt you.

Until now.
Sep 2014 · 147
Lexi Dvorak Sep 2014
I kissed your fragile lips,
Hoping to see once again the light in your eyes.

I hug your frail body,
As if you might break.
Sep 2014 · 124
Lexi Dvorak Sep 2014
You asked where my soul is,
I say in my music.

You asked where my heart is,
I said in my poems.

You asked where my feelings go,
I said I honestly don't know.
Sep 2014 · 172
Lexi Dvorak Sep 2014
I still have my heart,
It's in a box on my shelf.

Why don't you lift me up there,
I could use some help.

It's not that I'm to short,
Or that I'm to small.

But it is that out of them all,
You are the only one I trust,
To help get it down from the

— The End —