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Jeremy Betts
41/M/Washington State   
Thomas W Case
56/M/Clear Lake My book, Seedy Town Blues is on Amazon
Imran Islam
31/M/πŸβœ“Lure Pot βœ“πŸ    MY BooKs [] and I develop websites, design and format Amazon Kindle books
Wandering and wondering, around and about.
M/Las Montanas Del Paso    Philosopher and writer. All material copyrighted.
27/M/Lisboa    What I feel is who I am What I can feel is who you make me
22/F/Kaer Morhen    Despite everything, it's still you
Ugbake W Eguegu
22/F    Things to know about me: 1. You can call me Rin. 2. I love me some slant rhymes. 3. I write lots of poems, most ...
20/M/Home    Took the shackles off my feet so I can dance -- dancing in His light
Jonathan Surname
M/Appalachian born    ask me anything; went from living amongst the mountains to flatlands and skyscrapers; i fucking hate it
Srijani Sarkar
17/F/India    A transparent cloud. I'm sorry, I don't have any silver lining.
A Simillacrum

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