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627 · Jul 2016
To a stranger
mojdeh Jul 2016
I tried to be your best
Even when you shattered me;
I tried to be your Idol
But that seems an Impossible thing

Please just leave me alone
You are not part of my heart& soul anymore
I hate you know, to beg a love from someone
Or ask them to  love me when they donť.

My mom thinks Im proud, uncharm & quite
Well, thatś   a subject for others to talk
I know myself deep inside
Im not like  those stuff they talk
They just see my face& say
Who will ever could love you then?
With such pride& style?
Lonely, sad, deep inside
Say something my cold heart
No one will ever see whatś  going on In these frozen veils.
Im sad because  my family judge unfairy about me.....
619 · Jul 2016
happy girl
mojdeh Jul 2016
I used to be unhappy
Nagging & crying all the day
Till i found the way
How to be a happy girl
I started to enjoy life
Not like all others
I felt every moment of it
By my heart & soul

I havenť got anything I want
But I have list of things to do
Laughing, playing&  singing a song
Enjoying the things I could
Life  is not easy all the time
But  This change
Nothing lasts forever
Keeping that in your mind
Everything change.
Singing, dancing all the time
Im a happy girl tillI have a breath in my lungs!
I used to think about a " happy life"
And everytime I thought that there is something left
I complained about everyone
I  see everything in Itś  negative side
Then I became depressed
Everything was dead to me
Finally tonight  I opend my eyes & found the truth
584 · Dec 2016
mojdeh Dec 2016
There is no use to pretend
That  Im ok & fine
Everything has shattered around
And my heart canť  feel  a bite
I feel like I have died inside
And my  soul trying  to getaway my body
Tears are  falling down on cheeks
Eyes are getting wet
Hands are shaken on my body
It seems  as life has reached to end
Im closeing  to  death by  each step
And i  canť  feel  nothing but
The queer enjoyable  sense  of  being free.
438 · Jul 2016
If I could only have you
mojdeh Jul 2016
If I could only have you I would take your hand
We would travelling around the world
We would be alwayse together like fork & spoon

If I could only have you
I would taste the love
With Itś bitterness & sweet flavours
I know I may be wrong
Though love is not a flavour
And you are not here now
So, whatś I can do now;
When my heart is alone?

I keep dreaming everyday I will see  you
You will come & seize my hand
My hands wonť be cold & swore.
Your love will be end of that!
Just  a imagianry poem
402 · Jul 2016
mojdeh Jul 2016
They are Demons In my mind
They drag me every where they want
Im tired & confused
Searching for a way to lose

Im staring to the blue sky
To the shiny yellow sun
Life Is beautiful I know
But not beautiful for all I suppose
People think Im happy
Even when there is a hell In my mind
I feel deep sorrow In my throat
But still I smile

There is something dead in me
I know there is no replace
Im caltivated by the life
this is no sweetest nightmare than the life.
They say you are young & beautiful
Try to change your world
But they donť know for me
Everything is already finished

Living, laughing & timid smiles
Is the all the thing I could  have done
Living like a happy man
Dying every day Inside
Demons , Demons every where
Still whispering in my head

Nasty, nasty , nasty life
You are caltivated by your life.
381 · Aug 2016
a house without love
mojdeh Aug 2016
I have decided to leave you alone
Here in this empty house
You have never been mine
And i have never been yourś
Seems we are living together
But our hearts are far apart
We gazing at each otherś  face
Looking for a love that is lost

I looking at you for the hundreds of  time
Hope to hear a word from you
I have struggled days and nights
Killing the love which you brought to my heart
Who says  you  can forget the one
Whom brought happiness to your heart?
334 · Jul 2016
love is a forbidden rule
mojdeh Jul 2016
I never told you
How much I love you
That seems an  Impossible thing

Me, you & we
Was the only picture I hade In my dreams
But then you left me alone
Breathless, near to death
You lighted a fire In my heart
&then; you watch me hurt

I wanted to have a place In your heart
But your heart was   full of passion
That was end to my purest love
You destroy all that desire

Now Im a cold girl
Not even believing in  love
You make my heart cold & swore
Love is forbidden rule.
323 · Jul 2016
mojdeh Jul 2016
Once upon a time I rememeber a face & heart
A plain girl with an ordinary face
Not beautiful as much as  others are
Her eyes was full of lights
Somepeople may call  It love
Someother  may thinking that she had  a hope In her heart.
She sat  lonely on her chair.
She had  a sweet smile on her face
Her black eyes was   the shiny pearls
Lighting like a beautiful black dress

She was  shy & hide her heart
In the most hidden parts
She was an angel without wings

She was  there to drew her world not like others
But like her own
But then a storm came one day,
There was a place  where love then came.
She was not that  girl anymore.
Love put Itś spells on her
Something was changed she knew It well.
Love put Itś spell on her
307 · Apr 2017
To the swollen heart
mojdeh Apr 2017
To the heart warm and kind
To the hands colder than Ice
To the eyes stronger than a sea
To the girl who have missed the days befor
To the swollen heart
To the the swollen heart
To the eyes full of tears
To the friendships full of lies
To the moment ruined by oneś
To the days which we were one
To the moments i felt your love
To the moments i thought you have the same feeling as mine
To the days which called life
To the heart which is heavier than a word
262 · Jul 2016
hard moments In life
mojdeh Jul 2016
Life is about good & bad days
But sometimes your life takes you to It toughest part
To examine how much you are strong; that doesnť mean you are not strong but It examines how much you can rebuild yourself when a storm come to your life.
If you have hardship donť get dissappointated or blue
The winner is one who stand till the last
You  have given   a  vulnerable  soul& heart  but, trust me
You will gain something more wealthier thing than you lose. like a piece of a diamond which it is hidddn in a shell,
Big win will come to your life when you have hard days. Wait for that; keep strong
Actually I had gum surgery 2 days ago. I canť  speak  or eat well.
Itś  summer & I canť do anything but rest. Cause Im weakier than alwayse.  
My only wish & dream these day is to be better soon
& I ask god all day to help all of other people who are ill too; I ashamed myself for complaining about life cause I underestood eating & speaking are both great.
149 · Dec 2019
story of 24
mojdeh Dec 2019
How is it like to be 24?
Young, beautiful, brave and free
The world is yours when you think
How lovely 24 can be
But life's a different game
Losing, winning,crying and starting again
131 · Dec 2019
mojdeh Dec 2019
Back to be alive again
I found myself
I hugged my bruises
I found sweet flavors in the life again
I accepted who Iam
I know what i want now
Maybe life was ******* me
But that all pass it and now
I'm proud to say I'm happy
Bc that's how is my life now

— The End —