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I didn't feel like writing today.
I was afraid I'd say the unsaid.
I dont wanna face the truth,
I dont wanna give up on us.
Why cant you come back to me,
And be the way it's supposed to be?
But alas I'm a poet. I must write.
I am buried
beneath an emotion
that does not have my name
on it.
The weirdest dream
I ever had
was you
not being in it
As the rising morning sun
shines its immaculate rays
on a field of sunflowers
these flowers , they awaken
from their nocturnal slumber
and ever so slowly
they spread their petals
and gaze upon the Sun

For in the Sun
they found an eternal source
of life , hope and warmth
And just like the Sun
will my soul tirelessly
shine upon hers forever
giving life , love and warmth
to this Sunflower , deeply rooted
within the crevices of my heart
You are the sea.
You are cruel.
You are cold.
And I love you.
When you can’t put into words
That feeling of love
A picture will show
The lifetime of memories
That will always last long
It's just a phase and
It will pass too
Just a matter of time
Before I am with you.
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