Aside from my own sadness Present like a vibrating string playing a sad melody from my Soul's voilin Trying to resurface past tears I've desperately tried to hold within There are fresh tears Sorrow and pain that I'm lovingly breathing in My heart is crying My heart is scrying desperately closing in to take away what's hurting you looking for new sounds attaching new strings composing and further developing my play on my voilin Exploiting this bond that you and I both share within Even though we have never met Even though we will in time You probably don't realize that deep down inside I'm crying these tears that aren't mine This bond These times where Life lives up to your name I'll try to take at least a part of your pain Even through this distance I feel so close to you This bond we share can never sever Because we have already shared this moment of intimacy we cry together
I like 10 word poems because it forces you to summarize your thoughts to the point where you're really only saying what you mean. Maybe I should try using that same theory in my own life, haha. **
I was empty and you filled me, and I thought it was good like flowers growing in the cracks, but I was wrong; you were a tree that took root in the middle of my sidewalk and broke the cement apart and left me crumbling