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every sip of coffee i take
tastes like you
and it begins to go sour in my mouth as the sadness creeps in

every sip of coffee i take
tastes like you
and i long for days that it will stay sweet til the end

The magic ends in a moment
Enchantment in an instant
Of tireless rage and passion
When at once the romance
Doesn't need another chance
In sudden moment attraction
Means nothing but a pull
Without the forceful fire full
Of moments heated in charm
Suddenly the love shared is sin
The furious desire from within
Is the piercing yelp of harm
That nothing will ever change
When everything's but the same
There is no magic and no fire
There are just silent hearts tired
And the agony of dying desires
 Apr 2014 Jamie Ann Shields
 Apr 2014 Jamie Ann Shields
I am like a tree
Swaying with the wind

But over time,
branches crack and fall
One by one

Eventually, I am left with nothing but the sound
of my body breaking
Crashing to the ground
the only thing i can offer,
is my shoulder and the truth.

i agree the unknown can be hurtful,
so come out from under your veil,
the shadows that you call home,
join me in the light, come.

life is not sensible, so why should we be?
if we didnt give into emotions, where would humans be?
what is worse, the unknown or the untrue?
i know men are men, but there are some who are pure and true.
a conversation repeating in my head, in memory of hs
I am here,
laying in the grass,
eyes on the clouds and
mind in them.
I watch passing planes and their
twin streams of water
vapor arrow across the azure expanse
and I wish
I had
someone to share it with;
I wish
I had
shared it with you.

I am here,
laying in the grass,
daydreaming about boarding
a twin stream producing plane
and flying
the **** away from
Oh, I see—you liked it when I used that big word, huh?
You want me to use some more?
Mm, let me just grab my pocket Thesaurus.
Yeah, that's right baby, I take it everywhere with me—
I find it quite useful in these… situations.

Right now, I could give you seven variations
of the word “****.”
                 Mmhm, you liked that one, didn't you?
You'd like more, I can tell,
but I need you to want it.

Let's go somewhere quiet
and thumb through
my college style manuals for a few hours.
We could talk about sentence variety,
the Oxford comma, some syntax,
and mm, if you're feeling real good,
maybe even discuss the proper usage of a semi-colon.

Just know, I've been saving semi-colons
for, you know, that special someone.

If things get a little steamy, we can go down to the basement
and I'll show you my Scrabble board.
I'll set you up for a triple-word score,
and you can put together some of those high-scoring,
two-letter words that really get me going.
Oh yeah, I think I'd be into your strategy.

When the game is over, I'll lean you back,
come in real close, and whisper some Neruda,
some Cummings,
some Dickinson
softly into your ear.
Afterward, I’ll trace lines of Hughes and Whitman
down your naked spine with my fingers.

I'm sure you know it's only polite
to return the favor.

It's just an idea.
I know it sounds good.
Trust me, I'll be gentle—
But baby, believe me—
I could punctuate you in all the right places.
© Bitsy Sanders, March 2014
 Apr 2014 Jamie Ann Shields
The way his shoulders move in walk
The way he tilts his head in thought
The laughter in his eyes

Enough to make an old man cry

He does them in the same young ways
Just as he did in yesterdays
When he was still a child

Enough to make his old man smile

r ~ 15Mar14
For Noah.  "Old man take a look at my life..."  Neil Young
I watch you cower
on your bed
with your hands
clutching the mattress
And I could see
the droplets
start pouring out

it's raining so badly
in your heart
isn't it?

The people are crying
of joy
and they celebrate
but you
you're dying
in your own room
screaming in the silence
of your thoughts

they broke you
didn't they?

I am watching
and my dear soul
is crumbling away
with yours.
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