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 Nov 2013 Mia Eugenia
Emily Tyler
I'm sorry
That I text you
At four a.m.
Because of
Anxiety attacks.

I'm sorry that
I can't make serious phone calls
Or order at Subway
Around the corner,
Even though I know
I like thinly sliced turkey
And chipotle dressing.

I'm sorry that
I forget things like
Birthdays and middle names
And I'm sorry
That I don't know how to

I'm sorry
That you think
When I don't take a compliment
I'm fishing for you
To keep going,
Because in my rotting skull
That option
Isn't even possible.

I'm sorry.
So sorry.
That if you're
Nice to me
I will never
Believe you
Actually like me.
 Sep 2013 Mia Eugenia
Emily Tyler
He touches
My hair
All the time,
Plays with the
Edges and
And sometimes reminds me that
"I can braid,
You know."
Sometimes he does.

Sometimes he mimics me
In History class
From across the room,
And he laughs at all my jokes,
Even when they aren't funny,

And occasionally,
When I'm sitting in my little niche
Between his desk
And Ellie's,
Right on the cold tile,
He'll attach his forehead to mine
And just look at me.
Sometimes he'll whisper,
And point to it,
And I just giggle
And break the stare.

I don't even think he feels it,
The wishing to always be near him,
To have his fingers in my hair
All the time,
And for his laugh to be
My soundtrack.

I don't think
That when he stares into my eyes
He wants to kiss me
As bad
As I want
To kiss
I have been saying this from the beginning
now you agree
after yelling at me
saying I'm a heartless brat
well I got four words for you

I told you so.
 Aug 2013 Mia Eugenia
She      gazes into the mirror;
             Imaginary cracks disrupt
             the smooth glass, distort her face.

Is          this what other people see? Asymmetry. Flaws.
             There's beauty swallowed up and hidden away
              in her bottomless eyes, which are

not       about to give anything away. Glass
             breaks,shatters the stranger looking back.
             Her life in pieces on the can't be

“Let’s escape.”
You whispered in the midst
Of the night when we
Should have been asleep.
I had no clue what you meant,
And thought you were crazy,
Until you brought the kitchen chairs
Into the bedroom and made a blanket fort,
Using our comforter and sheets.
You grabbed my hand,
Laced our fingers and we crawled inside.
We laid our pillows next to one another,
And I laid in your arms
With my head upon your chest.
You kissed my forehead,
Squeezed me a tad bit tighter,
Told me you loved me,
And we settled in for the night’s rest.
blanket forts are the best
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