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  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
Marisa Hope
Throw rocks at my window,
Hold the boom box up high.
Send me on scavenger hunts,
Make me search far and wide.
Let me be your favorite song,
A tune you can never get out of your head.
Recall your fondest memories,
Those of when we first met.
Take me out to ball games,
Introduce me to all your friends.
I want to be your now and forever,
I want the cheesy moments to last a lifetime.
Take me in now and never look back,
We can have a life we create out of whack.
  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
I guess I write in third person
so I can pretend that my feelings
aren't mine
Melody Millett Apr 2014
when people ask me if we like eachother
I reply back and say
"no we're just friends"
but I tend to think different because the other night:
when you were drunk,
you told me how you thought my laugh was perfect
and that whenever I do
it makes you smile
and how my smile lights up any room I walk into
when you were drunk,
you told me how you loved my eyes
and how they change from brown to green
you got mad at your friend who tried talking to me
and kept saying to him
"No she's mine"
People say that the truth comes out when you're drunk
I just wish you could say these things sober.
Whenever I bring up another boy,
you pretend like you don't care
but I can tell by the way your tone changes
and how you look at me like I've said the worst possible thing I could.
I don't think you realize
that if you said you wanted to be with me
I would drop anyone for you
but then I remember
"we're just friends"
Forget his name
Forget his face
Forget his kiss
His warm embrace
Forget the love that you once knew
Remember that he has someone new
Forget him when they played your song
Remember him when you cry all night long
Forget how close you once were
Remember its someone else he perfers
Forget how you memerized his walk
Forget how you love to hear him talk
Forget the things he use to say
Remember that he has gone away
Forget his laugh
Forget his smile
Forget that he stayed awhile
Forget the way he held you tight
Remember that hes not alone tonight
Forget the time he loved you still
Forget he said he always will
Forget he said he'll leave you never
Remember the fact, hes gone forever
When you were old enough to walk, you were either given a Barbie doll or a Tea Set. Because you were a little girl, and apparently, since you are a girl who has just been given life herself, you should be in charge of a life. From the time we were able to run, you were given tutus and ballet shoes. Because a girl should be graceful and quiet, poised and elegant. "Look at this pretty doll, Suzie!" and "Why are you always getting into such messes!" are things that should never coexist in a little girl's life.

What happened to being who you want to be? I want to mosh to Green Day, not learn how to play Clair de Lune on a piano. What happened to those days when you could run around and not care who saw you?

Because now your life revolves around: "Does this shirt match these jeans?" and "I wonder if he'll look at me if I wear more make-up?" I long for a life where I was never raised to believe that being a little girl meant looking beautiful for someone else. I want to live a life where I can look stunning in a band tee and skinnys, and not give a **** what anyone thinks.

Because what happened? You grew up and met the world. And the world ate you and spit you back out.
* I really don't like this one, but think what you will*
Melody Millett Apr 2014
should I take pills or cut?
should I leave a note or just leave?
I can't do this anymore
I have a bottle of pills in one hand
a razor in the other
I'm shaking, crying
screaming so loud but no one can hear
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