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M e l l o Sep 2019
I came across
such an indescribable feeling
which I thought
was beautifully breathtaking
and desirably mind blowing
when I feel deeper
it became
I was asked if how do I define the word love. Maybe this will work. Have a great weekend.
Sept. 28
M e l l o Sep 2019
if i were to build a house
i'll have your arms as the walls
your eyes as the windows
and your smile as the front door
i'll have your heart as the fireplace
and your soul as my light
in this house
i'll put my faith
i would finally
find a home
A friend asked me to write about architecture and love. Guess this work. Sept. 26
M e l l o Sep 2019
I wonder of all the goodbyes you've ever said, if mine was the one you can't get out of your head.
The question that I never asked the last time we met. Sept. 24
M e l l o Sep 2019
there are nights
like this
when i kept on
staring the cracks
at the ceiling
and wonder how
on earth
we keep
all the bullets
fired at us
just because
we love the
the trigger
I dont know why. I guess I'm not that bulletproofed. Potd. Sept. 23
M e l l o Sep 2019
I miss
I miss running. Sept. 21
M e l l o Sep 2019
i write
the words
that i long
to be
Sept. 18
M e l l o Sep 2019
i started writing
as way
of decluttering
thoughts in my head,
wounds that
needs tending
and a soul
that needs mending
then someone asked me
what will happen after you heal?
maybe when the time comes
i'll gladly burn all
pile of papers
the ground
Sept. 15
*I'll insert a good quote about writing later, need to sleep.*
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