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 Nov 2014 Megger
Harley Hucof
(S)ometimes i say i love you
(I) dont really know if i do
(T)o be honest i want more from you

(O)ther things on my mind
(N)ow i think is the right time

(M)any positions spiral in my brain
(Y)ou should be scared

(F)or i intend to get freaky in your bed
(A)rroused by the thoughts in my head
(C)ome let's play and you'll feel
(E)ndless ******* ahead...

Words Of Harfouchism
 Jul 2014 Megger
When I think of moving on from you
I always forget that you're embedded in my skin,
something I can't take off and you're apart of me now.
They say "be comfortable in you own skin,"
but how can I sleep in my own skin when
you're poking at my body at 4 am, keeping me up,
all the way from your house,
where your skin is soft and warm
pressed up against
i wrote this a really long time ago and the thought of you made me want to take a shower and wash you away

— The End —