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 12h Megan H
Hopelessness and desperation.
No place for me. I can't be found.
Just only doom and destination.
I'm like a ****** bride with no sound.

May be I spoiled, I don't conceal.
I sinned, repented and forgave.
And didn't live with mute appeal.
I'm not a saint, but not a knave.

I am like others: grudges, dances,
Triumph and errors, fear of all.
I am like others: love with candles
And then dark loneliness in whole

But only time made fun of me.
And didn't give a second chance.
All things I've done through daft stupidity,
I can't undo. Just in no stance.
 Nov 2024 Megan H
Jimmy silker
Birds don't fly they are flown
And fish don't swim
They get swam
There's a predestination
In all that we do
You'll see that when
Your race gets ran

It's a game written
So long ago
Way before
The big bangs afterglow
Unknowable programmers
Laughed up they sleeves
as they piled on
Unlimited code

But in the end you will be set free
As the electricity drains out o thee
And binds itself
To the omniverse
So efficiently
 Nov 2024 Megan H
Let Me Go
 Nov 2024 Megan H
Let me go, like letting the ribbon slip through your fingers, your eyes watching the balloon dance in the breeze before disappearing into the clouds.
 Nov 2024 Megan H
We will never reach tomorrow.
Yesterday no longer exists.
Remaining always in today,
live in the present or lose it.
 Nov 2024 Megan H
 Nov 2024 Megan H
They loved us until we fell,
Tumbled on a flaming wing.
They thought us smart, great,
Until we reached the fired sun.
We rose too high, too great.
Wax melted on our wings,
Formed by our friends and family.
We were great, once.
 Nov 2024 Megan H
Vishal Pant
The old wooden shop
On the corner of the street
The smell of jasmine made me stop
Bees humming around the nectar, sweet.

I went to the shop again
The smell wouldn't leave me
Saw nothing but bare ground, plain.

They had to tear it down, love
Said the old stranger
I saw the smells all dissolve
Was I its last customer?

It's been a tale of time
Change is always looming
A last flower I left on the corner,
Jasmine for the bees.
Change is always painful, everybody grieves differently.
 Nov 2024 Megan H
 Nov 2024 Megan H
I am but a specter—
An apparition, immaterial and gauzy,
Gossamer and ghostly,
Hardly even there.

When I leave,
They do not notice.

When I stay,
They do not notice.

I am as the pleasant music,
Playing in the background.
Enjoyed when present, seldom missed
When all that fills the silence is
Their voices, chattering like birds
Above the sea, without me.

I am as the cheerful actress,
Seen but never known.
I say my lines without a flaw
Unbelievably real, so the audience
Believes that they know my soul,
The marrow of my bones and the essence
Of what my heart pumps through my veins,
But the things they know are as curated
As these words upon the page.
a self-aware fake. watching unraveling, still not entertained.
 Nov 2024 Megan H
guy scutellaro
have you ever seen

moonlight on the lake?

the moon whispering

to the water lilies,

the lilies white as the lace of a bride's gown.

have you ever sat on a log

contemplating the mystery
of a cold and distant romance?

2 hearts
forever longing to,
but not able to embrace

separated by endless night...

...wild birds are singing,

and dawn's sweet chorus
chases away the sad, lonely moon.

have you ever heard the moon
loves the flowing water,

loves the mortal music
of earth-borne water lilies?
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