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 Oct 2017 Megan Grace
mr. sun
 Oct 2017 Megan Grace
you won’t catch me
thanking you for much, but thank you
for waiting to leave me until
there was sunlight.
an old one for david that slipped my mind to post.
 Oct 2017 Megan Grace
jack-frost blue on snow white
circles of grey around midnight black
against the velvet night sky
the silent constellations
i fell
and fell
and fell

i bathed in your irises
but my feet couldn't reach the bottom
and when i tried to surface
the air was frigid
slicing my consciousness into ribbons
i took a breath
the chill seeped in
first it was my toes
then my legs
my stomach
my fingers
my arms
my chest

then you blinked
the ice fractured
and i
i shattered from the inside
i don't know. i had one of my moods again. haven't had one in a long time. it was not a good feeling.
 Oct 2017 Megan Grace
all i've wanted is to sleep

to tip over and land
soak in distilled whiskey
like arthropods preserved
in amber, except me
lost in an extended
trance, dissolving
into resins, ointments

i don't want to feel trapped
i fear me leaving more
than anything else,
me leaving to beat
the traffic, catch the
train, board the bus
to Abilene
a roundtrip
god I'm
tired of tryin'
(c) Brooke Otto

tryin' so hard to stay.
to go, to do, to be
to say.
 Oct 2017 Megan Grace
rodeo clown
when i think of holiness, i imagine
my mother layin in bed at night
sayin a prayer like,
"jesus, why did this happen to me"
a prayer like,
"jesus, i know i wasn't a perfect mom but at least i was off the liquor"
a prayer like,
"jesus, if i love my daughters unconditionally, will you make this all go away?"

i've got a face a mother could only love
if that's what she thinks god wants her to do
 Oct 2017 Megan Grace
She had violets blooming in her eyes.

They hold the night
a daybreak's first breath.
 Sep 2017 Megan Grace
rodeo clown
i made you
turn the doorknob for me
me with hands full of squishy pumpkin guts
wash them clean to get them messy
sculpting a friendship out of a fractured romance
you, with your broken shovel still planted in my backyard
sliding your hands over me, no friction
like a pool stick in between our chalky fingers
the thunder of knocking down bowling pins
sounds like atom bombs in an empty arcade room

how dare you
mourning a lost friend is, in essence, just going over the same memories in your head over and over until they don't mean anything anymore
i'm desensitizing
 Sep 2017 Megan Grace
what do you call that--in the morning?
between dried citrus fruits, orange and
lemon pinwheels strung on fishing wire
persimmon and crystalized cinnabar
soft bread rolls wrapped in muslin
with filtered sun refracting
through the crown glass
around her head like parhelion--
and she touches the spices
sumac, saffron, fennel, mustard seeds
and she touches the dishcloths
and she touches
and she touches
and she touches.
(c) Brooke Otto 2017
 Sep 2017 Megan Grace
over the last few months
you couldn't put a number
to how many times i've thought
about you Matt,

how many angry drives I've sped
through the twisted wind channels
of brush hollow and stood at the
outcrop looking towards the dam--

the ungodly mornings spent staring
at my right arm stretched across the pillow
not even thinking about you but also him

this translucent idea of a man that
might exist, thin as a wafer and
constantly fading

how often i pulled up your name
and stared at the trees in my yard
or the sunsets or the moon that
was gratingly beautiful and was
just ******

but the amount of time it
takes my soul to ease into it is
shortening now, and all the
things I missed back then
the traits and bits that
flew silently beneath
the radar are all coming to

and I am realizing how blind
it all was, how constructed
the lies were, how I was
never the perfect girl for you
i just tried so desperately to be--

and the strangest people are
speaking into my life at
the most unexpected moments
I don't think i've got you  nailed down--
could it be that it's because you don't
quite know yourself either?

How funny,
how true
maybe all that this was
and all that you were--
a catalyst on the way
to figuring it out
but I shouldn't give too
much thought to the potter
or the ***

you were a blessing either way.
(c) Brooke Otto 2017

nothing special, just something i've been thinking about.
if I could be water I'd fall over stones
I'd move like a shadow without any bones
I'd feed into rivers that come from the sky
and cradle the stars as they learn how to shine
I'd sing to the moon so the ocean could hear
and move its whole body without any fear
the tides would be perfect and gracefully made
the sun would be honored in every day
if I could be water I'd know how to be
a slave to the motions set finally free
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