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 Jun 2015 Mechan
Roses  are red
So they always, have been
A love like ours
Is living in sin

Kisses under
The pale street light
A broken promise
To stay together
Till the end of time

I told her, I loved her
With a tear filled eye.
I told her I needed her,
All she could say was, goodbye.

Roses are red
Our love is dead

Walk away, in the pouring rain
My heart now of blue
Filled with all pain

Once the earth kissed the sky, then separated day from night, only to cause a rain storm from our heavens eyes.

Thunder and lightning
made our hearts collide
Bringing the once calm sea
To a roaring tide

Pulling our once love
Under the waves
Where it has died.
 Jun 2015 Mechan
 Jun 2015 Mechan
Your twilight moons
white irises, that flicker
within the nights confines
clasp at the velvet darkness
pulling the stars into orbit
obtaining galaxies of their own
feeding a universal luster
eclipsing at the sight of dawn
 Jun 2015 Mechan
For you ❤
 Jun 2015 Mechan
Oh darling my heart's on fire  ❤

                      *For you
Passenger and Edward <3
 Jun 2015 Mechan
rose tattoo
 Jun 2015 Mechan
rose tattoo
One day I'd like to meet your mouth.

— The End —