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847 · Mar 2017
Here We Go... ....
Mbali Dlamini Mar 2017
So here we go again...
Worrier I am, fighter and a believer
Sucker for all things sweet, forever a believer.

Here we go again, where love is found and lost.
Here we go again, to giving my heart, only to end up broken.
Here we go again, to a heart so naive and hopeful,
Love it seeks , love it thinks it has found.

Here we go again to wondering how long will it take before I look back and ask myself, was my head right?
With the heart still clouded , a vicious cycle it is.
Here we go again, to wishing its forever, knowing very well it could end any time.

Here we go again to me wishing this time it will be different... here we go, as I set myself up.
Here we go again and again, for it will never end, because that's what makes life what it is today.

Here we go again, as I fall and stumble and come out with a lesson learnt and stronger.

Here we go again, allowing myself to love again regardless. I won't stop!
589 · Feb 2016
Dark Cloud
Mbali Dlamini Feb 2016
Is the inevitable, really inevitable?
Can life be so decisive and again indecisive?
Happiness so compelling, yet soaked in misery?
Big smiles for show, only hiding deceitful and broken hearts.

In a world of Good versus Evil.
Where everything seems so precise, but then… not everything in black and white
So I do ask. Good versus Evil? Or in the mist of all things it’s just all the same.
Both full of purpose reaping fruits of all desires, which all has the same ending.
With the mind full of absolute certainty, mixed with profound confusion.
Where our paths are unknown and yet concluded.

In a life where it’s the ones you love the most that hurt you, everything so contradicting.
Nothings secure, no one’s ever safe and you never let your guard down.
Surviving… is fighting till your death

Mbali Dlamini
inner battle and survival in a world that can be so amazing and yet also harsh as ever...
575 · Nov 2016
Mbali Dlamini Nov 2016
World how dare you persecute me.
World how dare you judge me.
World how dare you trumpet me.
How dare you push me to the ground;
Having me fall so hard, I dare to doubt I'd ever stand.

How dare you fill my head with your lies,
Lies of corruption, hate and uncleanliness.
For have you not been told? I am;
Gods untouchable.

For it is my God who makes all the injustice not last long.
For it is my God who cures, cleans and constructs.
Persueing, protecting and perplexly loving me.
World , the hold you have will never last.
For my God is a God of everything, anything , entirely out of love for his children.
So world, don't you dare ever think you have an upper hand.
For I do believe in a God that lives
Believing in something bigger, when all fails and you just have to keep your head up high...
565 · Feb 2016
Mbali Dlamini Feb 2016
As perfectly imperfect we are together,
          Fooled my heart wants to be;
                Hoping you God sent
When making an excuse to hold on to someone whom you know will hurt you.
544 · Feb 2016
Mbali Dlamini Feb 2016
Haunted by the memories of my past
You seem to devourer every dream
Your face so visible in each nightmare
Stricken by fear…. stricken by you

Your hands have left scares so deep
Damaged I am, and yet I still stand tall.

Drunkenness was your world, pain you inflicted the most
Life was never at peace, for destruction was you love.
Truths you never told, killing everyone that surrounds you.
Your tongue was deadly, and your hands where quick
A victim of it all I’ve been, questionable was your love.

Forgiveness I have given…
Freely so, and without apologies
With the scares so deep, difficult it is to forget.
Difficult it is not to feel,
For the pain is still alive.

Robbed a normal childhood,
Hell it was, with many failing to protect me.
In a dark place I grew up, terrified by your drunken moments
Haunted by the memories of you,
Not hating you at all,
I continue to live.
Sometimes as a writer, paper is the only place where you are able to let go of the past, forgive and heal.
//This dates a few years ago when I finaly decided to face my childhood demonds, deal with the  hurt and free myself of the pain//
463 · Mar 2018
Mbali Dlamini Mar 2018
Have I been told... girrrllll hide ur man!?
Have I been told ... girllll..!umunti uthathwa Komunye....
Have I been told... not too late... not to soon...
Have I been told, how and not to love,?!...

I’ve been told , everything, to do, and not do..
I’ve been told, how to keep my heart chained...
I’ve been told, how to love and not to love...
I’ve even been told the ideals of love...
I’vd been told, the perspective of another human being...

I listened,experienced and followed...
Got hurt and learnt...
Till the day, my heart met you...
No one told me how to love you...
Effortlessly it became...
Two hearts mieant to be together...
many nirrated what love is...
But all I know...
#love#life#sesrchinging#betrayal#homenesty#trust#purelove#me#you#us... the
399 · Mar 2018
I Hate That I Miss You!....
Mbali Dlamini Mar 2018
I hate that I miss you
Why my heart did I have to give?
How I miss my beautiful care free days
Heart un affected by your stupidness.
Sick of every thing u say to me
Your sweet nothings, like a scratched CD.
Feeling angry and frustrated, cause I chose to love.

Thinking that I love you, is a bitter taste to my mouth and a lump in my throat.
Silently asking my self, what the **** did I just get into.

Loving you is hard, for its taking my everything to not walk away.
For the heart is fooled and letting go, it doesn't want to do.
I HATE THAT I LOVE YOU. Cause that's why I'm missing you.
391 · Aug 2016
Mbali Dlamini Aug 2016
In my own skin, Black and beautiful
For an African child I am, proud of my roots.
My skin, burnt and scorched,
Scares visible, for untold stories they represent.

Living In a society where girls fail to embrace who they are, because of the color of there skin.
Chocolate dark brown, black women I proudly am,
A warrior , queen and healer...
How different would the world be if black women knew there strength.
If I where reborn, I'd  desire to be black.
Indoni ya'Manzi... Proudly Black and Beautiful.
#Black Girls, know your worth and beauty...
370 · Feb 2016
Have You Ever
Mbali Dlamini Feb 2016
Have you ever been challenged by what you considered your love.
Felt low and in doubt because of what your heart knew you where destined for.
Where the journey gets real, real rough.
Where your dreams are at arms reach, almost there, but now harder to reach then ever.
When you cry yourself to sleep, cause now that you close, chasing ur dream has started to hurt.

Every day an inner battle,
battling with self doubt and reasons to keep fighting.
Feeling  you have no more fight left, cause the battle has gone on for too long.
With your only and last hope, being a God you know you have failed to please.
Your faith tested, cause you know you underserving.
Hanging by a thread, only believing he did not bring you this far to forsake you now.
Cause you know when you're doing right, and are almost there.
That's when things get unbearably hard.

Mbali Dlamini
The final push, Pursueing my dream... Prayer calmed my spirit and gave birth to this piece.
348 · Mar 2018
Mbali Dlamini Mar 2018
Created by the hands of God,
Imperfectly perfect.
Molded by alls life circumstances and rough around the edges because of cuts she endured

She can never be fully defined, for she's forever unfolding.
Tough, hard , difficult and misunderstood by many.
Tired , fed up and yet still with a lot of fight In her.

Her heart cocooned and protected,
Having been hurt, full of scares and cracked it is.
Forever challenged , from Childhood till adulthood. So the outside is hard as rock.

A daughter , sister, and mother.
Strong for the sake of many.
Harden by a cruel world, difficult it is to unwrap the true nature of her heart.

As I stood back and analyzed.
Heart so pure , it's fragile.
Broken , but yet continues to love.
She cries when one ones looking,
Gives love which it taken for granted.
Has tried to turn cold, but it's not her in nature,
The warmth in her heart, rooted to the soul

She, who has a heart of gold, full of love and strong enough to endure and let go when its had enough.
Fighter, WOMEN...
333 · Mar 2017
Mbali Dlamini Mar 2017
For in this world, my heart has bleed.
Full of scares and still healing.
Questioning my insanity,
Choosing to live and still love.
Love, even when it hurts me most.
For its that hurt, that awakens me.
326 · Mar 2016
Heart so Open
Mbali Dlamini Mar 2016
Yearning to love, heart so open
Soul alight , genuinely open
For my fears of the unknown have been overcome,
broken heart mended with my bare hands, past let go, wrongs forgiven
With life's so vast, I only yearn for my hearts keeper,
God sent and destined to be together,
settle I choose not to do...

Yearning to love, heart so open
I only pray, not to be deceived ,
For my mended heart, has room left for what is true, my hearts keeper, for another heartbreak I can not take...

Yearning to love, heart so open
Mended with my bare hands.
It shall remain guarded,
waiting for my God sent.
311 · May 2016
Mbali Dlamini May 2016
Take a deep breath
Inhale , exhale. Smile a little, and breath
Don't be overwhelmed because it could all fade in the morning...

Sweety it might be nothing or it could be every thing you every wanted.
Still to early to wonder, but hell, whose my time keeper.

He brings me back to my 1st love, reminded im a child of God.
How can he not be mine, if his shines like the angle I'v being praying for.

Praying for and silently yearning for.
Nothing I had in mind or imagined, not my ideal. But maybe what I need.
Something clean, something pure, something blessed...  Could this be an answered prayer!?
My God sent... to calm my chaotic world.
Poetry is the only thing that makes my heart smile!
295 · Feb 2016
Last Night
Mbali Dlamini Feb 2016
I Dreamt about you last night and I woke up smiling
My heart had been poured, truth spilt out, having truely let go.
To me you where nothing no more, what u deserve you had finally received,
I cared no more.

I dreamt about you last night and I woke up smiling.
My heart awaken to the simple truth...
You where nothing but a bad choice and a lesson.
That lead to a broken heart, that had finally mended.
Pieced up I finally am, for a distant memory , you will always be.
A lesson learnt.

I woke up smiling... About last nights dream.
280 · May 2016
Mbali Dlamini May 2016
He whispered "I Love You"
And deaf I played.
Protecting a heart so delicate.
234 · Mar 2018
Mbali Dlamini Mar 2018
Fight for the hard times.
Believe, and live to conquer.

Take that deep breath.
Know you can do best.

Grasp it all, with hands full of hope.
Dream... Desire to be better.

As I grow, and ****** myself from drowning.
As I live, just to be hopeful.
As I wish, becouse dreams do come true.
As I hope, for a better life,
With a compelling conviction in my heart,
Of only fighters get it all.

So, fight for the hard times.
Believe and live to conquer.
Dream, desire to be better.

— The End —