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 Sep 2019 Matthew Berkshire
It reminds me of when my heart burned and melted for
days and years
and no one saw
Now, it’s like calling the fire department to put out charcoal
 Sep 2019 Matthew Berkshire
The aftermath of war
This unsettling urge to stop life,
To break things,
To run miles
with the agony and pain of a thousand
newly orphaned
premature children
She held my hands and brought me
to the moon.
As wanderer in the silver sky,  
a silent observer of the lantern of darkness,
she brought with her,
her memory of heavy past.
But the moon just watched and remained silent.
She understood the moon’s message,
“There is light and darkness within us,
just love and cherish life.”
I enjoyed the night’s magic and significance.
As I watched her hues and
smelled her fragrance.
Her smile mirrors the brightness and mystery of the moon.  
Though her eyes reflect her darkness
and imperfections.
With the luminous moon,
she shimmered beyond the clouds.
On a night journey that I won’t forget,
a magical moment with my lunar angel.
~Saw the enchanting beauty of last night’s full moon.
"These things concern me," she says
When the words leave her mouth, she thinks she is helping
All I want is a friend to accept me for who I am
But in the end, all along I have to start over dwelling

I am who I am and I do have coping mechanisms
I share and tell you that certain things make me anxious
I have intense anger issues from an abusive past
Growing up the anger I have received was contagious

You want to discuss the trama, you say it will help
I'd rather not be retraumatized or have you pity me
Talking about the problem doesn't make them go away
I already spend my day's deep breathing and looking for life's beauty

I am tired of everyone trying to fix what is broken
The scar tissue that has regrown is stronger than the original flesh
Stop putting scotch tape on this fragile doll
What makes you different or your ideas fresh

Time and time, person after person, why can't you trust me
Why can you trust that I have learned to pick myself up when I fall
I know these feelings don't go away overnight or even a lifetime
But I don't act on them, even though I face an eternal brawl

I acknowledge my pain is real, I am only human
I collect myself and calm myself down, I take responsibility for my actions
I redirect the energy, I exercise, write poetry, and partake in many hobbies
I've learned to take that fire that burns me to light my passions

But. . .

Every once in a while I still fall down
human, I am human
I will ask for help when I need it
which makes me a strong woman

Am I asking for help?
No, because I know my limits
This is why I needed to take a break
I showed you who I was, no gimmicks

You rolled me up with the trash
The fakers that use excuses and don't actually try
If you thought I was a cry for help, you are nieve
because I've shed my tears and learned to fly
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