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 Jun 2015 Mathew Lees
When your mind is shattered
Your eyes are blinded
There is pain everywhere
you go
Don't give up and
Don't give in

When the wheel of fortune
is stuck at 6
No hope remains
Don't give up
Don't give in
Noon will be coming around

When loneliness is
your only friend
it keeps calling you names
Don't give up
Don't give in

There are times
when life is
ablaze with horrors
Don't give up
and Don't give in

Those that survive
are those that find meaning
those that passively
take to their bed
are bound
Don't give up
Don't give in

When the law's
got your name
and no payment can be
you have to go
along with their plans
that have been laid,
Inside, where you hide
Don't give up and
Don't give in.

Time only stops
Don't give up
Don't give in.
When no-one knows just what I feel
By my side you come to kneel
You talk it through and help me think
You find what's wrong, you find the link

When I am hurt and feel so down
In my ear comes a soothing sound
You whisper with care, you whisper what's right
You help me get through the dreaded night

When I am red with anger and hate
You are there, you wait and wait
And when I need to talk it away
You are there with me to stay

Wherever I am, whatever I need
Whether I'm pained, whether I bleed
You will cross across the land
You are here to understand
 May 2015 Mathew Lees
I'm not in the mood to write a poem
I'd rather look at you, I'd rather read you
Your body is poetry!* I can't challenge that
I'd rather not break my darling gaze
You are the most beautiful poem yourself

— The End —