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 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
so very large,
is the love,
in my heart.
as i look back,
across the years.

to the people,
who have touched
my being
and shared my fears.

all those days,
spent in a haze of  
laughter, life
and  tears.

all those friends,
found and lost in,
so many, different ways.

you all,
had a part in
shaping these,
my betterdays

it is only now as i write
these words.
i think how,
you were, to care at all..

each and every one,
could have passed me by....
found a better friend,
merely said,
hello and goodbye.

but i am so,
utterly blessed.
your heart,
saw my heart.

and we gave,
each other a chance,
to grow and fly.

some, just for a season,
some, forevermore.
all, sown into my being
all part of my very core.

and yet, there is still
time and space for more....
and to these words
i add, my thanks
to you new friends
of the poetscape
you who
i have never seen
but glean
inspiration and joy
your words.
in my heart
and your
and sorrows
i share,
those too.
for what is
a garden,
with out rain.
know this
with each poem
i thank you again.

that will grow
green and lush
So rough the goat will scratch, it cannot sleep.
So often goes the *** to the well that it breaks.
So long you heat iron, it will glow;
so heavily you hammer it, it shatters.
So good is the man as his praise;
so far he will go, and he's forgotten;
so bad he behaves, and he's despised.
So loud you cry Christmas, it comes.

So glib you talk, you end up in contradictions.
So good is your credit as the favors you got.
So much you promise that you will back out.
So doggedly you beg that your wish is granted;
so high climbs the price when you want a thing;
so much you want it that you pay the price;
so familiar it gets to you, you want it no more.
So loud you cry Christmas, it comes.

So, you love a dog.  Then feed it!
So long a song will run that people learn it.
So long you keep the fruit, it will rot.
So hot the struggle for a spot that it is won;
so cool you keep your act that your spirit freezes;
so hurriedly you act that you run into bad luck;
so tight you embrace that your catch slips away.
So loud you cry Christmas, it comes.

So you scoff and laugh, and the fun is gone.
So you crave and spend, and lose your shirt.
So candid you are, no blow can be too low.
So good as a gift should a promise be.
So, if you love God, you obey the Church.
So, when you give much, you borrow much.
So, shifting winds turn to storm.
So loud you cry Christmas, it comes.

Prince, so long as a fool persists, he grows wiser;
so, round the world he goes, but return he will,
so humbled and beaten back into servility.
So loud you cry Christmas, it is here.
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Insufflate her, let her **** the pain
Let her rearrange your mind
Let her fly inside your veins
letters are just a medium
for what I can't explain
the soft at first, but lasting hurt
of cuddling with flames
It doesn't matter
nothing does but her
let her be your world
let her even be the sciences
behind her tilt and swirl
let her change you
let her help you stay the same
stay the same
let her **** you
let her smile and float away
float away.
Gazing warmly at a freshly set pearl necklace
The source for which was wholly reckless
A girl sheds tears of convoluted joy
Wondering if she’s just a manipulated toy
A body, gift-wrapped and sold
For no more than half her weight in gold
The new in search of old
Grasping at a material hold

Passive thoughts draw him away from the hummer
He was gifted in pursuit of slumber
Light breaking in through a window pane
Illuminates developmental strain
The man pounds back a bottle, or, what little remained
A bit trickled down, leaving his shirt stained
Looks over to see a girl ashamed
Of all within her which had so recently changed

He wasn’t handsome, but the girl didn’t mind
Through gifts, he showed himself to be overly kind
The man was a bit heavy set
But that didn’t stop her from getting wet
Innocence, a forgotten trait
Her consciousness told it straight.
But the action bared no weight
It was just a simple twist of fate

Age cripples all who care
Leading youthful eyes to wander and stare
Desperation hunts with the worst of intent
For a youthful soul in search of dissent
It lasts as long as it can
Which isn’t, truthfully, a long span
He leaves a concrete man
While the girl’s just a flash in the pan

 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Ultimately, in the end!

Misinterpretations of religions rend
Rather than mend
The fabric of social togetherness

Rites and rituals are just a way to appease
Not the Gods but the religion’s keepers
if you please

Lost is the essence of all religions true
as professed by
the possessed few

Science's chosen providence
Is to dissect the whole into pieces
In search for futile evidence

Arts bring pleasure
In glorious measure
To the artist and the art-lover

With views disparate
Hearts become desperate
Causing all to separate

Nature is a symbiotic symphony
teaching us
to coexist in harmony

Let literature and poetry
Paintings, pottery and culture
Be the unifier

Intellect is an instrument fine
But a heart’s insight is needed
To reach the soul divine
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Poetic T
The smallest stone
Thrown in to a river
Many times,
Can change the course
Of its mighty flow,
It takes but one
To do something,
That will bring on
A change,
With out the first
Others would not follow..
Though altercations of a secessionist sound stern,
Their minds are stuck and never learn.
Through a disabled rebellion their built,
Words designed to deplete one's self are spilt.
Although it's said consummation executes in the leaning vice of the secessionist,
The desecration becomes the birth of the segregationist.
The segregation of closed mindedness with those of the voice.
The voice has sculpted our worlds obedience choice by choice.
The voice has seen demons at their best and angels at their worst,
There is a reason why this world hasn't burst.
You see, our world is seen through a lens,
This lens doesn't defy our worth and script the uncleansed.
It simply sets a standard for the closed minded to follow,
The voice, doesn't have a standard to follow, this voice makes the lens for those left to follow tomorrow.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved

Don't be a product of society's system. Be unique and become a Voice.
 Jun 2014 Marley Jane
Poetic T
You are like a moth, always
flying closer to love, but you
seem to always get burnt.

Your heart hurt so many times,
Don't fly so close, to that love
That only burns.

Look for the love that doesn't
burn bright, look for the one that is only
so bright, And let it get brighter.

Not hotter as the loves that burnt you
Before, A heart can only get burnt
So many times.
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