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 Jul 2016 Mark Donnelly
with no place left to go
i face the cold hard fight
when you live under a rock
darkness is your only sight

with no stone left un-turned
that leaves me nowhere to hide
left out in the sun to burn
i can't turn this stone inside

with no reason left to live
i grow colder by the night
crawling from this stone to give
my life to the dying light
it might make more sense when it's finished
 Jun 2016 Mark Donnelly
Ram B
All the answers
Lie within
All the answers
start within
Just listen
Always listen
Simply listen
Tears build up,
The walls grow higher,
A fortress sprawls,
The rocks that formed its perimeter,
Choke my heart,
As they build higher,
Under no law from me,
No command,
They keep building,
And still I don't know why,
But I fight.

I bombard the construction,
Siege engines roll through my arteries,
Cracks appear,
But I feel no better,
I keep fighting,
Until those impenetrable walls
And the tears have nowhere to go,
But to surge to the surface,
And I begin to cry,
And I still don't know why.
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