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 Jun 2016 Mark Donnelly

Stand in my way
and I'll just go around
Nary a grumble,
not even a sound

Stuck out in traffic
won't phase me at all
Bumper to bumper,
slowed down to a crawl

Standing in lines
that are endless it seems
I do not care
for I'm lost in my dreams

Sitting on hold for
an hour on the phone
I hardly notice
the minutes have flown

Paperwork piled up,
I've so much to do
Doesn't upset me
so soon I'll be through

Losing connections
where signals are bad
I'll just be patient,
it won't make me mad

Little frustrations
I faced everyday
Have all disappeared,
you have chased them away

Nothing will bother me,
not any more
Since now I've met you,
the one I adore
 Jun 2016 Mark Donnelly
Who am I
When your joy is all I seek
Yet, your sorrow grows
From the words I speak
Your pain expands
When I beg your smile
Your tears
A river's breadth, a mile
My love surrounds you
In warm ocean waves
And drowns your soul
While I mindlessly bathe
Who am I
Who gives you all
Though all seems
Rather boldly small
When my best attempts
To lift you high
Leave you deeper
Tell me,
Who am I
 Jun 2016 Mark Donnelly
Will you sing for me
if I **** a goat for you
will you heal me
for two or three
or will you just
stand there a statue
regardless of how much blood
pools at your divine feet.
The sky is right there
It takes almost no effort
Behold its beauty
I crave to be an owner,
Sedulous and true,
Striving to become a gainer,
Knowing exactly what to do.

The formula is to take a pledge,
To preach authenticity and be determined,
Steadfast with my  thoughts that fledge,
No matter, to what we may be destined.

Ensuring a good state for the wage-earners,
By protecting them with economic shields,
Harnessing all my morals and manners,
Adopting legitimacy and making fair yields.

Civil service, civil trust,
Lawful endeavor is a must.
Sonnet theme- business ethics
the pieces fall into place
the place falls into pieces

— The End —