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Marieta Maglas Sep 2015
(In Prinylas, in a bedroom, Ivan and Erica were talking while lying on their bed.)

(Erica said,)

I love you and I have proven it to you so many times.
Maybe it would be healthy if we would remain simple
Peasants to work in the fields; I miss this life sometimes.
You're my man and I listen to you, '' she drew her wimple.

(Ivan said,)

''Sometimes, you're exhausted, '' '' I'm afraid of getting sick, ''
''All the time, I need to protect you; it's hard for you to live
On your own, '' '' you make a lot of money; you want them quick, ''
''I'm like my aunt, but I also find a nice way to give;

(Ivan continued…)

I like to build a wealth, not just to spend them for my needs, ''
''This is why you sold everything you had in Russia and
Started a business elsewhere; you followed your instinct leads;
You don't think positively when you don't have the needed funds, ''

(Erica replied. Ivan asked her…)

''Do you suggest this is the reason why my Turkish store burned?
I've told you that after I had returned from Russia, someone
Threatened me near the border and took my fur I had earned.
It could be the nun's ex-husband, '' ''It could be anyone, ''

(…suggested Erica. Ivan replied..)

''It could be another fur trader; anyway, there is
A disruption in the business conditions; Naimah has
The same opinion; I started doing business,
'Cause I wanted a big family, but my life became a haze, ''

(Erica was a great observer.)

''Because you started to get into some risky affairs, ''
''Are you talking about the gold? '' ''Yes, '' ''I needed new
Relationships; all remained to this nun for her future years
Was this gold, which had been deposited to the bank, ’’ ‘’It’s true, ’’

(….concluded Erica. Ivan continued…)

‘’ She met me and gave me the map and the document
That empowered me to accompany the messenger
To Russia after traveling across the continent.
I would receive twelve kilos of gold for this adventure.

She had sent an act to one of her friends living in England
Authorizing him to take the gold out from the bank
And to pay a messenger to bring it home, '' '' I understand.
''She wrote about some security conditions, '' ''That ship sank,

(Erica continued…)

But maybe the sailors had been killed before sinking.’’
‘’I have to tell you a secret, '' '' Why do we go to Portugal? ''
''Because I fear of that person who fired my shop after taking
My fur; with the remaining money I opened this life portal-

I bought our trip; I couldn't turn back to talk to the nun.
I should meet the messenger; '' ''Why have you created problems? ''
''Because Frederick didn't keep his word; he preferred to run.
He had promised me to stay two weeks in Athens before I embarked.''

(Erica asked him…)

''Why did he change his mind? '' ''Because of what had happened in
Selanik; He concluded that he had been chased by the pirates.
I needed time to go to give the map, '' Ivan said with a grin.
'' To wait for me to come back, you would stay there in silence.''

(Erica should stay on the ship to wait for Ivan. She said…)

''Maybe that pirate followed us and killed the messenger.
Let's think positively, '' '' He took the gold; we need protection.
Moreover, the nun told me that she hadn't informed her
Ex-husband about the gold because of losing his affection.

This woman wants to donate her gold in exchange for freedom.
The map is vital to her as the commission is to me.''
'' The messenger came with his servant in this garden of Eden.
Why didn't they take the ship? '' ''To watch it sailing on the sea! ''

(…exclaimed Ivan and continued…)

If something had happened to the gold, he would have asked
The authorities to investigate the missing, ’’ ‘’ At least,
He should verify this transport in the port of Constanta.
Imagine how some poisoned thoughts could spoil the hope's feast! ’’

(… exclaimed Erica. Ivan asked…)

'' Where do you know this from? '' '' I've read his journal, '' '' I must go
To tell the governor everything I know and to ask him
To help me, '' ''This nun is very important to you; although
You don't say it, you do it; means not making money on a whim.''

'' I understood the idea of freedom in life,
Especially for a woman; I wanted to fight against
An old, Russian mentality; started with an inner strife
While hoping to find some ways to achieve true happiness.''

(Ivan continued….)

'' Don't forget that I overcame my own human condition.
''I think it is also about the faith that spurred you; read
Some chapters aloud for me before sleeping; your diction
Is nice, '' ''Hope it's not philosophical; don't turn in the bed! ''

(‘’Just a little, ’’ replied Erica and fell asleep.)

(..To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Aug 2015
The pirate quartermaster, Maro, saw two galliots
Coming towards the carrack; the first one had ten cannons.
To start the maneuver on the carrack, he asked his pilots.
They were attacked by a volley of fire; maniac in action,

Maro caught up with this army and replied with another
Volley of fire, but he had to retire the carrack.
Then, the army came alongside it and fought in a smother.
This assault was preceded by some flurries of the bullet attacks.

Using the muskets and some small arms designed for superior
Accuracy, the army could leap from ship to ship;
Once the ships had met, the battle had been waged; ulterior,
They used long polearms and swords which were kept on their hips.

The first galliot approached and used the bowsprit,
A protrusion which was angled upward from the bow,
To charge the flank of the carrack; some pirates wanted to quit.
The bowsprit penetrated the breeze upper the low

Waist of the opened deck, in the middle; it could be used
As a connection between the ships; a part of the army
Fiercely attacked the pirates making them be confused.
The ships collided; raw in front of the enemy,

The hidden soldiers started to shoot; they held the fire
At a close range; this ship was narrow for the artillery,
But into saving some honest lives they had to inquire.
These guns were placed on the centerline by the military.

The pirates turned to the opposite direction, but they were
Attacked by the second galliot equipped in the same way.
The bandits could barely put up a resistance; their deaths were near.
The fight had lasted until it was all done in their play.

The first galliot caught the carrack with the help of
The other one; Maro ordered one of his crew to cut
A small hole in the carrack to make this ship sink thereof
And to hurry the soldiers to save the hostages, but

They would need to know if there was a way to swim to the shore.
They abandoned quickly the carrack; the result of the fight
Was the victory of the army, stopping the devil's roar.
They took three pirates captive; three escaped in the waters' night.

The governor had the loyalty of a gentleman
While keeping his word in front of Frederick and while
Dedicating himself to protecting any merchant
And any passenger; they disembarked on that emerald isle.

(Frederick, Pedro, Naimah, Miguel, Cruz, Ivan, Pedra, Chiara, Francesca and the remained crew went to Prinylas. Cruz was injured but still alive. At least, while having tears in his eyes, Frederick embraced his junior who looked exactly like him. The child smiled and touched his father’s face with his little hand. Geraldine embraced Frederick and kissed him while crying.)

The governor had built frigates and galliots to maintain
Safety on the coast and to guard them against the invasions.
Then, he sent them to capture the pirate ships hoping to gain
Peace, wealth and a good fortune for the future generations.
(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Aug 2015
Ivan thought that the stranger followed him; why should he?
If the stranger had been a Russian one, it would have been
Perfectly obvious for him where the meeting had to be
Placed, but maybe this stranger had accidentally heard them when

They had talked; in this case, the stranger didn't know their secret,
But the surveillance was the only way to find out.
This was why this stranger embarked on their ship; apart,
The real surveillants were chameleons, beyond this doubt.

One of those pirates searching for secrets had a red birthmark
On his face; to follow Fargo, they were walking for some hours.
They started a talk while one of their dogs began to bark
''To identify a tail, look at the footprints, those flowers

Can make the dogs lose the scent trail; '' '' each flower might have
A different scent, telling the dog it has been visited
By some insects; here, their path is divided into two halves.''
''Someone left them, and another one is dead or invalid.''

'' That person returned; look, he moved frequently between crowded
And empty places: this makes him conspicuous, '' '' It's a man.''
''Someone else followed them, '' ''I don’t see well, the sun is clouded, ''
'' I don't trust this lady, Chiara, '' ' I understood her plan.''

''She paid our chief, Quintus, to **** Lucca, '' ''He was lucky
To be hired by two persons to do his job on the same ship.''
''Quintus made his intentions very clear; he is a plucky
Man; '' one of them touched a footprint with his finger tip.

'' Quintus's intention was to loot and to arrive before
Frederick besides Syracuse to wait and hit the carrack.''
''Quintus will **** Marco after trying to find out whether
He's their man or not, '' ''They have fallen under our attack.''

'' Chiara paid Quintus to **** Francesca, '' '' Look at the village! ''
''This must be the messenger's house; it's midnight; let's enter
To find the documents like in the midst of a pillage, ''
'' All are like babies in a deep sleep, '' ''I long for adventure! ''

(They found the documents, but they didn't take them because they needed to hunt the connection person. They exited the house.)

'' Let's tell Quintus that these gold bars came from London to go
To a Russian rich lady living as a nun, '' ''One
Of them used Fargo to be here, but she didn't let him know.''
''Now, he cannot return back to us; his future is done.''

''When one of us leaves our crew, he becomes a stupid man
In the arms of any woman, '' ''Which one do you think is
Involved in the gold's story? '' ''I don't know, but I know the plan.''
''They are four; we'll find soon, '' ''Round in my head, these events whizz.''

(The pirates killed the messenger on the beach, but they did not know where he had lived.
The messenger knew the person who had to give him the gold, and therefore, had no documents on him.
The person bringing the gold traveled while providing maximum security, but secretly he was afraid of the pirates.)

Meanwhile, Quintus did not know where the gold had come from
Nor where the messenger was living, and therefore, he killed
Marco; then, after the returning of his people, he sent them
To tell all the pirates that the onslaught should be stopped.

Erica knew about the village and influenced
Fargo to go in that direction; Ivan had told her
The name of the village and where the messenger's house was placed,
But she didn't know the information that man could confer.

Chiara wanted Lucca to die because he was the sole
Heir of an immense fortune after the death of his parents.
She also wanted Francesca's death, but she lost control
Thinking that she lost the asset in the light of those events.

(..To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Aug 2015
(The captain of the pirates and one of them were in the cabin of that stranger having dogs while talking about him.)

''In Athens, he hired us to help him take the gold, '' said the captain.
''How could he take it as long as the messenger was alive? ''
The captain laughed, '' Maybe he has waited an accident to happen.
He caught the ship; before the sunset, wanted there to arrive.''

''He had nice dogs! '' '' Yes, the dogs would help him find the messenger
To **** him and to take the documents; he understood this
While he was hiding to hear those men talking, '' ''He was an avenger.''
''He didn't know the messenger, but he knew the gold's bliss.''

''He heard that a ship carrying five hundred and twenty bars
Having one kilo of gold each one would have to anchor
Near the Prinylas' shore, '' said the captain while lightning two cigars.
The other one started to smoke, '' I've satisfied my hanker.''

''The messenger should wait that ship to take the gold after
Presenting the documents; then, he should go to help a nun.''
''Those men should meet again to make arrangements thereafter.
One of them is on this ship; he goes silent until all is done.''

The stranger heard only a part of the dialog between
Ivan and the messenger's servant, who had been sent to Athens
To meet him; then, this stranger hired the pirates- around sixteen.
'' Follow me; I must embark on that ship to watch what happens, ''

(...He had told the pirates after killing the servant of the messenger; then, he intended to **** Ivan.)

He didn't know that Ivan should give the map to the messenger
To see the description of the road to the monastery,
The sketch and some details; Ivan didn't sense the danger.
The servant had to go to meet someone else; ''Let's be merry, ''

(...Said Ivan. They should meet again after three hours to go together to the messenger. The stranger did not know this secret.)

The meeting never took place 'cause the connection man had been killed.
Fortunately, he had told Ivan where this village was placed.
Ivan had caused that square sail's damage, but his heart hadn't been stilled.
Freddy needed time in Athens, when with this problem he was faced.

This way, Ivan forced Freddy to stay longer than he intended
To be in Athens; Ivan needed time to bring the map
To the destination; because the servant's life had ended
And the repair had been made quickly, Ivan fell into the trap.

(Ivan didn't have time to understand why the servant had died. He was prompted to divert the ship to the known place of Corfu, in order to land ashore. Then, Ivan would search for the messenger.)

The stranger was the one who paid attention to all those
Movements on that ship in order to grab the gold while thinking
That the pirate ship was behind him; he couldn't suppose
That the pirates had run ashore while using fast horses settling

In Prinylas before the Frederick's arrival; they
Killed the messenger and captured the vessel containing
The gold bars; they also killed all those sailors; on that day,
They attacked the carrack to find out who had lost that meeting.

The pirates wanted to **** that man, whereof the stranger
Had told them, and to remove the traces leading to the gold.
For this reason, they were willing to put them all in danger,
But the fire caused by Ivan their eyes started to behold.

(Ivan wanted to give Erica a chance to take the map and go ashore to search the messenger. The captain of the pirates took all the documents, the treasure and the seal belonging to the stranger and jumped overboard into a boat, apparently and inexplicably abandoning his companions. After an hour, the army began to fight with the pirates' crew.)

(..To be continued.)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Aug 2015
(Erica went into her room to rest. Geraldine and Carla started to read the journal they had found in the box.)

He left England with a ship and sailed east until he reached
Portugal; then, he took a stagecoach and traveled to Venice.
He was in danger of highwaymen who couldn't be impeached.
His coach had a high speed, ‘cause those men could become a menace.

He had made a gold deposit at a goldsmith, who gave him
Some receipts to exchange them with money at the British bank.
Then, he traveled through Europe choosing those pathways which were dim.
There, he missed London and its air being restless and dank.

He achieved knowledge of the Europe major languages.
He was seemingly traveling at his own expense,
Covered, by his own account; in fact, he carried messages,
And any of his messages had an important sense.

He traveled as merchant bringing drugs, rare books, and some
Exotic commodities like pine nuts, pistachios, and coffee
From the Royal Exchange instead of waiting a false peace to come.
In London, his luxury shops looked like covered in toffee.

(In her room, Erica started to read the document written in the Russian language. It was one of the most fragrant, pleasant smell papers she ever had in her hands. The person owning that document was a Russian one living in London.)

This document was also a letter from the Surveyor
Of the Royal Exchange, to an Indian official asking
Him help to buy some new shops in India; the payer
Could reveal the understanding of the retail shopping.

(Geraldine continued to read from his journal written in the Russian language.)

The man described the luxury life of the British elite,
His grand house, which had been built in the rich west of London,
And his horse-drawn carriage used for rides on the main street.
He wanted lead pipes for his house as any rich Londoner.

(Erica continued to read the document.)

That paper had an annexed one about the gold needed
To help a noble lady forced to spend the rest of her life
As a penniless nun; her words about freedom were heeded.
Imprisoned as a nun, she was, in fact, an abandoned wife.

The gold was brought with a ship that should anchor in that place.
Ivan was the liaison with that man and had to take that gold
To pay the lady's freedom; tears appeared upon Erica’s face.
Ivan caused the deviation from the ship's course as he was told.

He didn't know that the carrack had been hunted by some pirates.
Erica realized that the merchant had died, but she
Did not know whether the gold had been stolen or not, those bandits
Were still around having the link letter; she fell down on her knees

To pray for her life; she understood that the ex-husband
Of that lady could torture them to death for having plotted
Against him; she prayed while needing to be many thousand
Miles away and while looking at the hill with olives dotted.

(Erica burned the document.)
(Geraldine became meditative and told Carla,)

''These treatises generate some ideas of magnificence
And splendor; the luxury is realized with the skilled
Workers and the specialized knowledge, '' ‘‘the extravagance
Of these books is declined by the wars, where the life is killed, ''

(Replied Carla. She continued,)

'' These wars bring the decline of retailing, the stagnation
Of building, and the disappearance of a real
Art market, '' ''They use all the methods to fight for their nation
On the waters to protect the land; their strife is a squeal, ''

(Replied Geraldine. Maya entered the room to invite them to dinner. She said that she had seen someone having two dogs and walking around. Suddenly, Geraldine said, ‘’ I think I give birth to my child now. I have a sharp pain. I’m so afraid! ’’)

(..To be continued.)

Poem by Marieta Maglas)
Marieta Maglas Aug 2015
(Geraldine, Carla and Erica found a letter, which they thought it was an important document belonging to someone living miles away. It was clear that a person entrusted the written paper to a messenger after putting a wax seal on it. The seal was placed on this document in such a manner that it was impossible to read it without first breaking the seal, which was very dry and brittle.)

Carla said, '' Let's read and bring to life the stories behind
These manuscripts, '' ''Let's find who was the owner and who handled
These books and papers.'' ''Some memories come back into my mind, ''
''I love to read; it’s so dark in here, let's light a candle, ''

Said Erica; they saw scribbled notes written on the margins
Of the books and the changing ownership of some manuscripts.
''An Arab medicinal work for Jewish use, that’s for certain.''
''Is it? '' '' It's translated into Hebrew; I think it's fabulous, ''
(… Replied Carla.)

Geraldine opened a book saying, '' This is a Persian
Medicinal work translated into Turkish; it must be
More interesting; they treat using a different version.''
''This copy of the book written by José Vicente.

(..Said Carla,)

Has a lot of geographical and astronomical
Information; you can learn to measure the distance;
It contains the main cities, oceans, '' ‘‘It’s phenomenal! ''
''Mapmakers, '' '' it's like a trip to another existence! ''
(..Exclaimed Erica,)

''It shows which stars are visible or not, the solar cycles
And it is illustrated with tables, diagrams, and maps.''
''Is this a Holy Book? I'm not good in perusing these titles.''
''Yes, it's written by Francisco Javier, a nice one, perhaps, ''

(Geraldine replied to Erica, knowing that she was a Russian not knowing too much Latin. Geraldine continued…))

''It's about a convent established in Mexico City
For any daughter of a conquistador who lacked dowry.
''Look, Aonio Paleario! I think it’s such a pity
To contradict the Catholic dogma; this language is flowery, ''

(…Said Carla.)

''It's a copy of a rare book. Does this contradiction mean
The trouble with the Inquisition in these Reformation times?
''He had the most influential protectors I've ever seen.''
But his protectors died; there are notes between the lines, ''

(Carla answered to Erica. Carla continued…)

‘’The Spanish Inquisition is run by the civil
Authorities of Kings after centuries of Muslim
*******; the execution became official
For the Muslim piracy to turn it down to very dim.’’

(Geraldine intervened in the conversation…)

‘’Spain had asked the Papacy to set up the Inquisition,
But the Papacy refused. Then, Spain threatened Rome
With not coming to give aid against the Muslim opposition.
Their armies sacked Rome and made southern Italy be their home.

The Pope set up the inquisition only for Christians.
Over time, the torture was not to be done more than once,
Was not to threaten life; there were Spanish transgressions
By the lawyers who oversaw this system from hence.’’

(Then, Erica told them…..)

''In England, the person convicted of public begging
Has a limb chopped off; a Catholic priest in England
Teaching school is executed.'' ''There're penalties for bringing
A false witness against someone; England's laws also bind Ireland, ''

(….Replied Carla. Erica continued….)

''There is a secret collaboration between London and
Tsar Peter of Russia.'' '' He is known as Peter the Great.''
''There are notes on a book; while travelling to Europe, he shunned
The persons knowing him, '' ''He wanted to change his country's fate.''

(Carla expressed her point of view regarding what Erica said. Erica continued…)

''He studied new developments in shipbuilding; he lived
In Deptford, at the home of John Evelyn, a writer.''
''This letter is from England and I’m a bit surprised
'Cause this letter should be brought to a Russian.'' ''A fighter

Was this messenger.'' ''Maybe this man is the ghost we feel.''
''Did King William help Peter? '' ‘’He increased trade with Russia.''
''Peter loved a peasant and, wanting his love to conceal,
He made her be his domestic serf.'' I've heard she's from Prussia.''

''She's from Lithuania; her name is Catherine; he married
Her secretly, '' ''But he's married, '' '' He divorced his first wife.''
'' He worked as a carpenter; his interests were varied.''
'' Friend with Marquis of Carmarthen, he started a new life.''

(Geraldine tried to open the letter a little without breaking its seal. '' I think it is written 'Catherine' or 'Carmarthen.' '' ''Impossible, '' replied Carla, ''It would be much more important than any other one and it wouldn't be lost here. Give it to me.'')

(Erica said,)

'' King William gave Tsar Peter the ship Royal Transport
As a gift; the ship's designer was Marquis of Carmarthen.
As King Augustus of Poland, King William showed him support.
'' This messenger traveled many miles to take his ship again.''

(Erica told them that she feels like she's about to faint. Carla ran down the stairs to bring vinegar and water and Geraldine hurried to open the window. Meanwhile, Erica took a document from the box and hid it under her dress.)

( be continued.)

Poem by Marieta Maglas)
Marieta Maglas Aug 2015
There are spiritual healers getting in touch with those spirits
To ask them why they are present, ' said Erica. „Usually,
When you call them, they come to tell you some secrets.
Some sad lovers that passed away can't leave this world peacefully.''

„They can be demons, too, ' said Maya. „We must talk with the priest, '
Said Geraldine. „Let’s search in the storage room, ' she continued,
„We’ll find something, and we'll face this truth together, at least.''
''I hear the steps of someone walking away from this window, ''

Said Carla.'' Maybe it's the rain tapping on the sill, ''
Replied Geraldine. Surak opened the window and said,
'It doesn't rain; in the soft wind, I hear only the birds' trill.''
''But I've found some books in a big box for safe keeping instead.''

(Maya and Erica went to buy fresh fish from one of the many fisheries existent in that village.)

Fargo entered the Spianada, the largest square
In the Balkans, which was created by the Venetians.
The sound of the sea waves was like a stir in the air.
The peaks of the Old Fortress looked like swords of the Titans.

He passed the lighthouse tower and entered the underground
Tunnels that linked the Fortress with the main parts of the town.
Then, he entered the New Fortress, and when he looked around,
He saw the gates, the sea shore, and the land that sloped down.

(The port has been an important naval base since the Roman period. Considerably, Corfu was called the Gibraltar of the Adriatic. He bought a galley.)

The Ionian Islands belonged to the Republic
Of Venice; they were slowly conquered, one by one, in time.
Corfu voluntarily became a colony; its public
Gardens made the Islands' governor reside on that sublime

Territory; its economy was based on exporting
Raisins, olive oil and wine, whereas the Venetian lira
Was the currency of the islands; while incorporating
The culture of Venice, these people used a plethora

Of Italian words, because this language was official.
Venice had garrison soldiers, scattered in island forts
With muskets and bayonets made of the iron material.
The impromptu recruits and mercenaries were hired in the ports.

(Fargo started to talk with the infantry captain and with the lowborn ship’s captain.)

'' It's hard to eradicate the piracy from the world.''
''Because of money, the soldiers are recruited as needed.'
''Only with the convoy protection, the sail with the ships is furled.
When it is no longer required, their claims are unheeded.''

''The Muslim pirates attack the Christian ships to enslave.''
''I've heard there are Jewish pirates, too, '' ''Because of Inquisition, ''
''The corsairs are dangerous, '' '' Our ships hardly can face on this wave.''
The Christian navies are weak; don't have enough ammunition.''

''The Muslim opponents are fast; you need a large convoy.
You will be convoyed by us until you enter Italy-
After fighting the pirates.'' ''On our ship, there is an envoy.''
''To let you sail, they wanted some protection money.''

''Europe pays its duty to protect its own action,
But accepts the growth of piracy in Indian waters.''
''The piracy is bad in theory, but usefully practiced-
A cheap way to expand their economic and naval powers.''

''The governments don't want to eradicate the piracy.''
''The anti-pirate campaigns are only documents.''
''These pirates mean business behind the wall of privacy.
In bars and brothels for crews, the money means strong arguments.''

''This eradication needs a revision to the law.''
'' Only in the Spanish colonies, they are executed, ''
''Spain has a court of officers, '' '' This is a Britain law, new.''
''In return for the pardon, these pirates are persuaded.''

(The captain gave Fargo two galliots, each one having 80 oarsmen and 60 soldiers.)

(To be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
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