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Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
Situated in the green Corfu and having thousands
Of olive trees and flower-strewn countryside, Prinylas is
A nice, Adriatic-style village; its square and narrow paths,
Mansions and alleys are far away from the rifle bullets' ****.

Its wealthy inhabitants had built it in a picturesque
Position at an altitude of two hundred and seventy
Meters above the cove of Agios Georgios, but picaresque
Adventures happened there; even so, the people have steadily

Prospered from one thousand and two hundred A.C. when
'Twas a Byzantine seat; in the Agios Nikolaos church,
People had the same name; they were regarded as of the same kin.
Fargo bought a Venetian house after a quick search.

'Twas situated on a panoramic hill; Geraldine
Was in front of the house and looked at the landscape of olive
And citrus groves; she told Carla, '' astonishing view! '' „Divine, ''
Carla replied, ''Did you hear some sounds last night? '' ''It's hard to live

In a new place, '' replied Geraldine, '' It was like someone
Was walking in the house.'' 'Do you think they've found us? '' „I don't know.
Let's search together. If someone was here, he was alone.''
Fargo said, '' I must be in Corfu Town in two hours. Let's go

To buy a horse; we must move quickly; any lost minute
Means losing a life on the ship; I know them very well.''
''Don't force your horse to run too fast, '' he said, „I know its limit.''
They followed the winding road to the ringing church bell

And to a cobbled street; down from the hill, some stone–built houses
Were arranged in a wide arc around the small valley.
Immediately after that, they entered the square; the horses
Were beautiful; the women cut through a new alley,

To go to the church; he started to negotiate a horse
''Look at that mansion, '' said Carla, 'it's enclosed in carved stone walls.''
A short winding hillside track took them to the Lord's House.
Geraldine said, ''I'm Muslim, ' ' Bewildering are the God's calls, ''

Carla continued, 'I'm catholic', „like Frederick, '
Said Geraldine, 'look, it is written-Agios Nikolaos, ''
While entering, she used a face cover for her mouth and cheeks.
„It’s the name of the Saint Nicholas; is this marble? ' To rouse

Some Christian feelings in Geraldine, Carla made an effort.
'It's constructed in the 14th century- a Holy jewel.''
''Do you want to buy this horse or not? '' said the merchant. „What sort
Is this horse? '' '' An Arabian one- look at him, he’s not a fool.'

''I want to be sure that this one fits my personality.
What is his average speed? '' ''It can run eight miles per hour.''
'' I buy him, '' he told Carla, ''let's go to our new reality.'
Fargo left the village; Geraldine said, '' he has power.''

(Fargo took the money, the precious stones, and the documents. He went to Corfu Town. Geraldine and Carla returned their new temporary home.)

They lived in a two-story house having eighty meters
Of stone walls; the former owner used it to store his olive
Oil; it had not been inhabited for ten months; wood heaters
Guarded the entrance leading to the ground floor- a space to live.

In a corner, it was a rest of oil equipment.
The entry had two transition points at the openings to
The hallways. Carla said, „stone and wood- it's all so different, ''
''The stone colors pick up the tones in the wood to make these two

Materials look good, '' said Erica; at the ground floor
They saw two halls, a dining room, a living room having
A seating with red cushions, the stairs, and the terrace's door.
Maya called them from the upper floor having an entrance facing

West; from there, they could see the view of the street; this floor
Consisted of ten bedrooms, two wood stoves, two indoor stoves,
A kitchen, and storage rooms; Geraldine said, ''Before
Eating, let's drink tea, '' ''A neighbor told me that this house

Is a haunted one and this is why the owner sold it, '
Said Erica, 'These ghosts can affect anybody in
Prinylas, ' said Maya, ' you can't convince them the house to quit.
People practice exorcism here.' „Look at that place we have been! ''

(Carla turned the index finger of her right hand towards the window overlooking the sea.)

(To be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
The pirates were dressed partly to look as the ******.
They wore baggy breeches, stockings, hairy hats with initials,
Thigh-length shirts; but also waistcoats and sashes wore these men.
The sash was draped over one shoulder to carry the pistols.

The color of their clothes was chosen to match the color
Of the sea lessening the chances of being seen by
Their enemies; this kind of uniforms looked much duller
Than the sea color; the prisoners started to learn to die.

They understood that they could suffer of starvation.
Each one received a quarter cup of dried bread crumbs and two pints
Of water all day long; while thinking that there is no salvation,
The pirates were drinking *** and dancing their strong knee joints.

When they were gambling for handfuls of gold and precious stones,
They were singing songs about mermaids or beautiful women,
And about some past victories to allay the victims' moans.
Two pirates came with liquor sharing it equally when

Others came with a lot of money and jewelry found
On the ship to divide them equally to all, except
Their captain and his quartermaster, who took a big mound.
They started to renew the oath they had always kept.

Then, they exclaimed 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, '
While hoisting two flags, one red, and the other one having
A skull and two crossbones. ''Don't you need a pinch of dignity? ''
Frederick screamed, ‘’you will end in jail! ’’ ''Sure, '' said one of them laughing.

‘’ The nations control only small zones of the seas, so
There are no laws when we're sailing on the wild waters.’’
One of them said, ‘’Look, man, we are necessary; don't you know
That we're guards to stop you when with weapons you cross the borders? ''

Freddy replied, ‘’you know it’s a stupid lie; ’’ one pirate
Pulled out one of his fingernails with a plier. '' I will
Make you walk the plank, '' he told Frederick, 'It's your cruel fate.''
''Captain, to sell the slaves at good prices, you have the skill! ''

While living in the misery, the prisoners had to face
A grinding nightmare; Freddy wanted to give them some moral
Support but he wasn't allowed to talk with them; in disgrace
They received small amounts of food; Miguel whispered, '' Don't quarrel! ''

Arturo has died because he couldn’t take the stress
While thinking that Francesca must follow Lucca in death.
One pirate grabbed Francesca's hand while needing to possess.
With a hellish smile, he approached her to smell her honeyed breath.

He told her, '' Look, I’m a good guy; I give you time to think.’’
Francesca fainted. He left her telling all the pirates
‘’ No one may touch her.; tomorrow, she will marry me at the dawn's pink.''
They heard a huge sound and they realized they are in dire straits.

(After buying a house in Prinylas, Geraldine, Maya, Carla, Erica, Surak, and Fargo spent their night in silence. In the morning, Fargo and Maya went to bring the priest and everything was necessary for the funerals. Fargo told Geraldine that he had left the piracy in order to live a normal life. He said that he was afraid that much worse than the prisoners' death was to be found in Prinylas. He wanted to do everything he had to do very quickly.)

After Bella's funerals, Fargo told Geraldine,
'I must convince the army to go there to put them down.
I'll buy a galley for Frederick on which my name will shine.
I take a part of the treasure to go to Corfu Town.''

(To be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
After bringing to the ship the women they had found
On the shore, the pirates asked about the rest of the women.
Rosa said, ''they disappeared in the water splashing around
And died from drowning in the sea; now, maybe they're in Heaven.''

Then, they asked about Fargo and Chiara said that he
Had been sent to search for water. They took a boat to go
To the shore, but they found no one, '' somewhere he could flee.''
Three men stayed on the shore and others searched for Fargo.

While dominating the new world, Spain used its ships to cart
Great riches from there; Marco and Rosa chose to come back
This way wanting to hide their gold until selling it at a mart.
From somewhere, those armed robbers have followed them in their track.

They wanted to steal their gold, the ship's cargo, the oil,
And that fuel being bought from the Empire’s wells to sell them
At the Lisbon's black market; to acquire wealth, they did not toil.
There was no law to condemn them, but they could condemn.

They took Marco and used four cords to tie his hands and his legs
Onto four stakes, they had fixed in the deck at a distance.
His body was pendent in the air; being punched by his dreads,
He was thrashed by them with sticks to end his last resistance.

When Marco prayed for God to save him from the suffering,
Another pirate took the cat; and, when Marco received
Two dozens to faint, he felt pulled apart without rupturing
When he was taken down, he could not stand; he was deceived.

Then, he took two dozens once more; his flesh was hanging in strips.
They used also the cat of nine tails to whip him so badly.
He was a Jewish and ''Deuteronomy'' came on his lips.
With salt on wounds, he couldn't believe they could hate so madly.

(Marco died.)

They beat Rosa with the **** of their guns to say if there was
More hidden gold; after Marco's death, one of the pirates
Married Rosa; he kissed her, ''I'll be rich- please no applause, ''
He said laughing; his love was too brutal for her iris.

In bed, she was immobilized by her fear; when they
Exited out from the cabin, he said, '' I've lain with my *****.''
These words petrified her; she knelt while starting to pray.
When she finished, he killed her saying, ''Now, I'm very rich.''

A pirate came back saying, ’’ ''he didn't return to the beach.''
''Maybe he was bitten by a snake, ’’ ‘’Tomorrow morning,
At dawn, take these dogs along on searches; watch them in reach
Of the steps of Fargo until the dogs give you a warning.''

Lucca said, „I’m an Italian diplomat.'' One pirate
Laughed and told him that they were hired by that strange man; served
Another government, '' your death will be a twist of fate.''
''Let me live! '' ''You're asking for something which you do not deserve.''

''I can pay for my life, '' ''No deal- gives us those documents.''
The pirates stuck some candles around the mizzenmast and they
Surrounded it having swords in their hands, ''twist your arguments.''
Lucca had to enter this circle, ''now, we sing and you play.''

Lucca was forced to run while another pirate used
Bella's violin to play a merry Jig and while each
Pirate cut him with his weapon; he screamed and they were amused.
They kept him dancing until he confessed while starting to preach.

After that, one of them took some boiling water to pour it
Into Lucca's ears; the pirates tortured him to reveal
Where the scrap of his wealth and his documents might be concealed.
They hung Lucca by his feet and submerged him as a fish meal.

(Then, he collapsed. In the sea, he was left for dying.)

Then, they murdered Gino, Nico, and Dino by tying
Cannonballs to their feet and by pushing them overboard.
Other victims were locked in wrist and leg irons being
Held on the ship’s deck; they stopped when they saw the moon they adored.

(They needed to rest because the night was coming.)

(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
The pirates opened the door and when they entered the gun room,
Their employer was found dead; feelings of joy surged through
Those pirates as they saw the guns. ''His death, how could he presume? ''
They took the pistols saying, ''Let's go to what we have to do! ''

Their chief had dark blue eyes and a grotesque smile; he touched the walls,
''There is an entrance through this wall leading to the cargo.''
Each one came out and hunkered like a scorpion that sprawls.
They heard the sailors talking about someone called Fargo.

They were working hard to extinguish the fire, so desperate
They were that they could swallow anything; the pirates' chief
Stood in waiting for his comrades; he used a temperate
Language, ''look, they're coming with the boat; it's my fixed belief

That a strong thought is needed before plunging into the fight
With a force which always made matters worse; the pirates coming
With a boat looked like peasants; they asked to embark, in spite
Of the situation, and to give a help while thinking

To go to Syracuse; Miguel stood stock while he thought
Of what this all meant, ''they are not what they seem to be, '
Said Pedro. ''Maybe they are, '' replied Miguel. ''We are caught
Up in something.'' ''We need help anyway, '' ''It's strange for me.''

''What's your name? '' Pedro asked one of them when they embarked.
''Zackery, '' answered that man. ''What an unusual name.''
They walked along the deck and climbed the stairs to meet the captain.
''Where's our chief, '' asked someone while helping extinguish the last flame.

''Here I am, '' said someone having a ring with a boom skull.
His men had guns aimed at the crew and at the passengers.
''Let's start, '' he said while contemplating the flight of a seagull.
''Don't talk each other, because we can **** all the messengers.

The pirates started a dangerous assault with their guns
While hitting and slapping the victims; ''wake up, captain, I come
Bearing glad tidings- now, God takes to High His beloved ones.''
Freddy said, ''I need comfort; maybe you can afford me some.''

Some pirates were gazing at the shrinking victims while
Genuflecting them and stabbing the air; immobilized
Them by holding their heads between their arms and chests in their style.
Others wrapped each victim's hair around his neck, '' mobilized

Is now my army for the war of life, '' said their chief
While ordering some of them to keep the victims under
Surveillance, '' he continued, ''let them share some thoughts of grief.
Where's he? '' ''He's in the gun room, not breathing; fell asunder.''

Nobody was paying much attention to the details,
But Ibrahim was looking at them from a safe corner.
''We're heavy drinkers; let's find some wine until our scam fails.''
''Do you mean they know? '' ''They dealt with their devil, the warner.''

''One of them killed him; we must **** them all, '' said another one.
A silence fell between the captains as they started to stare
Openly into each other's eyes. 'Where are the women? ''
''I don't know, '' said Freddy. ''Let's search the shore, they can be there.''

(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
(Chiara, Francesca, Rosa and Pedra remained on the beach.)

Chiara and Pedra decided to take a look along
The coast to search some food; Francesca and Rosa carried
The boat across the beach to hide it; 'How can you be so strong? ''
Asked Rosa; ''I listened to Chiara when I got married.

We depleted a fortune and Lucca was very rich.''
''So, this strength of yours comes from your tristesse, '' replied Rosa.
''My inner emptiness became affection.'' 'She's a witch.''
'She's a good soul, but inside her, she keeps thorns of mimosa.''

They had to undergo that difficult time and to
Organize their lunch; Rosa stopped to sip some drops of water
From the canteen she carried, '' it's entirely up to you
To leave him now.' ''My father is ill; I'm his only daughter.''

They were tired after the grim events of the previous
Hours; meanwhile, Chiara and Pedra were sifting through the salty
Air of the beach. Chiara said, '' I don't trust Fargo, he's devious.''
''We have no other chance, '' replied Pedra. ''His logic is faulty, ''

Continued Chiara, ''they should remain here with us.''
Pedra stayed for a few minutes being caught by the sparkle
Of the broken waves; she said, ''we have something to discuss.
Don't you think that your ideas are too matriarchal? ''

They enjoyed the salty stink of the seaweeds and the clicking
Of the living shells that they had tossed together for the meal.
While eating, they cut off the mollusks from their sticking
Shells; dozens of gulls were wheeling over the waves. ''Pleasant peal, ''

Said Francesca, '' the chance of meeting another one while
Staying here is very slim.'' '' I really grasp the scale of our
Surroundings, '' said Chiara while giving her seaweeds with a smile.
Rosa said, '' eat some kumquats, figs, and pears; you need power.''

(Rosa brought some fruits to complete the meal.)

(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
(Fargo put the body of Bella in a mantle and took her on his shoulders. He left Chiara, Francesca, Rosa and Pedra ashore and went together with Geraldine, Maya, Carla, Erica and Naimah's son to find a village. The name of Naimah’s son was Surak.)

It looked like a long beach with a rocky shore and a hidden
Cove; they turned right walking along the sandy beach; at the far
End of the beach, they saw a galley, but it was forbidden
To follow the path leading to the shore, ''I'll ask where we are, '' ''

Said Fargo while looking through a telescope, ''What do you see? ''
''There's one man standing on the deck; he's the companion
Of that pirate following us and traveling free.''
''How do you know this? '' ''I worked for him in the devil's canyon.

The flag has a boom skull, '' ''Let's go, '' said Geraldine, ''The pirates
Are coming from this ship, '' said Fargo, ''I must set it on fire.''
While sneaking to that deck, he killed one by one the pilots
And the third sailor; he thought, ’’ Frederick is caught in a snare.’’

Fargo took the little treasure from that ship and those two maps
Showing the place from where the treasure had been taken
And the island where they intended to hide it; perhaps
It was a known place, which was visited and forsaken.

He did not set the ship on fire because he was afraid
That its flames could be seen by the pirates; he did not sink it
'Cause they could dive to the sea's bottom to find the treasure's shade.
To make them think that one of them betrayed was in a fit,

Fargo took one of their boats and returned to the shore.
Then, they continued to go while avoiding the main path.
They stopped walking to look at the seagulls starting to soar.
They entered an old olive grove shining in the daylight bath.

Following their narrow route to the right, they found a fragrant
Grove of tall eucalyptus trees; they saw the shepherds' trail,
Which was cobbled and flanked by stonewalls, '' Our life became vagrant, ''
Said Carla; Erica replied, '' my strength begins to fail.''

'' Look at these flowers of asphodel! They are beautiful, ''
Said Maya; Erica replied, '' these dark cypress trees are
An inviting resting place; '' you must be powerful, ''
Said Fargo, '' because to find a village, we have to go far.''

At the top end of this rocky land, they turned left to enter
A small, agricultural zone that was planted with
Cereals and having some plots of chickpeas in its center.
Some goats were drinking water from a reservoir, ''It's a myth, ''

Said Surak; they drank water together with the goats
And washed their faces; after crossing the road, the saw
The church tower of the village near the plots of oats.
They bought an old stone manor house when the night started to draw.

(Fargo went to find a priest for Bella’s funeral. He came back with a promise for the next day. They started to eat in silence.)

(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
Fortunately, there were five modern toilets having
Lavatory flushing cisterns like those invented by
Sir Harrington in one thousand five hundred ninety-six, being
Built near the kitchen because the air in this room was dry.

This cook-room was constructed in a place where it was deemed safe
To have a cooking fire; it had a good layer of lime
With an air space to insulate the brickwork from the unsafe
Adjacent timber; the brick walls were expensive at that time.

The room had two brick fireplaces and boiling was the method
Of cooking while three coppers with lids were set in the brickwork.
With some funnels passing through the deck head, they were connected
That protected the kitchen and allowed the steam to perk.

Firing on the uproll could mean a shot going into
The rigging; the sailors and the passengers took the pumps
To extinguish this fire, doing all they had to do.
The pumps made of leather were assembled from the dumps.

And coupled every fifty feet with brass fittings; their length
Was about twenty-three meters; this ******* worm engine
Was made by John Lofting in 1690; its strength
Was pumped by a team of men working to relieve the tension.

The fire was small, but it could extend to the cabin cruisers,
Which were nearby; while the men were working hard to escape
The danger, the strange man as one of the fast movers
Deliberately entered the gun room; Cruz saw his shape

Entering and descended the stairs in a hurry
To stop him; he entered the gun room and took a gun.
The stranger turned to Cruz and shut him, but his eyes got blurry,
When the room was suddenly filled with the rays of the sun.

(Cruz shut this man in the face. Both of them fell down. The women were in a boat and Fargo made efforts to bring them to the shore.)

A big wave hit the boat, causing Geraldine to go
Overboard; she fell off the boat into the water.
Fargo jumped in the sea to save her and started to swim below
The water; she screamed for help; the waves rose up to scatter.

She could not remember how she fell; her head and arms
Were barely visible above the waves; Fargo swam
Toward her and brought her aboard, '' you're safe from harms.''
She vomited, ''I want to be far away from where I am.''

Meanwhile, Bella lost her balance, and within a split second,
She fell off the boat and tried in vain to hold onto
Chiara's hands while asking for help, but her fate beckoned
When a giant jellyfish stung her arm on back to fronto.

Chiara saw her treading the water and moving her head,
But lost the sight of her after a few seconds ''She's gone, '
Said Chiara; after saving Geraldine, Fargo said ''she's dead, ''
He turned around the boat, ''Look, that jellyfish is coming on! ''

(Fargo jumped in the sea to rescue Bella. He brought her aboard, but she has been underwater much more than she could resist. His resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful. All along the ragged shore, there were a lot of stones under the water. They got down out of the boat and walked in the water while bringing the boat to shore. Meanwhile, ten pirates, after swimming in the water, climbed on the carrack to **** everyone on the board. Fortunately, they didn't see the boat.)

(To be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
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