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 May 2014 Maria SN
Susan O'Reilly
Closed minds don’t equal
closed mouths unfortunately
don’t forget to breathe
 May 2014 Maria SN
Susan O'Reilly
Let your pen be the

match and strike the page alight

writing words that burn
 Feb 2014 Maria SN
Susan O'Reilly
Remember last spring

lay in the meadow with you

awareness blossomed
 Feb 2014 Maria SN
you, my first happiness
you, my first interest
you, my first smile
you, my first touch
you, my first interlock
you, my first song
you, my first bloom
you, my first embrace
you, my first love
you, my first sun

you, my first fall
you, my first sorry
you, my first ignorance
you, my first tear
you, my first sorrow
you, my first hatred
you, my first wilt
you, my first death

and i, your last moon
 Feb 2014 Maria SN
James Jarrett
I once cared for you

And loved

And gave

As love gives

All that I had

And you gave in return

Your cold smile

And empty words

That promised nothing

But love

And now you have become


But a bitter memory
 Feb 2014 Maria SN
James Jarrett
I breathe poetry
My soul exhales
Words of my heart
With a nod to Alex for"I breathe poetry"
 Feb 2014 Maria SN
Aleska Servian
I gave you the key to my golden coins room
but you buried your loyalty on those dunes
a sarcastic smile with your broken teeth
people were saying that loneliness was made for me
An arrow on my back
point a beautiful golden gun at my forehead
it is divine to believe we're the same
while you rip out my guts with no shame

I'm one of your favorite paper dolls
the clouds won't stop my fall
if you're gonna **** me and throw me to the tides
i rather you eat me alive

We dance all night til our feet start to bleed
he has seven beasts that he forgets to feed
then he searches for shelter on those happy eyes
when we want to be happy we have to build some lies
My hands tied above my head
a dynamite sitting on my lap
i'm another card behind your ears
a mistake you'll never fix

I'm one of your favorite paper dolls
the clouds won't stop my fall
if you're gonna **** me and throw me to the tides
i rather you eat me alive

Everyone in this room can hear our laughs
i thought i was your everlasting healer
and you were looking for a love dealer
 Feb 2014 Maria SN
the moments in which we are happy
are worth all of those in which we are not
Happiness comes in blurbs

 Feb 2014 Maria SN
Martin Illy
 Feb 2014 Maria SN
Martin Illy
You rob me of all my energy,
desolating my little sanctity
You rob me of all my energy,
leaving me with nothing but misery

I foolishly built a home in your soul
because I mistook comfort for security
I painstakingly withstood the chagrin
yet you repay me with your folly

Your mouth is a gun
The words you spew fly like bullets
in no time they crush my bones tidy
They exterminate every bit of life in my body

At the end of it all
I am left with nothing
I feel naked
like a mole rat in spring

But I clothe myself with
assurance and confidence
everyday I mask myself with false mirth
I pretend
I pretend
I pretend
and will continue to
until the very end
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