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Mariana Tamara Mar 2016
How do I find the words
For feelings I cannot explain
My mind cannot seem to reason with its own battles created
The mixed discomforts in my chest,
its different colours, tones and shades.
I want to pull away,
I want to be free,
But freedom sometimes scares me,
What does it mean to be free?
Many times I long to explore the sky,
Fill its every space
Open my eyes to the view below
Breathe in the knowledge of the world
Observe it from every angle, gain every perspective.
And just when I have taken the first step forward into my dreams,
I encounter storms and rage.
This isn't how I pictured freedom.
I quickly reverse to the beginning, behind a wall that is familiar
A place I have found immediate comfort
Because of our history and its refuge,
And I stay put in a small space
Until I feel I need another escape.
  Mar 2016 Mariana Tamara
Ronza Jairy
Leonard sings the lines
coated with cues & compassion
memory switch turns on
how well I do,
I do,
that Lennon poster plastered against his wall
laying back in the ruffled bedding
while staring at it
as his nasal voice spoke over the melody of Chelsea Hotel
he explained that Bowie had won him solid after Five Years
I lay satisfied calculating every word
storing each conversation
even the dust of minor details could never dissolve in importance with time-
was the grand total accounted that night
garments betrayed;
fed to the floor
alarm clock sitting unemployed
and fun
lived outside
the oxygen on the other end of the window
schemed entrance
knowing the secret to happiness
was trapped behind the glass
of that
narrow basement
with tiny cheap carpets
one lonely leather couch
a coffee table ambushed with ladders of books
but if you stepped a few past the vintage vent
you’d stand still mesmerized
we were it-
living bodies beaming the crazy disease
that grips us devilishly
though once “cured” or should I say….abandoned?
leaves humans looking for advice and confidence
on forums
in kitchen cabinets
the middle-aged bus driver-
and the bus driver’s ******,
he doesn’t want to shrink your ****!
we’re all walking scars
compromising with the cracks in the ceiling
scrapping up ashes of dead ends
in attempts of reconstructing remaining evidence to pave the right direction
to Tomorrow
searching for the master reason
hunting for the map of purpose
in grimy bars
beaten up bathroom stalls
beds with broken springs
and books with words the dictionary doesn’t even know
if only we’d swallow the jagged fact
that conclusions don’t always make sense
not everything folds out into a translated answer
alas, what you’re analyzing  is already what is, period
life isn’t about warrantees and guarantees
sure, some risks have you smiling relieved
others naked holding the short straw that once looked so potentially tall
a “mistake” is a character building experience to endure
if absorbed properly could leave one mentally bulletproof
drain the average coward coughing up raw regret
worrying only works into wrinkles and backwards steps
accumulating memories generate wisdom after the second party blindness is
our scabs are ironically what help us relate
we sit cupping our coffee
spilling guts
connecting cuts
with the individual before us
we gotta feel
to understand
and I had to accept an underlining factor called realism
before I could let these letters soak this pad
it is what it is
is a balanced statement
and it’s about ****** time

© Ronza Jairy.
Back when I was heavily inspired by spoken word and competed in youth slams
Mariana Tamara Mar 2016
I find myself on the far side of the moon
Wandering around on circular paths
Your memory follows me like a shadow in the night
A fixed mark of affection and confusion
You once held me tight within your arms
And for a little while I was content
Until I lost my breath
I asked you "Why?"
You told me it's because you love me.
I felt my heart slowly fall to pieces
And watched you collect them over the years
Carelessly placing them in your back pocket
So selfish and callous were your actions
Had you forgotten about words once said?
For the longest time you made me believe things would change
I waited.
Overtime I had nothing left to give
Seasons changed, yet my feelings remained the same
My heart was yours
Everywhere you went you took it with you
Toyed with its pieces like a puzzle
Watched its colour fade
Its segments disperse into the cold night
Until there was nothing left,
You set off in search for more
And left me with a void beneath my chest.
Mariana Tamara Feb 2016
With each note I am taken into space,
I come across endless encounters,
My vision is vast,
There are no limits.
You open my eyes to the stars ahead,
And I float in stillness to the beat of your heart.
Mariana Tamara Oct 2015
Falling down the rabbit hole,
Into the world they call Wonderland.
Falling and falling with subtlety and grace,
No way up, but down down down…
A portal to the unknown.
Where I will land, who I will find,
I do not know.

But gravity takes control,
There is no going back, this I know.
All that I knew,
All that I was,
Has taken its place in the past.
And as I fall further and further,
Darkness taking over,
Pieces of me are left behind.
Memories, no longer kept alive.

In colours, I once saw.
My mind, I once knew so well.
My thoughts, so simple, so clear,
There was certainty, no fear.
All have seemed to disappear.

This body I now carry, I do not recognize.
My hands and my feet, have taken new shape.
Visions of black and grey,
I can no longer escape.
I am forced to welcome its unfamiliarity,
its uncanny presence;
Experience its limitations, explore its essence.
Understand the other that has violated my entity,
Claims power over my destiny.

The fall seems endless,I’ve grown weary,
Numb to my transformation.
If only I could reach its destination,
Feel the ground beneath my feet again,
Control my every move, advance at my own pace;
Enter Wonderland, a new home,
I am forced to embrace.

— The End —