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There is something quiet
in the way
the flowers bloom
against the gray,
among abandoned doorways
and forgotten walls,
as if they belong there—
their softness brushes
against decay,
like a secret
they aren’t trying to keep.

You stand still,
and time slows.
Nothing moves but a subtle drift,
nothing speaks
but the quiet cascade of petals—
growing where they shouldn’t,
thriving where the world
has grown tired.

It’s almost enough
to make you believe
in something—
a small kind of hope
that hides itself
in unexpected places,
waiting to be noticed.
We built
a tower
with hands
that did not know
how to touch.

It rose,
stone by stone.
Each word, a brick.
Each silence,
the mortar.
vanishing into air.

We stood
at the bottom,
blaming the height
for our aches—
but the tower
was never
what broke us.
In her pretty brown eyes
You could see it
Even with that dainty smile
Her happiness
She saw
The disgust
As she looked in the mirror
The hatred
Took over
Her self-love
The pain
Her mindset
She had sleepless nights full of hopes and dreams
Her tear stained cheeks hit the pillow
She was troubled
Her only wish
Becoming an aura that made people think of the color yellow
She remembers when
If anyone asked
She would’ve said
“I’m used to it.”

Now read from bottom to top.
October 29, 2019 (9:47 PM)
 Feb 2017 Mariah Wynn
We watch, report
Write it out
Then contort
Watchers, poets, writers, scribes
Feel too much
Wrenching, inside
Its our job, not to sleep at night
To think too much
About life's plight
One watcher, will be drawn to another
All akin,
Sisters, brothers, lovers
It's what we are
In ancient times
They called us,
"The Scribes"
Old souls,
We everyone bare
It's a hard business
Not at all fair
But it's our job, chosen or not
To see, to feel,
To "watch" every plot
Our thoughts, can drown us
Or perhaps, heal
But with every action
More is revealed
For we are the "watchers"
With purpose, we live
And with our words written, spoken
'Tis life, we all give
My gramma tried to tell me when I was but a sprite. I didn't listen. Now, I see. I see. As do You. And when you can't sleep, know this, youre awake for a reason. You're a watcher. Its hard business. Be well...
it was never meant to
be this way
Jesus didn't come here
to create religion
he came
to create relationships

he never
wanted this divide
he only
wanted to know us

this is why
we must
lay religion down
raise our relationship with Him up.
 Nov 2016 Mariah Wynn
Dana Colgan
Keeping up appearances,
Shutting the dark vibe down.
Keeping up appearances,
Putting on a crown.
Keeping up appearances,
Make a smile out of a frown.

Keeping up appearances,
But quietly you drown.
In moments I sit, saying you're over us

Before understanding that I dread our next time, when at "next time" you're over us.
The first letter of each word spells out the true meaning
I have to ask
I need to know  

I have to ask
Why did so many people run in wolf packs
Turn away
To the misery of people everyday
Turn their backs and just walk away
As though they were dead prey
Day after day
Why did their evil  have to show
Why did they stroll with no human coed
Always traveling the nowhere roads
Knowing and knowed

I have seen
Children hold out their hand
Nothing it would land
All I saw were people turn their head
Pretend that they did not see that someone had bled
That there were people that needed to be fed  

I need to know...WHY?
People see only white or black
Turning there backs on people that were black
Yes, they did
It is fact

I need to know ...WHY?
So many people let their love go
and let it just fade away
Turn their heads and just walk away
Instead of facing the facts
Of why their lives lacks

I have to ask ..WHY??
People take their own lives
As though there was nothing to loose
Drown their lives in *****
Caused by so much abuse
All we did was make up an excuse

Near Death
I have to ask
I have to know
Are you going to keep turning your backs
And hide into the black

There is so much more I have to ask
and I need to know
I reach the day of my death.
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